odoo.define('mail_base.base', function (require) { "use strict";
var bus = require('bus.bus').bus; var utils = require('mail.utils'); var config = require('web.config'); var Bus = require('web.Bus'); var core = require('web.core'); var session = require('web.session'); var time = require('web.time'); var web_client = require('web.web_client'); var Class = require('web.Class'); var Mixins = require('web.mixins'); var ServicesMixin = require('web.ServicesMixin');
var _t = core._t; var _lt = core._lt; var LIMIT = 25; var preview_msg_max_size = 350; // optimal for native english speakers
var ODOOBOT_ID = "ODOOBOT"; var chat_manager = require('mail.chat_manager'); // Private model
var messages = []; var channels = []; var channels_preview_def; var channel_defs = {}; var chat_unread_counter = 0; var unread_conversation_counter = 0; var emojis = []; var emoji_substitutions = {}; var emoji_unicodes = {}; var needaction_counter = 0; var starred_counter = 0; var mention_partner_suggestions = []; var canned_responses = []; var commands = []; var discuss_menu_id; var global_unread_counter = 0; var pinned_dm_partners = []; // partner_ids we have a pinned DM with
var client_action_open = false;
// Global unread counter and notifications
bus.on("window_focus", null, function() { global_unread_counter = 0; web_client.set_title_part("_chat"); });
var ChatAction = core.action_registry.get('mail.chat.instant_messaging'); ChatAction.include({ init: function (parent, action, options) { this._super.apply(this, arguments); this.channels_show_send_button = ['channel_inbox']; this.channels_display_subject = []; }, start: function () { var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments);
var search_defaults = {}; var context = this.action ? this.action.context : []; _.each(context, function (value, key) { var match = /^search_default_(.*)$/.exec(key); if (match) { search_defaults[match[1]] = value; } }); this.searchview.defaults = search_defaults;
var self = this; return $.when(result).done(function () { $('.oe_leftbar').toggle(false); self.searchview.do_search(); }); }, destroy: function() { var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments); $('.oe_leftbar .oe_secondary_menu').each(function () { if ($(this).css('display') == 'block'){ if ($(this).children().length > 0) { $('.oe_leftbar').toggle(true); } return false; } }); return result; }, set_channel: function (channel) { var result = this._super.apply(this, arguments); var self = this; return $.when(result).done(function() { self.$buttons .find('.o_mail_chat_button_new_message') .toggle(self.channels_show_send_button.indexOf(channel.id) != -1); }); }, get_thread_rendering_options: function (messages) { var options = this._super.apply(this, arguments); options.display_subject = options.display_subject || this.channels_display_subject.indexOf(this.channel.id) != -1; return options; }, update_message_on_current_channel: function (current_channel_id, message) { var starred = current_channel_id === "channel_starred" && !message.is_starred; var inbox = current_channel_id === "channel_inbox" && !message.is_needaction; return starred || inbox; }, on_update_message: function (message) { var self = this; var current_channel_id = this.channel.id; if (this.update_message_on_current_channel(current_channel_id, message)) { chat_manager.get_messages({channel_id: this.channel.id, domain: this.domain}).then(function (messages) { var options = self.get_thread_rendering_options(messages); self.thread.remove_message_and_render(message.id, messages, options).then(function () { self.update_button_status(messages.length === 0); }); }); } else if (_.contains(message.channel_ids, current_channel_id)) { this.fetch_and_render_thread(); } } });
chat_manager.notify_incoming_message = function (msg, options) { if (bus.is_odoo_focused() && options.is_displayed) { // no need to notify
return; } var title = _t('New message'); if (msg.author_id[1]) { title = _.escape(msg.author_id[1]); } var content = utils.parse_and_transform(msg.body, utils.strip_html).substr(0, preview_msg_max_size);
if (!bus.is_odoo_focused()) { global_unread_counter++; var tab_title = _.str.sprintf(_t("%d Messages"), global_unread_counter); web_client.set_title_part("_chat", tab_title); }
utils.send_notification(web_client, title, content); }
// Message and channel manipulation helpers
// options: channel_id, silent
chat_manager.add_message = function (data, options) { options = options || {}; var msg = _.findWhere(messages, { id: data.id });
if (!msg) { msg = chat_manager.make_message(data); // Keep the array ordered by id when inserting the new message
messages.splice(_.sortedIndex(messages, msg, 'id'), 0, msg); _.each(msg.channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { // update the channel's last message (displayed in the channel
// preview, in mobile)
if (!channel.last_message || msg.id > channel.last_message.id) { channel.last_message = msg; } chat_manager.add_to_cache(msg, []); if (options.domain && options.domain !== []) { chat_manager.add_to_cache(msg, options.domain); } if (channel.hidden) { channel.hidden = false; chat_manager.bus.trigger('new_channel', channel); } if (channel.type !== 'static' && !msg.is_author && !msg.is_system_notification) { if (options.increment_unread) { chat_manager.update_channel_unread_counter(channel, channel.unread_counter+1); } if (channel.is_chat && options.show_notification) { if (!client_action_open && !config.device.isMobile) { // automatically open chat window
