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  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <template>
  3. <t t-extend="mail.thread.message.attachments">
  4. <t t-jquery="t[t-if='attachment.file_type_icon === 'webimage''] a[t-att-href='attachment.url']" t-operation="replace">
  5. <span class="m-dotted" t-attf-onclick="$('#ImageModal{{ }}').arcticmodal()">
  6. <img t-att-src="widget.attachments_resize_image(, [100,80])"></img>
  7. <div class='oe_name'><t t-raw='' /></div>
  8. </span>
  9. <div class="g-hidden">
  10. <div class="box-modal" t-attf-id="ImageModal{{ }}">
  11. <div class="box-modal_close arcticmodal-close">X</div>
  12. <img t-att-src="widget.attachments_resize_image(, [100,80])"></img>
  13. <div class='oe_name'><t t-raw='' /></div>
  14. <div class='oe_download_original_img'><a t-att-href='attachment.url' target="_blank">Download</a></div>
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