@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from odoo.addons.muk_security.tools.security import NoSecurityUid |
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
class AccessGroupsModel(models.AbstractModel): |
_name = 'muk_security.mixins.access_groups' |
_description = "Group Access Mixin" |
@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
# If set the group fields are restricted by the access group |
_field_groups = None |
# If set to True the model is extended by fields to suspend the checks |
_active_suspend = False |
# If set the suspend fields are restricted by the access group |
_suspend_groups = None |
@ -48,39 +51,39 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
@api.model |
def _add_magic_fields(self): |
super(BaseModelAccessGroups, self)._add_magic_fields() |
super(AccessGroupsModel, self)._add_magic_fields() |
def add(name, field): |
if name not in self._fields: |
self._add_field(name, field) |
model = self._name.split(".")[-1] |
add('suspend_security_read', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Read", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_create', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Create", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_write', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Write", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_unlink', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Unlink", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
if self._active_suspend: |
add('suspend_security_read', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Read", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_create', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Create", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_write', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Write", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('suspend_security_unlink', fields.Boolean( |
_module=self._module, |
string="Suspend Security for Unlink", |
automatic=True, |
default=False, |
groups=self._suspend_groups)) |
add('groups', fields.Many2many( |
_module=self._module, |
comodel_name='muk_security.groups', |
relation='muk_groups_%s_rel' % model, |
relation='%s_groups_rel' % (self._table), |
column1='aid', |
column2='gid', |
string="Groups", |
@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
add('complete_groups', fields.Many2many( |
_module=self._module, |
comodel_name='muk_security.groups', |
relation='muk_groups_complete_%s_rel' % model, |
relation='%s_complete_groups_rel' % (self._table), |
column1='aid', |
column2='gid', |
string="Complete Groups", |
@ -104,17 +107,16 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
@api.model |
def _get_no_access_ids(self): |
model = self._name.split(".")[-1] |
if not self._strict_security: |
sql = ''' |
FROM %s a |
FROM muk_groups_complete_%s_rel r |
FROM %s_complete_groups_rel r |
WHERE r.aid = a.id |
); |
''' % (self._table, model) |
''' % (self._table, self._table) |
self.env.cr.execute(sql) |
fetch = self.env.cr.fetchall() |
return len(fetch) > 0 and list(map(lambda x: x[0], fetch)) or [] |
@ -123,26 +125,28 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
@api.model |
def _get_suspended_access_ids(self, operation): |
model = self._name.split(".")[-1] |
sql = ''' |
FROM %s a |
WHERE a.suspend_security_%s = true |
''' % (self._table, operation) |
self.env.cr.execute(sql) |
fetch = self.env.cr.fetchall() |
return len(fetch) > 0 and list(map(lambda x: x[0], fetch)) or [] |
if self._active_suspend: |
sql = ''' |
FROM %s a |
WHERE a.suspend_security_%s = true |
''' % (self._table, operation) |
self.env.cr.execute(sql) |
fetch = self.env.cr.fetchall() |
return len(fetch) > 0 and list(map(lambda x: x[0], fetch)) or [] |
else: |
return [] |
@api.model |
def _get_access_ids(self): |
model = self._name.split(".")[-1] |
sql = ''' |
SELECT r.aid |
FROM muk_groups_complete_%s_rel r |
JOIN muk_security_groups g ON r.gid = g.id |
JOIN muk_security_groups_users_rel u ON r.gid = u.gid |
FROM %s_complete_groups_rel r |
JOIN muk_security_access_groups g ON r.gid = g.id |
JOIN muk_security_access_groups_users_rel u ON r.gid = u.gid |
WHERE u.uid = %s AND g.perm_read = true |
''' % (model, self.env.user.id) |
''' % (self._table, self.env.user.id) |
self.env.cr.execute(sql) |
fetch = self.env.cr.fetchall() |
access_ids = len(fetch) > 0 and list(map(lambda x: x[0], fetch)) or [] |
@ -171,16 +175,15 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
def check_access_groups(self, operation): |
if self.env.user.id == SUPERUSER_ID or self._eval_access_skip(operation): |
return None |
model = self._name.split(".")[-1] |
filter_ids = self._get_ids_without_security(operation) |
for record in self.filtered(lambda rec: rec.id not in filter_ids): |
sql = ''' |
SELECT perm_%s |
FROM muk_groups_complete_%s_rel r |
JOIN muk_security_groups g ON g.id = r.gid |
JOIN muk_security_groups_users_rel u ON u.gid = g.id |
FROM %s_complete_groups_rel r |
JOIN muk_security_access_groups g ON r.gid = g.id |
JOIN muk_security_access_groups_users_rel u ON r.gid = u.gid |
WHERE r.aid = %s AND u.uid = %s |
''' % (operation, model, record.id, self.env.user.id) |
''' % (operation, self._table, record.id, self.env.user.id) |
self.env.cr.execute(sql) |
fetch = self.env.cr.fetchall() |
if not any(list(map(lambda x: x[0], fetch))): |
@ -191,13 +194,10 @@ class BaseModelAccessGroups(models.AbstractModel): |
res = super(BaseModelAccessGroups, self).check_access(operation, raise_exception) |
try: |
access_groups = self.check_access_groups(operation) == None |
access = res and access_groups |
if not access and raise_exception: |
raise AccessError(_("This operation is forbidden!")) |
return access |
return res and access_groups |
except AccessError: |
if raise_exception: |
raise AccessError(_("This operation is forbidden!")) |
raise |
return False |
#---------------------------------------------------------- |