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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. {
  3. "name": "Smart buttons for mails count",
  4. "summary": """
  5. This module adds Smart buttons with "Mails from" and "Mails to" count of mails in the partner form.
  6. """,
  7. "description": """
  8. You can see Smart buttons "Mails from" and "Mails to" in the contact
  9. form in the Messaging/Contacts menu. If you click on these buttons,
  10. you can see list of corresponded mails. Click on the "Send a message"
  11. link to send mail to the partner.
  12. """,
  13. "author": "IT-Projects LLC, Pavel Romanchenko",
  14. "website": "",
  15. # Categories can be used to filter modules in modules listing
  16. # Check
  17. # for the full list
  18. "category": "Uncategorized",
  19. "version": "1.0.0",
  20. # any module necessary for this one to work correctly
  21. "depends": ["base", "mail"],
  22. # always loaded
  23. "data": [
  24. "views/res_partner_mails_count.xml",
  25. "templates.xml",
  26. ],
  27. }