chat_manager.bus.trigger('open_chat', channel, { passively: true }); } var query = {is_displayed: false}; chat_manager.bus.trigger('anyone_listening', channel, query); chat_manager.notify_incoming_message(msg, query); } } } }); if (!options.silent) { chat_manager.bus.trigger('new_message', msg); } } else if (options.domain && options.domain !== []) { chat_manager.add_to_cache(msg, options.domain); } return msg; }
chat_manager.get_channel_array = function(msg){ return [ msg.channel_ids, 'channel_inbox', 'channel_starred' ]; }
chat_manager.get_properties = function(msg){ return { is_starred: chat_manager.property_descr("channel_starred", msg, chat_manager), is_needaction: chat_manager.property_descr("channel_inbox", msg, chat_manager) }; }
chat_manager.property_descr = function (channel, msg, self) { return { enumerable: true, get: function () { return _.contains(msg.channel_ids, channel); }, set: function (bool) { if (bool) { chat_manager.add_channel_to_message(msg, channel); } else { msg.channel_ids = _.without(msg.channel_ids, channel); } } }; }
chat_manager.set_channel_flags = function (data, msg) { if (_.contains(data.needaction_partner_ids, session.partner_id)) { msg.is_needaction = true; } if (_.contains(data.starred_partner_ids, session.partner_id)) { msg.is_starred = true; } return msg; }
chat_manager.make_message = function (data) { var msg = { id: data.id, author_id: data.author_id, body: data.body || "", date: moment(time.str_to_datetime(data.date)), message_type: data.message_type, subtype_description: data.subtype_description, is_author: data.author_id && data.author_id[0] === session.partner_id, is_note: data.is_note, is_system_notification: (data.message_type === 'notification' && data.model === 'mail.channel') || data.info === 'transient_message', attachment_ids: data.attachment_ids || [], subject: data.subject, email_from: data.email_from, customer_email_status: data.customer_email_status, customer_email_data: data.customer_email_data, record_name: data.record_name, tracking_value_ids: data.tracking_value_ids, channel_ids: data.channel_ids, model: data.model, res_id: data.res_id, url: session.url("/mail/view?message_id=" + data.id), module_icon:data.module_icon, };
_.each(_.keys(emoji_substitutions), function (key) { var escaped_key = String(key).replace(/([.*+?=^!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); var regexp = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s|<[a-z]*>)(" + escaped_key + ")(?=\\s|$|</[a-z]*>)", "g"); msg.body = msg.body.replace(regexp, ' <span class="o_mail_emoji">'+emoji_substitutions[key]+'</span> '); });
Object.defineProperties(msg, chat_manager.get_properties(msg));
msg = chat_manager.set_channel_flags(data, msg); if (msg.model === 'mail.channel') { var real_channels = _.without(chat_manager.get_channel_array(msg)); var origin = real_channels.length === 1 ? real_channels[0] : undefined; var channel = origin && chat_manager.get_channel(origin); if (channel) { msg.origin_id = origin; msg.origin_name = channel.name; } }
// Compute displayed author name or email
if ((!msg.author_id || !msg.author_id[0]) && msg.email_from) { msg.mailto = msg.email_from; } else { msg.displayed_author = (msg.author_id === ODOOBOT_ID) && "OdooBot" || msg.author_id && msg.author_id[1] || msg.email_from || _t('Anonymous'); }
// Don't redirect on author clicked of self-posted or OdooBot messages
msg.author_redirect = !msg.is_author && msg.author_id !== ODOOBOT_ID;
// Compute the avatar_url
if (msg.author_id === ODOOBOT_ID) { msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/odoo_o.png"; } else if (msg.author_id && msg.author_id[0]) { msg.avatar_src = "/web/image/res.partner/" + msg.author_id[0] + "/image_small"; } else if (msg.message_type === 'email') { msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/email_icon.png"; } else { msg.avatar_src = "/mail/static/src/img/smiley/avatar.jpg"; }
// add anchor tags to urls
msg.body = utils.parse_and_transform(msg.body, utils.add_link);
// Compute url of attachments
_.each(msg.attachment_ids, function(a) { a.url = '/web/content/' + a.id + '?download=true'; });
// format date to the local only once by message
// can not be done in preprocess, since it alter the original value
if (msg.tracking_value_ids && msg.tracking_value_ids.length) { _.each(msg.tracking_value_ids, function(f) { if (f.field_type === 'datetime') { var format = 'LLL'; if (f.old_value) { f.old_value = moment.utc(f.old_value).local().format(format); } if (f.new_value) { f.new_value = moment.utc(f.new_value).local().format(format); } } else if (f.field_type === 'date') { var format = 'LL'; if (f.old_value) { f.old_value = moment(f.old_value).local().format(format); } if (f.new_value) { f.new_value = moment(f.new_value).local().format(format); } } }); }
return msg; }
chat_manager.add_channel_to_message = function (message, channel_id) { message.channel_ids.push(channel_id); message.channel_ids = _.uniq(message.channel_ids); }
chat_manager.add_channel = function (data, options) { options = typeof options === "object" ? options : {}; var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(data.id); if (channel) { if (channel.is_folded !== (data.state === "folded")) { channel.is_folded = (data.state === "folded"); chat_manager.bus.trigger("channel_toggle_fold", channel); } } else { channel = chat_manager.make_channel(data, options); channels.push(channel); if (data.last_message) { channel.last_message = chat_manager.add_message(data.last_message); } // In case of a static channel (Inbox, Starred), the name is translated thanks to _lt
// (lazy translate). In this case, channel.name is an object, not a string.
