
exname=$(basename $0)

compose_core=$(which compose-core) || {
    echo "Requires compose-core executable to be in \$PATH." >&2
    exit 1

fetch-def() {
    local path="$1" fname="$2"
    ( . "$path" 1>&2 || {
          echo "Failed to load '$path'." >&2
          exit 1
      declare -f "$fname"

. /etc/shlib

include common
include parse

. ../lib/common

$(fetch-def "$compose_core" yaml_get_values)
$(fetch-def "$compose_core" yaml_get_interpret)
$(fetch-def "$compose_core" read-0-err)
$(fetch-def "$compose_core" p-err)
$(fetch-def "$compose_core" expand_vars)

" || {
    echo "Couldn't build prefix cmd" >&2
    exit 1

# mock
cfg-get-value() {
    local key="$1"
    shyaml get-value "$key" 2>/dev/null
export -f cfg-get-value

yaml_get_interpret() {
    shyaml get-value
export -f yaml_get_interpret

export CACHEDIR=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
export state_tmpdir=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
trap "rm -rf \"$state_tmpdir\"" EXIT
trap "rm -rf \"$CACHEDIR\"" EXIT

## Tests

try "
cron:get_config ''"
is errlvl 1
is err reg 'Error: .*empty.*'
is out ''

try "
cron:get_config 'xxx'"
is errlvl 1
is err reg 'Error: .*syntax.*'
is out ''

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config '(@daily) {} /bin/true' | tr '\0' ':'
" "str simple example without label"
is out "@daily:::/bin/true:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config 'foo (@daily) {} /bin/true' | tr '\0' ':'
" "str simple example with label"
is out "@daily::foo:/bin/true:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config 'foo (@daily) {-p 10 -D} /bin/true' | tr '\0' ':'
" "str simple example with lock options"
is out "@daily:-p 10 -D:foo:/bin/true:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config 'foo (*/2 * * * *) {-p 10 -D} /bin/true' | tr '\0' ':'
" "str simple example with all fields"
is out "*/2 * * * *:-p 10 -D:foo:/bin/true:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config '- foo (*/2 * * * *) {-p 10 -D} /bin/true' | tr '\0' ':'
" "list 1 elt with str simple example with all fields"
is out "*/2 * * * *:-p 10 -D:foo:/bin/true:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config '
- foo (*/2 * * * *) {-p 10 -D} /bin/true
- bar (*/3 * * * *) {-p 10 -D -k} /bin/false

' | tr '\0' ':'
" "list 2 elts with str simple example with all fields"
is out "*/2 * * * *:-p 10 -D:foo:/bin/true:*/3 * * * *:-p 10 -D -k:bar:/bin/false:"

try "
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config '
foo: (*/2 * * * *) {-p 10 -D} /bin/true
bar: (*/3 * * * *) {-p 10 -D -k} /bin/false

' | tr '\0' ':'
" "struct 2 elts with str simple example with all fields"
is out "*/2 * * * *:-p 10 -D:foo:/bin/true:*/3 * * * *:-p 10 -D -k:bar:/bin/false:"

try "
cron:get_config '!!float 3.7'
" "bad type"
is errlvl 1
is err reg 'Error: .*type.*'
is out ''

try "
export FOO=bar
set pipefail &&
cron:get_config '!var-expand (*/2 * * * *) {-p 10 -D} \"/bin/\${FOO}\"' | tr '\0' ':'
" "var-expand"
is errlvl 0
is err ''
is out '*/2 * * * *:-p 10 -D::"/bin/bar":'