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This package provides charms, which are special system recipes, that are meant to be executable and mangled together to allow managing a wide set of services.

Inspired by juju charms, these are mostly bash scripts organized by service and meant to automate all administration tasks, from installation, to connection with other services, or any other task a service would need.

Several tools are able to read the current state of this repository to effectively deploy full production grade services on different type of platform.

The only real fully functional implementation is 0k-compose. It will use these charms to drive, prepare, and build in docker, complete sets of services.

Another old solution called lxc-deploy was used actively before to deploy services on LXC tool set until 2016 using these charms.

Bare hosts can also replay some recipes to install services directly on them via the 0k-charm project using the charm apply command. Note that actually, as most recipes are bash executable, it is still a viable option to copy-paste parts of source-code of these scripts. These last two options are still used very often to bootstrap installs of docker-hosts for instance.


Charms in these repository are in a wide set of maturity, from simple note taking of shell commands, not even executable, to full charm allowing to deploy services and manage the full life cycle of the service.

The repository in a whole is thus NOT considered as mature at all, and will require some thorough cleaning and decisions to furthermore structure to reach a state where it'll make sense to go full public.


TODO Through compose for full deployment of sets of services

Requires 0k-compose package that contains the compose command line tool.


TODO Through lxc-deploy for full install and deployment of services

Requires lxc-scripts package that holds several tools for LXC management, amongst them is lxc-deploy.


TODO Through docker-build-charm for docker image creation

Requires 0k-docker package that holds several tools for docker management, amongst them is docker-build-charm.

docker-build-charm will use the install recipes in a charm to basically mimic the Dockerfile purpose and create a docker image for a specific service.


TODO Through 0k-charm for bare hosts installs

Requires 0k-charm package to get the charm command line util.



Most tools should check the CHARM_STORE bash environment variable that should be the path to reach the root of this repository. If not defined, most tools will look in /srv/charm-store by default.


charm type

Not all charm are designed to set up a continuously running, listening service.

In a charm's metadata.yml, the root-level key type can have one of these values:

  • daemon (default)

    By default, a charm is of type daemon. It's probably the most expected way to run a service: it brings up a process that is always running. Examples include charms like apache, mysql, postgres.

    These charms bring up processes that typically open ports to provide their functionality, perform background tasks like checking the time and scheduling commands (as the cron charm), and may use files to trigger or report on their activities.

    In the final docker-compose.yml, a daemon type charm will ensure that an entry is created for the service they manage, resulting in a container that stays in memory. As such they require a docker image. They will ensure that these entries are managed with restart: unless-stopped policy.

    The processes managed by these charms will be setup via docker-compose up actions at the end, and they will run in the background.

    Once brought up, the processes from these charms will consume CPU and memory resources indefinitely, until you manually bring them down.

    It makes sense to bring them up or down.

  • command

    This charm type is used to prepare a process that run and exits after execution. These are more what could be expected of a "command", and are typically invoked by an other service for specific events.

    Example includes logrotate, rsync-backup, and letsencrypt, which are charms of type run-once.

    These charms are meant to setup commands that are triggered by services at specific moments or as a result of specific event. It is through their relation hooks with other services that they will ensure to be called when intended to. They are run through the docker-compose run call.

    Like daemon's typed charm, these charm will ensure that an entry is correctly added in the final docker-compose.yml with all the necessary options so it is ready to be triggered. They require also a docker image.

    But unlike daemon's typed charms, these charm will ensure that the entry they managed in the final docker-compose.yml DO NOT have an automatic restart policy.

    They consume CPU and memory resources only when running and release resources once finished.

  • stub

    A stub charm is more of a placeholder that doesn't have anything to run at all ! They don't need any docker image. These entities are used to hold information in compose.yml and can often be used to represent a real service managed externally (out of compose, on another host or through a different management system, such as a local installation, LXC, VirtualBox, etc.).

    For example, smtp-stub charm can be used to build an entity that will stand for an external smtp service. Through relations, these stubs offer interfaces similar to actual services in the setting up stage. For instance, a smtp-stub acts as a smtp-server provider, and can satisfy services that would require a smtp-server provider.

    They generally implement relation hooks and act as providers.

    No entry is created for them in the final docker-compose.yml.

    They do not use any CPU or memory resources