channels = _.sortBy(channels, function (channel) { return _.isString(channel.name) ? channel.name.toLowerCase() : '' }); if (!options.silent) { chat_manager.bus.trigger("new_channel", channel); } if (channel.is_detached) { chat_manager.bus.trigger("open_chat", channel); } } return channel; }
chat_manager.make_channel = function (data, options) { var channel = { id: data.id, name: data.name, server_type: data.channel_type, type: data.type || data.channel_type, all_history_loaded: false, uuid: data.uuid, is_detached: data.is_minimized, is_folded: data.state === "folded", autoswitch: 'autoswitch' in options ? options.autoswitch : true, hidden: options.hidden, display_needactions: options.display_needactions, mass_mailing: data.mass_mailing, group_based_subscription: data.group_based_subscription, needaction_counter: data.message_needaction_counter || 0, unread_counter: 0, last_seen_message_id: data.seen_message_id, cache: {'[]': { all_history_loaded: false, loaded: false, messages: [], }}, }; if (channel.type === "channel") { channel.type = data.public !== "private" ? "public" : "private"; } if (_.size(data.direct_partner) > 0) { channel.type = "dm"; channel.name = data.direct_partner[0].name; channel.direct_partner_id = data.direct_partner[0].id; channel.status = data.direct_partner[0].im_status; pinned_dm_partners.push(channel.direct_partner_id); bus.update_option('bus_presence_partner_ids', pinned_dm_partners); } else if ('anonymous_name' in data) { channel.name = data.anonymous_name; } if (data.last_message_date) { channel.last_message_date = moment(time.str_to_datetime(data.last_message_date)); } channel.is_chat = !channel.type.match(/^(public|private|static)$/); if (data.message_unread_counter) { chat_manager.update_channel_unread_counter(channel, data.message_unread_counter); } return channel; }
chat_manager.remove_channel = function (channel) { if (!channel) { return; } if (channel.type === 'dm') { var index = pinned_dm_partners.indexOf(channel.direct_partner_id); if (index > -1) { pinned_dm_partners.splice(index, 1); bus.update_option('bus_presence_partner_ids', pinned_dm_partners); } } channels = _.without(channels, channel); delete channel_defs[channel.id]; }
chat_manager.get_channel_cache = function (channel, domain) { var stringified_domain = JSON.stringify(domain || []); if (!channel.cache[stringified_domain]) { channel.cache[stringified_domain] = { all_history_loaded: false, loaded: false, messages: [], }; } return channel.cache[stringified_domain]; }
chat_manager.invalidate_caches = function (channel_ids) { _.each(channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { channel.cache = { '[]': channel.cache['[]']}; } }); }
chat_manager.add_to_cache = function (message, domain) { _.each(message.channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { var channel_cache = chat_manager.get_channel_cache(channel, domain); var index = _.sortedIndex(channel_cache.messages, message, 'id'); if (channel_cache.messages[index] !== message) { channel_cache.messages.splice(index, 0, message); } } }); }
chat_manager.remove_message_from_channel = function (channel_id, message) { message.channel_ids = _.without(message.channel_ids, channel_id); var channel = _.findWhere(channels, { id: channel_id }); _.each(channel.cache, function (cache) { cache.messages = _.without(cache.messages, message); }); }
chat_manager.update_channel_unread_counter = function (channel, counter) { if (channel.unread_counter > 0 && counter === 0) { unread_conversation_counter = Math.max(0, unread_conversation_counter-1); } else if (channel.unread_counter === 0 && counter > 0) { unread_conversation_counter++; } if (channel.is_chat) { chat_unread_counter = Math.max(0, chat_unread_counter - channel.unread_counter + counter); } channel.unread_counter = counter; chat_manager.bus.trigger("update_channel_unread_counter", channel); }
// Notification handlers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
chat_manager.on_notification = function (notifications) { // sometimes, the web client receives unsubscribe notification and an extra
// notification on that channel. This is then followed by an attempt to
// rejoin the channel that we just left. The next few lines remove the
// extra notification to prevent that situation to occur.
