.. image:: https://itpp.dev/images/infinity-readme.png :alt: Tested and maintained by IT Projects Labs :target: https://itpp.dev Fix mail error 553 ================== Module updates 'FROM' field to portal@MYDOMAIN.COM value in order to fix 553 error on a mail service that checks FROM field. E.g: * Customer send email from USER@CUSTOMER.com to info@MYDOMAIN.COM * odoo accept email and try to send notifcation to related odoo users. E.g to admin@gmail.com. * By default odoo prepare notification email with parameters as follows: * FROM: user@CUSTOMER.com * TO: admin@gmail.com if you mail service provider, e.g. pdd.yandex.ru, doesn't allow emails with a FROM value differ from ...@MYDOMAIN.COM, then you get 553. This is why you need to update FROM value to portal@MYDOMAIN.COM Configuration ============= You can configure default alias at Settings -> System Parameters -> mail.catchall.alias_from You can configure name for default alias at Settings -> System Parameters -> mail.catchall.name_alias_from You can configure name for default alias at Settings -> System Parameters -> mail.catchall.name_alias_from Known issues / Roadmap ====================== The module is consist of redefined send function from mail.mail model. So it is just copy pasted source code with some modification. This function is changed very rarely, but sometime it can happens and the module should be updated. You can check commits for mail_mail.py here: https://github.com/odoo/odoo/commits/8.0/addons/mail/mail_mail.py Tested on `Odoo 8.0 `_ Status ====== Related issues at odoo's tracker: * https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/5864 * https://github.com/odoo/odoo/issues/3347 Fix: https://github.com/odoo-dev/odoo/commit/a4597fe34fcfa8dae28b156410080346bb33af33