import odoo.tests from werkzeug import url_encode @odoo.tests.common.at_install(True) @odoo.tests.common.post_install(True) class TestUi(odoo.tests.HttpCase): def test_01_mail_to(self): # checks the presence of an element with a link to the recipient env = self.env # needed because tests are run before the module is marked as # installed. In js web will only load qweb coming from modules # that are returned by the backend in module_boot. Without # this you end up with js, css but no qweb. env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'mail_to')], limit=1).state = 'installed' # Handle messages in Odoo res_users_ids = env['res.users'].search([]) res_users_ids.write({'notification_type': 'inbox'}) # demo messages partner_ids = env['res.partner'].search([]) msg = env['mail.message'].create({ 'subject': '_Test', 'body': self._testMethodName, 'subtype_id': self.ref('mail.mt_comment'), 'model': '', 'partner_ids': [(6, 0, [ for i in partner_ids])], }) # notifications for everyone for p in partner_ids.ids: env['mail.notification'].create({ 'res_partner_id': p, 'mail_message_id':, 'is_read': False, }) code = """ setTimeout(function () { console.log($('a.recipient_link').length && 'ok' || 'error'); }, 3000); """ link = '/web#%s' % url_encode({'action': 'mail.action_discuss'}) self.phantom_js(link, code, "['web_tour.tour'].tours.mail_tour.ready", login="admin")