var unsubscribed_notif = _.find(notifications, function (notif) { return notif[1].info === "unsubscribe"; }); if (unsubscribed_notif) { notifications = _.reject(notifications, function (notif) { return notif[0][1] === "mail.channel" && notif[0][2] === unsubscribed_notif[1].id; }); } _.each(notifications, function (notification) { var model = notification[0][1]; if (model === 'ir.needaction') { // new message in the inbox
chat_manager.on_needaction_notification(notification[1]); } else if (model === 'mail.channel') { // new message in a channel
chat_manager.on_channel_notification(notification[1]); } else if (model === 'res.partner') { // channel joined/left, message marked as read/(un)starred, chat open/closed
chat_manager.on_partner_notification(notification[1]); } else if (model === 'bus.presence') { // update presence of users
chat_manager.on_presence_notification(notification[1]); } }); }
chat_manager.on_needaction_notification = function (message) { message = chat_manager.add_message(message, { channel_id: 'channel_inbox', show_notification: true, increment_unread: true, }); chat_manager.invalidate_caches(message.channel_ids); if (message.channel_ids.length !== 0) { needaction_counter++; } _.each(message.channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { channel.needaction_counter++; } }); chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_needaction', needaction_counter); }
chat_manager.on_channel_notification = function (message) { var def; var channel_already_in_cache = true; if (message.channel_ids.length === 1) { channel_already_in_cache = !!chat_manager.get_channel(message.channel_ids[0]); def = chat_manager.join_channel(message.channel_ids[0], {autoswitch: false}); } else { def = $.when(); } def.then(function () { // don't increment unread if channel wasn't in cache yet as its unread counter has just been fetched
chat_manager.add_message(message, { show_notification: true, increment_unread: channel_already_in_cache }); chat_manager.invalidate_caches(message.channel_ids); }); }
chat_manager.on_partner_notification = function (data) { if (data.info === "unsubscribe") { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(data.id); if (channel) { var msg; if (_.contains(['public', 'private'], channel.type)) { msg = _.str.sprintf(_t('You unsubscribed from <b>%s</b>.'), channel.name); } else { msg = _.str.sprintf(_t('You unpinned your conversation with <b>%s</b>.'), channel.name); } chat_manager.remove_channel(channel); chat_manager.bus.trigger("unsubscribe_from_channel", data.id); web_client.do_notify(_("Unsubscribed"), msg); } } else if (data.type === 'toggle_star') { chat_manager.on_toggle_star_notification(data); } else if (data.type === 'mark_as_read') { chat_manager.on_mark_as_read_notification(data); } else if (data.type === 'mark_as_unread') { chat_manager.on_mark_as_unread_notification(data); } else if (data.info === 'channel_seen') { chat_manager.on_channel_seen_notification(data); } else if (data.info === 'transient_message') { chat_manager.on_transient_message_notification(data); } else if (data.type === 'activity_updated') { chat_manager.onActivityUpdateNodification(data); } else { chat_manager.on_chat_session_notification(data); } }
chat_manager.on_toggle_star_notification = function (data) { _.each(data.message_ids, function (msg_id) { var message = _.findWhere(messages, { id: msg_id }); if (message) { chat_manager.invalidate_caches(message.channel_ids); message.is_starred = data.starred; if (!message.is_starred) { chat_manager.remove_message_from_channel("channel_starred", message); starred_counter--; } else { chat_manager.add_to_cache(message, []); var channel_starred = chat_manager.get_channel('channel_starred'); channel_starred.cache = _.pick(channel_starred.cache, "[]"); starred_counter++; } chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_message', message); } }); chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_starred', starred_counter); }
chat_manager.on_mark_as_read_notification = function (data) { _.each(data.message_ids, function (msg_id) { var message = _.findWhere(messages, { id: msg_id }); if (message) { chat_manager.invalidate_caches(message.channel_ids); chat_manager.remove_message_from_channel("channel_inbox", message); chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_message', message, data.type); } }); if (data.channel_ids) { _.each(data.channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { channel.needaction_counter = Math.max(channel.needaction_counter - data.message_ids.length, 0); } }); } else { // if no channel_ids specified, this is a 'mark all read' in the inbox
_.each(channels, function (channel) { channel.needaction_counter = 0; }); } needaction_counter = Math.max(needaction_counter - data.message_ids.length, 0); chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_needaction', needaction_counter); }
chat_manager.on_mark_as_unread_notification = function (data) { _.each(data.message_ids, function (message_id) { var message = _.findWhere(messages, { id: message_id }); if (message) { chat_manager.invalidate_caches(message.channel_ids); chat_manager.add_channel_to_message(message, 'channel_inbox'); chat_manager.add_to_cache(message, []); } }); var channel_inbox = chat_manager.get_channel('channel_inbox'); channel_inbox.cache = _.pick(channel_inbox.cache, "[]");
_.each(data.channel_ids, function (channel_id) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { channel.needaction_counter += data.message_ids.length; } }); needaction_counter += data.message_ids.length; chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_needaction', needaction_counter); }
chat_manager.on_channel_seen_notification = function (data) { var channel = chat_manager.get_channel(data.id); if (channel) { channel.last_seen_message_id = data.last_message_id; if (channel.unread_counter) { chat_manager.update_channel_unread_counter(channel, 0); } } }
