Average payment time days avg progress lower [('user_id','=', user.id),('state','in', ['done'])] Average payment time [ALL] days avg progress lower [('state','in', ['done'])] Average deal time days avg progress lower [('user_id','=', user.id), ('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won']), ('date_closed', '!=', False)] Average deal time [ALL] days avg progress lower [('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won']), ('date_closed', '!=', False)] Oldest lead days max progress lower [('user_id','=', user.id), ('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'lead')] Oldest lead [ALL] days max progress lower [('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'lead')] Oldest Opportunity days max progress lower [('user_id','=', user.id), '|', ('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'quotation'),('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'negotiation')] Oldest Opportunity [ALL] days max progress lower ['|', ('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'quotation'),('sales_funnel_type', '=', 'negotiation')] Personal comission python progress higher [('state','!=','cancel'),('user_id','=',user.id),('type','=','out_invoice')] personal_comission = object.user_id.employee_ids and object.user_id.employee_ids[0].personal_comission or 0.0 result = object.sum * personal_comission / 100.0 Team bonus Monthly team bonus python progress higher [('state','!=','cancel'),('section_id','=',user.default_section_id.id),('type','=','out_invoice')] dashboard_accountant Shows dashboard to accountant dashboard_sales_managment Shows sales management dashboard dashboard_managment Shows management dashboard. It includes: sales management + accountant dashboard + EXTRA dashboard_sales_person Shows dashboard to salesperson dashboard_admin Shows admin dashboard Outstanding sale orders [('user_id', '=', user.id),('state', 'in', ['progress', 'manual'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date_order}]]> list 10 Outstanding sale orders [ALL] [('state', 'in', ['progress', 'manual'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date_order}]]> list 10 Sent invoices [ALL] [('type', 'in', ['out_invoice']),('state','in',['open'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date_invoice}]]> list 10 Received invoices [ALL] [('type', 'in', ['in_invoice']),('state','in',['open'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date_invoice}]]> list 10 Task deadlines [('user_id', '=', user.id),('date_deadline','!=',False)] ${record.project_id and record.project_id.name or 'NO PROJECT'}, ${record.date_deadline}]]> list 10 priority DESC Task deadlines [ALL] [('date_deadline','!=',False)] ${record.project_id and record.project_id.name or 'NO PROJECT'}, ${record.date_deadline}]]> list 10 priority DESC Next action [('user_id', '=', user.id), '|',('date_action','!=',False),('title_action', '!=', False)] ${record.date_action} - ${record.title_action}]]> list 10 priority DESC,probability DESC,planned_revenue DESC Next action [ALL] ['|',('date_action','!=',False),('title_action', '!=', False)] ${record.date_action} - ${record.title_action}]]> list 10 priority DESC,probability DESC,planned_revenue DESC Calls [('user_id', '=', user.id),('state', 'not in', ['cancel'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date}]]> list 10 date DESC Calls [ALL] [('state', 'not in', ['cancel'])] ${record.partner_id.name}, ${record.date}]]> list 10 date DESC Meetings [('partner_ids', 'in', [user.partner_id.id])] list 10 start_datetime DESC Meetings [ALL] [] list 10 start_datetime DESC Conversion Rate [('user_id','=', user.id), ('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won', 'lost'])] funnel [('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won'])] Conversion Rate [ALL] [('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won', 'lost'])] funnel [('sales_funnel_type', 'in', ['won'])] Sales contributed [('state', 'in', ['done'])] [('user_id','=', user.id), ('state', 'in', ['done'])] slice