You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

402 lines
16 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from openerp import api, models, fields
from import email_split
from import _
class wizard(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'mail_move_message.wizard'
def _model_selection(self):
selection = []
config_parameters = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
model_names = config_parameters.get_param('mail_relocation_models')
model_names = model_names.split(',') if model_names else []
if 'default_message_id' in self.env.context:
message = self.env['mail.message'].browse(self.env.context['default_message_id'])
if message.model and message.model not in model_names:
if message.moved_from_model and message.moved_from_model not in model_names:
if model_names:
selection = [(m.model, m.display_name) for m in self.env['ir.model'].search([('model', 'in', model_names)])]
return selection
def default_get(self, fields_list):
res = super(wizard, self).default_get(fields_list)
model_fields = self.fields_get()
if model_fields['model']['selection']:
res['model'] = model_fields['model']['selection'] and model_fields['model']['selection'][0][0]
if 'message_id' in res:
message = self.env['mail.message'].browse(res['message_id'])
email_from = message.email_from
parts = email_split(email_from.replace(' ', ','))
if parts:
email = parts[0]
name = email_from.find(email) != -1 and email_from[:email_from.index(email)].replace('"', '').replace('<', '').strip() or email_from
name, email = email_from
res['message_name_from'] = name
res['message_email_from'] = email
res['partner_id'] =
if message.author_id and self.env.uid not in [ for u in message.author_id.user_ids]:
res['filter_by_partner'] = True
if message.author_id and res.get('model'):
res_id = self.env[res['model']].search([], order='id desc', limit=1)
if res_id:
res['res_id'] = res_id[0].id
config_parameters = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
res['move_followers'] = config_parameters.get_param('mail_relocation_move_followers')
res['uid'] = self.env.uid
return res
message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', string='Message')
message_body = fields.Html(related='message_id.body', string='Message to move', readonly=True)
message_from = fields.Char(related='message_id.email_from', string='From', readonly=True)
message_subject = fields.Char(related='message_id.subject', string='Subject', readonly=True)
message_moved_by_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', related='message_id.moved_by_message_id', string='Moved with', readonly=True)
message_moved_by_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', related='message_id.moved_by_user_id', string='Moved by', readonly=True)
message_is_moved = fields.Boolean(string='Is Moved', related='message_id.is_moved', readonly=True)
parent_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', string='Search by name', )
model = fields.Selection(_model_selection, string='Model')
res_id = fields.Integer(string='Record')
can_move = fields.Boolean('Can move', compute='get_can_move')
move_back = fields.Boolean('MOVE TO ORIGIN', help='Move message and submessages to original place')
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', string='Author')
filter_by_partner = fields.Boolean('Filter Records by partner')
message_email_from = fields.Char()
message_name_from = fields.Char()
# FIXME message_to_read should be True even if current message or any his childs are unread
message_to_read = fields.Boolean(related='message_id.needaction')
uid = fields.Integer()
move_followers = fields.Boolean(
'Move Followers',
help="Add followers of current record to a new record.\n"
"You must use this option, if new record has restricted access.\n"
"You can change default value for this option at Settings/System Parameters")
def get_can_move(self):
# message was not moved before OR message is a top message of previous move
self.can_move = not self.message_id.moved_by_message_id or ==
def on_change_move_back(self):
if not self.move_back:
self.parent_id = self.message_id.moved_from_parent_id
model = self.message_id.moved_from_model
if self.message_id.is_moved:
self.model = model
self.res_id = self.message_id.moved_from_res_id
@api.onchange('parent_id', 'res_id', 'model')