chat_manager.on_chat_session_notification = function (chat_session) { var channel; if ((chat_session.channel_type === "channel") && (chat_session.state === "open")) { chat_manager.add_channel(chat_session, {autoswitch: false}); if (!chat_session.is_minimized && chat_session.info !== 'creation') { web_client.do_notify(_t("Invitation"), _t("You have been invited to: ") + chat_session.name); } } // partner specific change (open a detached window for example)
if ((chat_session.state === "open") || (chat_session.state === "folded")) { channel = chat_session.is_minimized && chat_manager.get_channel(chat_session.id); if (channel) { channel.is_detached = true; channel.is_folded = (chat_session.state === "folded"); chat_manager.bus.trigger("open_chat", channel); } } else if (chat_session.state === "closed") { channel = chat_manager.get_channel(chat_session.id); if (channel) { channel.is_detached = false; chat_manager.bus.trigger("close_chat", channel, {keep_open_if_unread: true}); } } }
chat_manager.on_presence_notification = function (data) { var dm = chat_manager.get_dm_from_partner_id(data.id); if (dm) { dm.status = data.im_status; chat_manager.bus.trigger('update_dm_presence', dm); } }
chat_manager.on_transient_message_notification = function(data) { var last_message = _.last(messages); data.id = (last_message ? last_message.id : 0) + 0.01; data.author_id = data.author_id || ODOOBOT_ID; chat_manager.add_message(data); }
chat_manager.onActivityUpdateNodification = function (data) { chat_manager.bus.trigger('activity_updated', data); } // Public interface
// chat_manager.init = function (parent) {
// var self = this;
// Mixins.EventDispatcherMixin.init.call(this);
// this.setParent(parent);
// this.bus = new Bus();
// this.bus.on('client_action_open', null, function (open) {
// client_action_open = open;
// });
// bus.on('notification', null, chat_manager.on_notification);
// this.channel_seen = _.throttle(function (channel) {
// return self._rpc({
// model: 'mail.channel',
// method: 'channel_seen',
// args: [[channel.id]],
// }, {
// shadow: true
// });
// }, 3000);
// }
chat_manager.start = function () { var self = this; this.bus.on('client_action_open', null, function (open) { client_action_open = open; }); this.is_ready = session.is_bound.then(function(){ var context = _.extend({isMobile: config.device.isMobile}, session.user_context); return session.rpc('/mail/client_action', {context: context}); }).then(chat_manager._onMailClientAction.bind(this));
this.channel_seen = _.throttle(function (channel) { return self._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_seen', args: [[channel.id]], }, { shadow: true }); }, 3000);
chat_manager.add_channel({ id: "channel_inbox", name: _lt("Inbox"), type: "static", }, { display_needactions: true });
chat_manager.add_channel({ id: "channel_starred", name: _lt("Starred"), type: "static" }); },
chat_manager._onMailClientAction = function (result) { _.each(result.channel_slots, function (channels) { _.each(channels, chat_manager.add_channel); }); needaction_counter = result.needaction_inbox_counter; starred_counter = result.starred_counter; commands = _.map(result.commands, function (command) { return _.extend({ id: command.name }, command); }); mention_partner_suggestions = result.mention_partner_suggestions; discuss_menu_id = result.menu_id;
// Shortcodes: canned responses and emojis
_.each(result.shortcodes, function (s) { if (s.shortcode_type === 'text') { canned_responses.push(_.pick(s, ['id', 'source', 'substitution'])); } else { emojis.push(_.pick(s, ['id', 'source', 'unicode_source', 'substitution', 'description'])); emoji_substitutions[_.escape(s.source)] = s.substitution; if (s.unicode_source) { emoji_substitutions[_.escape(s.unicode_source)] = s.substitution; emoji_unicodes[_.escape(s.source)] = s.unicode_source; } } }); bus.start_polling(); }
chat_manager.get_domain = function (channel) { return (channel.id === "channel_inbox") ? [['needaction', '=', true]] : (channel.id === "channel_starred") ? [['starred', '=', true]] : false;
// options: domain, load_more
chat_manager._fetchFromChannel = function (channel, options) { options = options || {}; var domain = chat_manager.get_domain(channel) || [['channel_ids', 'in', channel.id]]; var cache = chat_manager.get_channel_cache(channel, options.domain);
if (options.domain) { domain = domain.concat(options.domain || []); } if (options.load_more) { var min_message_id = cache.messages[0].id; domain = [['id', '<', min_message_id]].concat(domain); }
return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'message_fetch', args: [domain], kwargs: {limit: LIMIT, context: session.user_context}, }) .then(function (msgs) { if (!cache.all_history_loaded) { cache.all_history_loaded = msgs.length < LIMIT; } cache.loaded = true;
_.each(msgs, function (msg) { chat_manager.add_message(msg, {channel_id: channel.id, silent: true, domain: options.domain}); }); var channel_cache = chat_manager.get_channel_cache(channel, options.domain || []); return channel_cache.messages; }); } // options: force_fetch
chat_manager._fetchDocumentMessages = function (ids, options) { var loaded_msgs = _.filter(messages, function (message) { return _.contains(ids, message.id); }); var loaded_msg_ids = _.pluck(loaded_msgs, 'id');
options = options || {}; if (options.force_fetch || _.difference(ids.slice(0, LIMIT), loaded_msg_ids).length) { var ids_to_load = _.difference(ids, loaded_msg_ids).slice(0, LIMIT);
return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'message_format', args: [ids_to_load], context: session.user_context, }) .then(function (msgs) { var processed_msgs = []; _.each(msgs, function (msg) { processed_msgs.push(chat_manager.add_message(msg, {silent: true})); }); return _.sortBy(loaded_msgs.concat(processed_msgs), function (msg) { return msg.id; }); }); } else { return $.when(loaded_msgs); } },
chat_manager.post_message = function (data, options) { var self = this; options = options || {};
// This message will be received from the mail composer as html content subtype
// but the urls will not be linkified. If the mail composer takes the responsibility
// to linkify the urls we end up with double linkification a bit everywhere.
