@ -21,15 +21,18 @@ |
import base64 |
import logging |
import hashlib |
import mimetypes |
import werkzeug.utils |
import werkzeug.wrappers |
from werkzeug import utils |
from werkzeug import wrappers |
from odoo import _ |
from odoo import tools |
from odoo import http |
from odoo.http import request |
from odoo.http import Response |
from odoo.tools import pycompat |
from odoo.exceptions import AccessError |
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) |
@ -43,26 +46,27 @@ class LargeObjectController(http.Controller): |
'/web/lobject/<int:id>/<string:filename>', |
'/web/lobject/<string:model>/<int:id>/<string:field>', |
'/web/lobject/<string:model>/<int:id>/<string:field>/<string:filename>'], type='http', auth="public") |
def content_common(self, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='datas', filename=None, |
filename_field='datas_fname', mimetype=None, download=None, access_token=None): |
def content_common(self, xmlid=None, model='ir.attachment', id=None, field='datas', filename=None, |
filename_field='datas_fname', mimetype=None, download=None, access_token=None): |
print(model, id, field, filename, filename_field) |
obj = None |
if xmlid: |
obj = request.env.ref(xmlid, False) |
elif id and model in env.registry: |
elif id and model in request.env.registry: |
obj = request.env[model].browse(int(id)) |
if not obj or not obj.exists() or field not in obj: |
return (404, [], None) |
return request.not_found() |
try: |
last_update = obj['__last_update'] |
except AccessError: |
return (403, [], None) |
return wrappers.Response(status=403, headers=[]) |
status, headers, content = None, [], None |
content = obj.with_context({'stream': True})[field] or b'' |
if not filename: |
if filename_field in obj: |
filename = obj[filename_field] |
elif module_resource_path: |
filename = os.path.basename(module_resource_path) |
else: |
filename = "%s-%s-%s" % (obj._name, obj.id, field) |
mimetype = 'mimetype' in obj and obj.mimetype or False |
@ -73,7 +77,6 @@ class LargeObjectController(http.Controller): |
retag = '"%s"' % hashlib.md5(pycompat.to_text(content).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() |
status = status or (304 if etag == retag else 200) |
headers.append(('ETag', retag)) |
headers.append(('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%s' % (STATIC_CACHE if unique else 0))) |
if download: |
headers.append(('Content-Disposition', http.content_disposition(filename))) |
return wrappers.Response(content, headers=headers, direct_passthrough=True, status=status) |