def update_move_back(self):
model = self.message_id.moved_from_model
self.move_back = self.parent_id == self.message_id.moved_from_parent_id \
and self.res_id == self.message_id.moved_from_res_id \
and (self.model == model or (not self.model and not model))
def on_change_parent_id(self):
if self.parent_id and self.parent_id.model:
self.model = self.parent_id.model
self.res_id = self.parent_id.res_id
self.model = None
self.res_id = None
@api.onchange('model', 'filter_by_partner', 'partner_id')
def on_change_partner(self):
domain = {'res_id': [('id', '!=', self.message_id.res_id)]}
if self.model and self.filter_by_partner and self.partner_id:
fields = self.env[self.model].fields_get(False)
contact_field = False
for n, f in fields.iteritems():
if f['type'] == 'many2one' and f['relation'] == 'res.partner':
contact_field = n
if contact_field:
domain['res_id'].append((contact_field, '=',
if self.model:
res_id = self.env[self.model].search(domain['res_id'], order='id desc', limit=1)
self.res_id = res_id and res_id[0].id
self.res_id = None
return {'domain': domain}
def check_access(self):
operation = 'write'
if not (self.model and self.res_id):
return True
model_obj = self.env[self.model]
mids = model_obj.browse(self.res_id).exists()
if hasattr(model_obj, 'check_mail_message_access'):
model_obj.check_mail_message_access(mids.ids, operation)
self.env['mail.thread'].check_mail_message_access(mids.ids, operation, model_name=self.model)
def open_moved_by_message_id(self):
message_id = None
for r in self:
message_id =
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
'res_model': 'mail_move_message.wizard',
'view_mode': 'form',
'view_type': 'form',
'views': [[False, 'form']],
'target': 'new',
'context': {'default_message_id': message_id},
def move(self):
for r in self:
if not r.parent_id or not (r.parent_id.model == r.model and
r.parent_id.res_id == r.res_id):
# link with the first message of record
parent = self.env['mail.message'].search([('model', '=', r.model), ('res_id', '=', r.res_id)], order='id', limit=1)
r.parent_id = or None
r.message_id.move(, r.res_id, r.model, r.move_back, r.move_followers)
if not (r.model and r.res_id):
r.message_id.needaction = False
return {
'type': 'ir.actions.client',
'name': 'All messages',
'tag': 'reload',
return {
'name': _('Record'),
'view_type': 'form',
'view_mode': 'form',
'res_model': r.model,
'res_id': r.res_id,
'views': [(False, 'form')],
'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
def delete(self):
msg_id =
# Send notification
notification = {'id': msg_id}
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'mail_move_message.delete_message'), notification)
return {}
def create_partner(self, message_id, relation, partner_id, message_name_from, message_email_from):
model = self.env[relation]
message = self.env['mail.message'].browse(message_id)
if not partner_id and message_name_from:
partner_id = self.env['res.partner'].with_context({'update_message_author': True}).create({
'name': message_name_from,
'email': message_email_from
context = {'partner_id': partner_id}
if model._rec_name:
context.update({'default_%s' % model._rec_name: message.subject})
fields = model.fields_get()
contact_field = False
for n, f in fields.iteritems():
if f['type'] == 'many2one' and f['relation'] == 'res.partner':
contact_field = n
if contact_field:
context.update({'default_%s' % contact_field: partner_id})
return context
def read_close(self):
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
class mail_message(models.Model):
_inherit = 'mail.message'
is_moved = fields.Boolean('Is moved')
moved_from_res_id = fields.Integer('Related Document ID (Original)')
moved_from_model = fields.Char('Related Document Model (Original)')
moved_from_parent_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', 'Parent Message (Original)', ondelete='set null')
moved_by_message_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message', 'Moved by message', ondelete='set null', help='Top message, that initate moving this message')
moved_by_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Moved by user', ondelete='set null')
all_child_ids = fields.One2many('mail.message', string='All childs', compute='_get_all_childs', help='all childs, including subchilds')
