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19 lines
738 B

- ZX3hz85Vayc3Nhfs43ADhTeJXkDJ3fnXtfRiDW4pQzYRQ: 8
message: This is an exemple of transaction with 3 coins going to Trina M. and 2 coins to Michel C.
nonce: '3976914969180171529'
- Z24zaLMH6SCfAoC8ndS9XunjrkVpZW5tprhrZdSq3CcXWQ: 3
- Z21GdiEggiGa7TPNaqGY8coBy97LoRNpPVu9fxig75nstq: 2
pow: '3976914969180879919'
- michelc:
- ZHjX1cinn46FbTioY43qo2ZmfgnjZzXKRMiVN3tZRbxkzg61hNdKRoGptqeFa2tT5kzHqrSUTNcHFTfsLYSz5eDRGXmL3wzc1Gt
- 2021-06-14 19.54.28
- "[michelc,0,a]"
- anonymous:
- ZHjX1cin92axvE1YtoPZyakN1HSFZmXpFxqSVqaWz1S3eyVA5rxTohXUcjcR5sPG9apfTEy34dSUyMPPuN2ngQNDMEFrEgZqbMN
- 2021-06-14 19.54.28
- "[anonymous,0,a]"
timestamp: '1623693268225555737'