// Ideally we want to keep the content as text internally and only make html
// enrichment at display time but the current design makes this quite hard to do.
var body = utils.parse_and_transform(_.str.trim(data.content), utils.add_link);
var msg = { partner_ids: data.partner_ids, body: body, attachment_ids: data.attachment_ids, };
// for module mail_private
if (data.is_private) { msg.is_private = data.is_private; msg.channel_ids = data.channel_ids; }
// Replace emojis by their unicode character
_.each(_.keys(emoji_unicodes), function (key) { var escaped_key = String(key).replace(/([.*+?=^!:${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1'); var regexp = new RegExp("(\\s|^)(" + escaped_key + ")(?=\\s|$)", "g"); msg.body = msg.body.replace(regexp, "$1" + emoji_unicodes[key]); });
if ('subject' in data) { msg.subject = data.subject; } if ('channel_id' in options) { // post a message in a channel or execute a command
return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: data.command ? 'execute_command' : 'message_post', args: [options.channel_id], kwargs: _.extend(msg, { message_type: 'comment', content_subtype: 'html', subtype: 'mail.mt_comment', command: data.command, }), }); } if ('model' in options && 'res_id' in options) { // post a message in a chatter
_.extend(msg, { content_subtype: data.content_subtype, context: data.context, message_type: data.message_type, subtype: data.subtype, subtype_id: data.subtype_id, });
if (options.model && options.res_id) { return this._rpc({ model: options.model, method: 'message_post', args: [options.res_id], kwargs: msg, }) .then(function (msg_id) { return self._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'message_format', args: [msg_id], }) .then(function (msgs) { msgs[0].model = options.model; msgs[0].res_id = options.res_id; chat_manager.add_message(msgs[0]); }); }); } else { // This condition was added to avoid an error in the mail_reply module.
// If the options.channel_id or options.model variables are missing
// the mail.compose.message model has to be used.
// It happens when we send a message not attached to any record or channel
// and hence we cannot call message_post method. */
options.model = 'mail.compose.message'; return this._rpc({ model: options.model, method: 'create', args: [msg], }).then(function (id) { return self._rpc({ model: options.model, method: 'send_mail_action', args: [id] }) }); } } }
chat_manager.get_message = function (id) { return _.findWhere(messages, {id: id}); }
chat_manager.get_messages = function (options) { var channel;
if ('channel_id' in options && options.load_more) { // get channel messages, force load_more
channel = this.get_channel(options.channel_id); return this._fetchFromChannel(channel, {domain: options.domain || {}, load_more: true}); } if ('channel_id' in options) { // channel message, check in cache first
channel = this.get_channel(options.channel_id); var channel_cache = chat_manager.get_channel_cache(channel, options.domain); if (channel_cache.loaded) { return $.when(channel_cache.messages); } else { return this._fetchFromChannel(channel, {domain: options.domain}); } } if ('ids' in options) { // get messages from their ids (chatter is the main use case)
return this._fetchDocumentMessages(options.ids, options).then(function(result) { chat_manager.mark_as_read(options.ids); return result; }); } if ('model' in options && 'res_id' in options) { // get messages for a chatter, when it doesn't know the ids (use
// case is when using the full composer)
var domain = [['model', '=', options.model], ['res_id', '=', options.res_id]]; this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'message_fetch', args: [domain], kwargs: {limit: 30}, }) .then(function (msgs) { return _.map(msgs, chat_manager.add_message); }); } }
chat_manager.toggle_star_status = function (message_id) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'toggle_message_starred', args: [[message_id]], }); }
chat_manager.unstar_all = function () { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'unstar_all', args: [[]] }); }
chat_manager.mark_as_read = function (message_ids) { var ids = _.filter(message_ids, function (id) { var message = _.findWhere(messages, {id: id}); // If too many messages, not all are fetched, and some might not be found
return !message || message.is_needaction; }); if (ids.length) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'set_message_done', args: [ids], }); } else { return $.when(); } }
chat_manager.mark_all_as_read = function (channel, domain) { if ((channel.id === "channel_inbox" && needaction_counter) || (channel && channel.needaction_counter)) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'mark_all_as_read', kwargs: {channel_ids: channel.id !== "channel_inbox" ? [channel.id] : [], domain: domain}, }); } return $.when(); }
chat_manager.undo_mark_as_read = function (message_ids, channel) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.message', method: 'mark_as_unread', args: [message_ids, [channel.id]], }); }
