## ## Get domain in option of relation "web-proxy" ##
## XXXvlab: there is a tiny lapse of time where database is not yet ## installed, and admin password is the default value.
. lib/common
set -ex
if url=$(named-relation-get "web-proxy" url); then ## proxy ! so we probably already set up the url in ## pre_deploy exit 0 fi
container=$(get_running_containers_for_service "$SERVICE_NAME" | head -n 1) container_network_ip=$(get_docker_ip "$container") container_ip=${container_network_ip#*:}
## XXXvlab: hard written duplicate value url="$container_ip:8080"
CONTROL_URL_FILE="$SERVICE_DATASTORE/.control-url" ## Was it already properly propagated to database ? control_url=$(H "${url}") if ! [ -e "$CONTROL_URL_FILE" ] || [ "$control_url" != "$(cat "$CONTROL_URL_FILE")" ]; then ## In ``configurations`` table, columns login_url, logout_url, root_url
if ! sql < <(e " UPDATE configurations SET root_url = 'http://$url' "); then debug "Failed to set root url." exit 1 fi e "$control_password" > "$CONTROL_URL_FILE" fi