.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg :target: https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT :alt: License: MIT ===================== Multi-Brand Mailing ===================== Mail-related stuff for multi-website support * Makes following field in ``res.users`` website-dependent: * ``email`` * ``signature`` * Makes following fields in ``mail.template`` website-dependent: * ``body_html`` * ``mail_server_id`` * ``report_template`` * Overrides ``mail.template``'s ``render_template`` method to add ``website`` variable. It may cause incompatibility with other modules that redefine that method too. Roadmap ======= * ``body_html`` becomes untranslatable after module installation Credits ======= Contributors ------------ * `Ivan Yelizariev `__ Sponsors -------- * `e-thos SSII `__ Maintainers ----------- * `IT-Projects LLC `__ To get a guaranteed support you are kindly requested to purchase the module at `odoo apps store `__. Thank you for understanding! `IT-Projects Team `__ Further information =================== Demo: http://runbot.it-projects.info/demo/mail-addons/13.0 HTML Description: https://apps.odoo.com/apps/modules/13.0/mail_multi_website/ Usage instructions: ``_ Changelog: ``_ Notifications on updates: `via Atom `_, `by Email `_ Tested on Odoo 13.0 ca67c83e8d36ececaf97a7579c3ff2529b3e227c