@ -13,19 +13,101 @@ class SaleOrder(models.Model):
lambda t : not t . pack_parent_line_id . exists ( ) ,
def action_invoice_create ( self , grouped = False , final = False ) :
res = super ( SaleOrder , self ) . action_invoice_create (
grouped , final )
print ( " ----- TEST ------ " , str ( res ) )
return res
# @api.multi
# def action_invoice_create(self, grouped=False, final=False):
# """
# Create the invoice associated to the SO.
# :param grouped: if True, invoices are grouped by SO id. If False, invoices are grouped by
# (partner_invoice_id, currency)
# :param final: if True, refunds will be generated if necessary
# :returns: list of created invoices
# """
# res = super(SaleOrder, self).action_invoice_create(grouped, final)
# inv_obj = self.env['account.invoice']
# precision = self.env['decimal.precision'].precision_get('Product Unit of Measure')
# invoices = {}
# references = {}
# invoices_origin = {}
# invoices_name = {}
# for order in self:
# group_key = order.id if grouped else (order.partner_invoice_id.id, order.currency_id.id)
# # We only want to create sections that have at least one invoiceable line
# pending_section = None
# for line in order.order_line:
# print("---line---", str(line))
# if line.display_type == 'line_section':
# pending_section = line
# continue
# if group_key not in invoices:
# inv_data = order._prepare_invoice()
# invoice = inv_obj.create(inv_data)
# references[invoice] = order
# invoices[group_key] = invoice
# invoices_origin[group_key] = [invoice.origin]
# invoices_name[group_key] = [invoice.name]
# elif group_key in invoices:
# if order.name not in invoices_origin[group_key]:
# invoices_origin[group_key].append(order.name)
# if order.client_order_ref and order.client_order_ref not in invoices_name[group_key]:
# invoices_name[group_key].append(order.client_order_ref)
# if line.qty_to_invoice > 0 or (line.qty_to_invoice < 0 and final):
# print("---invoice lune create---", str(line))
# if pending_section:
# pending_section.invoice_line_create(invoices[group_key].id, pending_section.qty_to_invoice)
# pending_section = None
# line.invoice_line_create(invoices[group_key].id, line.qty_to_invoice)
# if references.get(invoices.get(group_key)):
# if order not in references[invoices[group_key]]:
# references[invoices[group_key]] |= order
# for group_key in invoices:
# invoices[group_key].write({'name': ', '.join(invoices_name[group_key]),
# 'origin': ', '.join(invoices_origin[group_key])})
# sale_orders = references[invoices[group_key]]
# if len(sale_orders) == 1:
# invoices[group_key].reference = sale_orders.reference
# # if not invoices:
# # raise UserError(_('There is no invoiceable line. If a product has a Delivered quantities invoicing policy, please make sure that a quantity has been delivered.'))
# for invoice in invoices.values():
# print("--- invoice ---", str(invoice))
# invoice.compute_taxes()
# if not invoice.invoice_line_ids:
# raise UserError(_('There is no invoiceable line. If a product has a Delivered quantities invoicing policy, please make sure that a quantity has been delivered.'))
# # If invoice is negative, do a refund invoice instead
# if invoice.amount_total < 0:
# invoice.type = 'out_refund'
# for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids:
# line.quantity = -line.quantity
# # Use additional field helper function (for account extensions)
# for line in invoice.invoice_line_ids:
# line._set_additional_fields(invoice)
# # Necessary to force computation of taxes. In account_invoice, they are triggered
# # by onchanges, which are not triggered when doing a create.
# invoice.compute_taxes()
# # Idem for partner
# so_payment_term_id = invoice.payment_term_id.id
# invoice._onchange_partner_id()
# # To keep the payment terms set on the SO
# invoice.payment_term_id = so_payment_term_id
# invoice.message_post_with_view('mail.message_origin_link',
# values={'self': invoice, 'origin': references[invoice]},
# subtype_id=self.env.ref('mail.mt_note').id)
# return [inv.id for inv in invoices.values()]
class SaleOrderLine ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " sale.order.line "
def invoice_line_create ( self , invoice_id , qty ) :
print ( " ---- TEST ---- " , str ( invoice_id ) )
invoice_lines = super ( SaleOrderLine , self ) . invoice_line_create (
invoice_id , qty )
print ( " ---- invoice_lines ---- " , str ( invoice_lines ) )