chat_manager.mark_channel_as_seen = function (channel) { if (channel.unread_counter > 0 && channel.type !== 'static') { chat_manager.update_channel_unread_counter(channel, 0); this.channel_seen(channel); } }
chat_manager.get_channels = function () { return _.clone(channels); }
chat_manager.get_channel = function (id) { return _.findWhere(channels, {id: id}); }
chat_manager.get_dm_from_partner_id = function (partner_id) { return _.findWhere(channels, {direct_partner_id: partner_id}); }
chat_manager.all_history_loaded = function (channel, domain) { return chat_manager.get_channel_cache(channel, domain).all_history_loaded; }
chat_manager.get_mention_partner_suggestions = function (channel) { if (!channel) { return mention_partner_suggestions; } if (!channel.members_deferred) { channel.members_deferred = this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_fetch_listeners', args: [channel.uuid], }, { shadow: true }) .then(function (members) { var suggestions = []; _.each(mention_partner_suggestions, function (partners) { suggestions.push(_.filter(partners, function (partner) { return !_.findWhere(members, { id: partner.id }); })); });
return [members]; }); } return channel.members_deferred; }
chat_manager.get_commands = function (channel) { return _.filter(commands, function (command) { return !command.channel_types || _.contains(command.channel_types, channel.server_type); }); }
chat_manager.get_canned_responses = function () { return canned_responses; }
chat_manager.get_emojis = function() { return emojis; }
chat_manager.get_needaction_counter = function () { return needaction_counter; }
chat_manager.get_starred_counter = function () { return starred_counter; }
chat_manager.get_chat_unread_counter = function () { return chat_unread_counter; }
chat_manager.get_unread_conversation_counter = function () { return unread_conversation_counter; }
chat_manager.get_last_seen_message = function (channel) { if (channel.last_seen_message_id) { var messages = channel.cache['[]'].messages; var msg = _.findWhere(messages, {id: channel.last_seen_message_id}); if (msg) { var i = _.sortedIndex(messages, msg, 'id') + 1; while (i < messages.length && (messages[i].is_author || messages[i].is_system_notification)) { msg = messages[i]; i++; } return msg; } } }
chat_manager.get_discuss_menu_id = function () { return discuss_menu_id; }
chat_manager.detach_channel = function (channel) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_minimize', args: [channel.uuid, true], }, { shadow: true, }); }
chat_manager.remove_chatter_messages = function (model) { messages = _.reject(messages, function (message) { return message.channel_ids.length === 0 && message.model === model; }); }
chat_manager.create_channel = function (name, type) { var method = type === "dm" ? "channel_get" : "channel_create"; var args = type === "dm" ? [[name]] : [name, type]; var context = _.extend({isMobile: config.device.isMobile}, session.user_context); return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: method, args: args, kwargs: {context: context}, }) .then(chat_manager.add_channel); }
chat_manager.join_channel = function (channel_id, options) { if (channel_id in channel_defs) { // prevents concurrent calls to channel_join_and_get_info
return channel_defs[channel_id]; } var channel = this.get_channel(channel_id); if (channel) { // channel already joined
channel_defs[channel_id] = $.when(channel); } else { channel_defs[channel_id] = this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_join_and_get_info', args: [[channel_id]], }) .then(function (result) { return chat_manager.add_channel(result, options); }); } return channel_defs[channel_id]; }
chat_manager.open_and_detach_dm = function (partner_id) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_get_and_minimize', args: [[partner_id]], }) .then(chat_manager.add_channel); }
chat_manager.open_channel = function (channel) { chat_manager.bus.trigger(client_action_open ? 'open_channel' : 'detach_channel', channel); }
chat_manager.unsubscribe = function (channel) { if (_.contains(['public', 'private'], channel.type)) { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'action_unfollow', args: [[channel.id]], }); } else { return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_pin', args: [channel.uuid, false], }); } }
chat_manager.close_chat_session = function (channel_id) { var channel = this.get_channel(channel_id); this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_fold', kwargs: {uuid : channel.uuid, state : 'closed'}, }, {shadow: true}); }
