You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Copyright 2018 Kolushov Alexandr <>
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (
import odoo.tests
from odoo.api import Environment
class TestUi(odoo.tests.HttpCase):
def test_create_new_partner_and_move_message(self):
env = Environment(self.registry.test_cr, self.uid, {})
# needed because tests are run before the module is marked as
# installed. In js web will only load qweb coming from modules
# that are returned by the backend in module_boot. Without
# this you end up with js, css but no qweb.
env['ir.module.module'].search([('name', '=', 'mail_move_message')], limit=1).state = 'installed'
# updating models, to be able relocate messages to a partner at_install
config_parameters = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo()
config_parameters.set_param("mail_relocation_models", "crm.lead,project.task,res.partner")
code = """
var delayed_button_click = function(delay, button){
if (button.length) {
return console.log('error', 'There is no element with the next selector: ' + button.selector);
}, delay);
var delay = 1000;
var message = $('.o_thread_message_core:contains("virginie")');
var relocate = message.find('.o_thread_icons .fa-exchange');
delayed_button_click(delay, relocate);
// form is opened
var create_partner_button = $('button[special="quick_create"]');
delayed_button_click(delay, create_partner_button);
// partner creation wizard is opened
var save_button = $('.modal-content .btn-primary:contains("Save")');
delayed_button_click(delay, save_button);
var move_button = $('.btn-sm.oe_highlight:contains("Move")');
delayed_button_click(delay, move_button);
self.phantom_js('/web', code, login="admin", ready="$('.o_thread_icons').length")