def _get_all_childs(self, include_myself=True):
ids = []
if include_myself:
while True:
new_ids =[('parent_id', 'in', ids), ('id', 'not in', ids)]).ids
if new_ids:
ids = ids + new_ids
moved_childs =[('moved_by_message_id', '=',]).ids
self.all_child_ids = ids + moved_childs
def move_followers(self, model, ids):
fol_obj = self.env['mail.followers']
for message in self:
followers = fol_obj.sudo().search([('res_model', '=', message.model),
('res_id', '=', message.res_id)])
for f in followers:
self.env[model].browse(ids).message_subscribe([], [ for s in f.subtype_ids])
def move(self, parent_id, res_id, model, move_back, move_followers=False):
if parent_id == res_id:
vals = {}
if move_back:
# clear variables if we move everything back
vals['is_moved'] = False
vals['moved_by_user_id'] = None
vals['moved_by_message_id'] = None
vals['moved_from_res_id'] = None
vals['moved_from_model'] = None
vals['moved_from_parent_id'] = None
vals['parent_id'] = parent_id
vals['res_id'] = res_id
vals['model'] = model
vals['is_moved'] = True
vals['moved_by_user_id'] =
vals['moved_by_message_id'] =
# Update record_name in message
vals['record_name'] = self._get_record_name(vals)
for r in self.all_child_ids:
r_vals = vals.copy()
if not r.is_moved:
# moved_from_* variables contain not last, but original
# reference
r_vals['moved_from_parent_id'] =
r_vals['moved_from_res_id'] = r.res_id
r_vals['moved_from_model'] = r.model
elif move_back:
r_vals['parent_id'] =
r_vals['res_id'] = r.moved_from_res_id
r_vals['model'] = r.moved_from_model
if move_followers:
r.sudo().move_followers(r_vals.get('model'), r_vals.get('res_id'))
'res_id': r_vals.get('res_id'),
'res_model': r_vals.get('model')
# Send notification
notification = {
'res_id': vals.get('res_id'),
'model': vals.get('model'),
'is_moved': vals['is_moved'],
'record_name': vals['record_name']
self.env['bus.bus'].sendone((self._cr.dbname, 'mail_move_message'), notification)
def name_get(self):
context = self.env.context
if not (context or {}).get('extended_name'):
return super(mail_message, self).name_get()
reads =['record_name', 'model', 'res_id'])
res = []
for record in reads:
name = record['record_name'] or ''
extended_name = ' [%s] ID %s' % (record.get('model', 'UNDEF'), record.get('res_id', 'UNDEF'))
res.append((record['id'], name + extended_name))
return res
def message_format(self):
message_values = super(mail_message, self).message_format()
message_index = {message['id']: message for message in message_values}
for item in self:
msg = message_index.get(
if msg:
msg['is_moved'] = item.is_moved
return message_values
class mail_move_message_configuration(models.TransientModel):
_name = 'mail_move_message.config.settings'
_inherit = 'res.config.settings'
model_ids = fields.Many2many(comodel_name='ir.model', string='Models')
move_followers = fields.Boolean('Move Followers')
def get_default_move_message_configs(self, fields):
config_parameters = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
model_obj = self.env['ir.model']
model_names = config_parameters.get_param('mail_relocation_models')
if not model_names:
return {}
model_names = model_names.split(',')
model_ids =[('model', 'in', model_names)])
return {
'model_ids': [ for m in model_ids],
'move_followers': config_parameters.get_param('mail_relocation_move_followers')
def set_move_message_configs(self):
config_parameters = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
model_names = ''
for record in self:
model_names = ','.join([m.model for m in record.model_ids])
config_parameters.set_param('mail_relocation_models', model_names)
config_parameters.set_param('mail_relocation_move_followers', record.move_followers or '')
class res_partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
def create(self, vals):
res = super(res_partner, self).create(vals)
if 'update_message_author' in self.env.context and 'email' in vals:
mail_message_obj = self.env['mail.message']
# Escape special SQL characters in email_address to avoid invalid matches
email_address = (vals['email'].replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('%', '\\%').replace('_', '\\_'))
email_brackets = "<%s>" % email_address
messages =[
('email_from', '=ilike', email_address),
('email_from', 'ilike', email_brackets),
('author_id', '=', False)
if messages:
return res