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[ADD] bond and loan issues management [ADD] bond and loan issues management module skeleton [IMP] change increase menu sequence [IMP] add models, fields and views [IMP] add xml declaration in head of file [ADD] add easy_my_coop_loan_website - WIP [IMP] add access rights [IMP] this raise inconsistency so replace id by default_code. [IMP] change import openerp to odoo [IMP] add website loan module [FIX] put website display in loan [FIX] fix import [FIX] fix function [IMP] use correct name [IMP] make the loan and bond visible [IMP] add js, field and logic to set amount limit per subscription [IMP] remove dependency on recaptcha as user is logged to subscribe [IMP] add fields [IMP] save loan issue subscription still in WIP [IMP] remove alert pop up [IMP] add dependency to easy_my_coop_website [IMP] remove force send for sub request creation email notification [IMP] add mail templates [IMP] save subscription in the corresponding loan issue. add email notif [FIX] fix loan issue line view [FIX] add related field to loan issue. It is where the data stand [IMP] move term_view up [FIX] fix js error when false is returned [FIX] fix function when loan_issue_id in None [IMP] add actions and button [FIX] fix action [FIX] fix mail template [IMP] set noupdate=1 [IMP] change order [IMP] display loan issue lines on partner form [IMP] add loan view in partner form [IMP] add face value on loan issue and line add face value on loan issue and line. add as well the quantity and computation of the amount [FIX] missing id overriding values wasn't working [IMP] getting bond face value and setting it as step. [IMP] subscribed_amount computed field is the sum of the amount lines [IMP] allow a waiting payment to be cancelled [IMP] make field required [REFACT] move loan issue line code to dedicated file [IMP] add interest calculation and model [ADD] bond and loan issues management module skeleton [IMP] add models, fields and views [IMP] allow creation by hand [IMP] adding partner related field [IMP] put code in separate function [FIX] pass it to get method [IMP] routes consistent form [FIX] fix eof [FIX] GET is working for ajax call [IMP] website page for loan issue subscription
6 years ago
  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <odoo>
  3. <template id="assets_frontend" inherit_id="web.assets_frontend" name="Coop">
  4. <xpath expr="." position="inside">
  5. <script type="text/javascript" src="/easy_my_coop_loan_website/static/src/js/loan_issue.js"></script>
  6. </xpath>
  7. </template>
  8. <template id="loanissuesubscription" name="Loan Issue Subscription">
  9. <t t-call="website.layout">
  10. <div id="wrap">
  11. <div class="oe_structure"/>
  12. <div class="container oe_easymy_coop_loan">
  13. <h2 class="energie">Subscribe to Loan Issue</h2><br/>
  14. <div class="row">
  15. <div class="col-md-8">
  16. <form action="/subscription/subscribe_loan_issue" method="post" class="form-horizontal mt32" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  17. <p style="color:red;"><t t-esc="error_msg"/></p>
  18. <input type="hidden" name="csrf_token" t-att-value="request.csrf_token()"/>
  19. <div t-attf-class="form-group #{error and 'loan_issue_id' in error and 'has-error' or ''}">
  20. <label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label" style="width:25%" for="share_product_id">Loan issue</label>
  21. <select id="loan_issue" name="loan_issue_id" class="col-md-7 col-sm-8 form-control" style="width:54%;margin-left:15px">
  22. <t t-foreach="loan_issues or []" t-as="loan_issue">
  23. <option t-att-value="" t-att-selected=" == int(loan_issue_id)"><t t-esc=""/></option>
  24. </t>
  25. </select>
  26. </div>
  27. <div t-attf-class="form-group #{error and 'subscription_amount' in error and 'has-error' or ''}">
  28. <label class="col-md-3 col-sm-4 control-label" style="width:25%" for="subscription_amount">Amount</label>
  29. <input id="subscription_amount" type="number" class="col-md-7 col-sm-8 form-control total" name="subscription_amount" min="0" step="100" max="5000"/>
  30. </div>
  31. <table style="margin-left:195px">
  32. <tr>
  33. <!--<td width="80%">
  34. <div class="g-recaptcha" t-att-data-sitekey="website.recaptcha_key_site" data-theme="green"/><br/>
  35. </td>-->
  36. <td>
  37. <div class="form-group">
  38. <div class="col-md-offset-3 col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-8 col-md-7">
  39. <button class="btn btn-primary btn-lg">Send</button>
  40. </div>
  41. </div>
  42. </td>
  43. </tr>
  44. </table>
  45. </form>
  46. </div>
  47. </div>
  48. </div>
  49. </div>
  50. </t>
  51. </template>
  52. </odoo>