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  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. from openerp import fields, models
  3. class ResCompany(models.Model):
  4. _inherit = ''
  5. coop_email_contact = fields.Char(string="Contact email address for the"
  6. " cooperator")
  7. subscription_maximum_amount = fields.Float(string="Maximum authorised"
  8. " subscription amount")
  9. default_country_id = fields.Many2one('',
  10. string="Default country",
  11. default=lambda self: self.country_id)
  12. default_lang_id = fields.Many2one('res.lang',
  13. string="Default lang")
  14. board_representative = fields.Char(string="Board representative name")
  15. signature_scan = fields.Binary(string="Board representative signature")
  16. property_cooperator_account = fields.Many2one('account.account',
  17. company_dependent=True,
  18. string="Cooperator Account",
  19. domain=[('internal_type', '=', 'receivable'),
  20. ('deprecated', '=', False)],
  21. help="This account will be"
  22. " the default one as the"
  23. " receivable account for the"
  24. " cooperators",
  25. required=True)
  26. unmix_share_type = fields.Boolean(string="Unmix share type",
  27. help="If checked, A cooperator will be"
  28. " authorised to have only one type"
  29. " of share")
  30. display_logo1 = fields.Boolean(string="Display logo 1")
  31. display_logo2 = fields.Boolean(string="Display logo 2")
  32. bottom_logo1 = fields.Binary(string="Bottom logo 1")
  33. bottom_logo2 = fields.Binary(string="Bottom logo 2")