- Sometimes odoo mail fetching system doesn't work for really long time. It could be a real problem, if you will not notice it on time. Until this issue is fixed, you can restart odoo every time when you see that last fetching time is more than 5 minutes. -
-Contact us by email or fill out request form
-- Imagine that you are typing a message to someone. Probably a big message. -
-- And then something wrong happens. You close browser, electricity is turned off or whatever. -
-- Don't worry! Open browser again and click Reply icon. -
-- You can finish your message from point where it was interrupted. -
-Contact us by email or fill out request form
-Contact us by email or fill out request form
-- Open partner (customer) form and look up how many messages he got and sent: - -
-- If you click any of this buttons: - -
-- You will see those mails: - -
-Contact us by email or fill out request form
-- Mails not found. Probably, they exist, but you don't have access. -