chat_manager.fold_channel = function (channel_id, folded) { var args = { uuid: this.get_channel(channel_id).uuid, }; if (_.isBoolean(folded)) { args.state = folded ? 'folded' : 'open'; } return this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_fold', kwargs: args, }, {shadow: true}); } /** * Special redirection handling for given model and id * * If the model is res.partner, and there is a user associated with this * partner which isn't the current user, open the DM with this user. * Otherwhise, open the record's form view, if this is not the current user's. */ chat_manager.redirect = function (res_model, res_id, dm_redirection_callback) { var self = this; var redirect_to_document = function (res_model, res_id, view_id) { web_client.do_action({ type:'ir.actions.act_window', view_type: 'form', view_mode: 'form', res_model: res_model, views: [[view_id || false, 'form']], res_id: res_id, }); }; if (res_model === "res.partner") { var domain = [["partner_id", "=", res_id]]; this._rpc({ model: 'res.users', method: 'search', args: [domain], }) .then(function (user_ids) { if (user_ids.length && user_ids[0] !== session.uid && dm_redirection_callback) { self.create_channel(res_id, 'dm').then(dm_redirection_callback); } else { redirect_to_document(res_model, res_id); } }); } else { this._rpc({ model: res_model, method: 'get_formview_id', args: [[res_id], session.user_context], }) .then(function (view_id) { redirect_to_document(res_model, res_id, view_id); }); } }
chat_manager.get_channels_preview = function (channels) { var channels_preview = _.map(channels, function (channel) { var info; if (channel.channel_ids && _.contains(channel.channel_ids,"channel_inbox")) { // map inbox(mail_message) data with existing channel/chat template
info = _.pick(channel, 'id', 'body', 'avatar_src', 'res_id', 'model', 'module_icon', 'subject','date', 'record_name', 'status', 'displayed_author', 'email_from', 'unread_counter'); info.last_message = { body: info.body, date: info.date, displayed_author: info.displayed_author || info.email_from, }; info.name = info.record_name || info.subject || info.displayed_author; info.image_src = info.module_icon || info.avatar_src; info.message_id = info.id; info.id = 'channel_inbox'; return info; } info = _.pick(channel, 'id', 'is_chat', 'name', 'status', 'unread_counter'); info.last_message = channel.last_message || _.last(channel.cache['[]'].messages); if (!info.is_chat) { info.image_src = '/web/image/mail.channel/'+channel.id+'/image_small'; } else if (channel.direct_partner_id) { info.image_src = '/web/image/res.partner/'+channel.direct_partner_id+'/image_small'; } else { info.image_src = '/mail/static/src/img/smiley/avatar.jpg'; } return info; }); var missing_channels = _.where(channels_preview, {last_message: undefined}); if (!channels_preview_def) { if (missing_channels.length) { var missing_channel_ids = _.pluck(missing_channels, 'id'); channels_preview_def = this._rpc({ model: 'mail.channel', method: 'channel_fetch_preview', args: [missing_channel_ids], }, { shadow: true, }); } else { channels_preview_def = $.when(); } } return channels_preview_def.then(function (channels) { _.each(missing_channels, function (channel_preview) { var channel = _.findWhere(channels, {id: channel_preview.id}); if (channel) { channel_preview.last_message = chat_manager.add_message(channel.last_message); } }); // sort channels: 1. unread, 2. chat, 3. date of last msg
channels_preview.sort(function (c1, c2) { return Math.min(1, c2.unread_counter) - Math.min(1, c1.unread_counter) || c2.is_chat - c1.is_chat || !!c2.last_message - !!c1.last_message || (c2.last_message && c2.last_message.date.diff(c1.last_message.date)); });
// generate last message preview (inline message body and compute date to display)
_.each(channels_preview, function (channel) { if (channel.last_message) { channel.last_message_preview = chat_manager.get_message_body_preview(channel.last_message.body); channel.last_message_date = channel.last_message.date.fromNow(); } }); return channels_preview; }); }, chat_manager.get_message_body_preview = function (message_body) { return utils.parse_and_transform(message_body, utils.inline); }
chat_manager.search_partner = function (search_val, limit) { var def = $.Deferred(); var values = []; // search among prefetched partners
var search_regexp = new RegExp(_.str.escapeRegExp(utils.unaccent(search_val)), 'i'); _.each(mention_partner_suggestions, function (partners) { if (values.length < limit) { values = values.concat(_.filter(partners, function (partner) { return session.partner_id !== partner.id && search_regexp.test(partner.name); })).splice(0, limit); } }); if (!values.length) { // extend the research to all users
def = this._rpc({ model: 'res.partner', method: 'im_search', args: [search_val, limit || 20], }, { shadow: true, }); } else { def = $.when(values); } return def.then(function (values) { var autocomplete_data = _.map(values, function (value) { return { id: value.id, value: value.name, label: value.name }; }); return _.sortBy(autocomplete_data, 'label'); }); }
chat_manager.start(); bus.off('notification'); bus.on('notification', null, function () { chat_manager.on_notification.apply(chat_manager, arguments); });
return { ODOOBOT_ID: ODOOBOT_ID, chat_manager: chat_manager, };