You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

23 lines
956 B

# Copyright 2016 Ildar Nasyrov <>
# Copyright 2017 Ilmir Karamov <>
# Copyright 2017 Lilia Salihova
# Copyright 2016-2018 Ivan Yelizariev <>
# Copyright 2018 Kolushov Alexandr <>
# License LGPL-3.0 or later (
"name": "Mail Relocation",
"version": "",
"author": "IT-Projects LLC, Ivan Yelizariev, Pavel Romanchenko",
"license": "LGPL-3",
"category": "Discuss",
"images": ["images/m1.png"],
"support": "",
"website": "",
"price": 100.00,
"currency": "EUR",
"depends": ["mail_all",],
"data": ["mail_move_message_views.xml", "data/mail_move_message_data.xml",],
"qweb": ["static/src/xml/mail_move_message_main.xml",],
"installable": True,