You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
8.4 KiB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <odoo>
  3. <record id="view_loan_issue_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
  4. <field name="name">loan.issue.tree</field>
  5. <field name="model">loan.issue</field>
  6. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  7. <tree string="Loan issues">
  8. <field name="name" />
  9. <field name="subscription_start_date" />
  10. <field name="subscription_end_date" />
  11. <field name="term_date" />
  12. <field name="loan_term" />
  13. <field name="rate" />
  14. <field name="minimum_amount" />
  15. <field name="maximum_amount" />
  16. <field name="subscribed_amount" />
  17. <field name="user_id" />
  18. <field name="state" />
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  28. <!-- todo check access rights -->
  29. <button name="action_confirm" string="Confirm" type="object" states="draft"
  30. groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
  31. <button name="action_cancel" string="Cancel" type="object" states="draft,ongoing"
  32. confirm="Are you sure you want to cancel this loan issue?"
  33. groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
  34. <button name="action_open" string="Open" type="object"
  35. states="confirmed" groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
  36. <button name="action_close" string="Close" type="object" states="ongoing"
  37. confirm="Are you sure you want to close this loan issue?"
  38. groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
  39. <button name="action_draft" string="Set to draft"
  40. type="object" states="confirmed,cancelled"
  41. groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
  42. <button name="compute_loan_interest" string="Compute interest"
  43. type="object" states="closed,ongoing"
  44. groups="easy_my_coop.group_easy_my_coop_manager"/>
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  54. <group>
  55. <group>
  56. <field name="name" />
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  58. <field name="face_value" />
  59. <field name="minimum_amount" />
  60. <field name="maximum_amount" />
  61. <field name="subscribed_amount" />
  62. <field name="by_individual" />
  63. <field name="min_amount_person" attrs="{'invisible':[('by_individual','=',False)]}" />
  64. <field name="max_amount_person" attrs="{'invisible':[('by_individual','=',False)]}" />
  65. <field name="by_company" />
  66. <field name="min_amount_company" attrs="{'invisible':[('by_company','=',False)]}" />
  67. <field name="max_amount_company" attrs="{'invisible':[('by_company','=',False)]}" />
  68. <field name="company_currency_id" invisible="True" />
  69. </group>
  70. <group>
  71. <field name="user_id" widget="selection" />
  72. <label for="rate" string="Interest rate"/>
  73. <div>
  74. <field name="rate" class="oe_inline"/>
  75. <span class="o_form_label oe_inline">%</span>
  76. </div>
  77. <label for="taxes_rate" string="Taxes on interest"/>
  78. <div>
  79. <field name="taxes_rate" class="oe_inline"/>
  80. <span class="o_form_label oe_inline">%</span>
  81. </div>
  82. <field name="subscription_start_date" />
  83. <field name="subscription_end_date" />
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  87. <field name="payment_date" attrs="{'invisible':[('interest_payment','!=','end')]}" />
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  111. <record id="view_loan_issue_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
  112. <field name="name">Loans Issue Search</field>
  113. <field name="model">loan.issue</field>
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  115. <search string="Search Loan Issue">
  116. <field name="name"/>
  117. </search>
  118. </field>
  119. </record>
  120. <record id="action_loan_issue" model="ir.actions.act_window">
  121. <field name="name">Loan Issues</field>
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  123. <field name="view_type">form</field>
  124. <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
  125. </record>
  126. <record id="action_loan_issue_lines" model="ir.actions.act_window">
  127. <field name="name">Loans</field>
  128. <field name="res_model">loan.issue.line</field>
  129. <field name="view_type">form</field>
  130. <field name="view_mode">tree,form</field>
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  132. <record id="loan_issue_line_view_tree" model="ir.ui.view">
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  134. <field name="model">loan.issue.line</field>
  135. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  136. <tree string="Loans">
  137. <field name="name"/>
  138. <field name="loan_issue_id"/>
  139. <field name="partner_id"/>
  140. <field name="loan_issue_id"/>
  141. <field name="quantity"/>
  142. <field name="face_value"/>
  143. <field name="amount"/>
  144. <field name="date"/>
  145. <field name="state"/>
  146. </tree>
  147. </field>
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  149. <record id="view_loan_issue_line_form" model="ir.ui.view">
  150. <field name="name">loan.issue.line.form</field>
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  152. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  153. <form string="Loan issue">
  154. <header>
  155. <button name="action_validate" string="Validate"
  156. type="object" states="draft" />
  157. <button name="action_request_payment" string="Request Payment"
  158. type="object" states="subscribed" />
  159. <button name="action_cancel" string="Cancel" type="object"
  160. states="draft,subscribed,waiting"
  161. confirm="Are you sure you want to cancel this loan subscription ?" />
  162. <button name="action_draft" string="Set to draft"
  163. type="object" states="cancelled" />
  164. <button name="action_paid" string="Paid"
  165. type="object" states="waiting" />
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  170. <group>
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  201. </record>
  202. <record id="view_loan_issue_line_filter" model="ir.ui.view">
  203. <field name="name">Loans Search</field>
  204. <field name="model">loan.issue.line</field>
  205. <field name="arch" type="xml">
  206. <search string="Search Loans">
  207. <field name="name"/>
  208. <field name="partner_id"/>
  209. <field name="loan_issue_id"/>
  210. <separator/>
  211. <filter string="Draft" name="state_draft" domain="[('state','=','draft')]"/>
  212. <filter string="Paid" name="state_paid" domain="[('state','=','paid')]"/>
  213. <filter string="Done" name="state_done" domain="[('state','=','done')]"/>
  214. <filter string="Subscribed" name="state_subscribed" domain="[('state','=','subscribed')]"/>
  215. <group expand="0" name="group_by" string="Group By">
  216. <filter name="loan_issue_id" string="Loan Issue" context="{'group_by' : 'loan_issue_id'}" />
  217. <filter name="date" string="Subscription Date" context="{'group_by': 'date'}"/>
  218. </group>
  219. </search>
  220. </field>
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  222. </odoo>