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Revert "[FIX] call get mail template function on line instead of self"
Revert "[FIX] call get mail template function on line instead of self"
This reverts commit 476dbdaa44
1 changed files with 103 additions and 103 deletions
@ -1,103 +1,103 @@ |
from datetime import datetime |
from odoo import api, fields, models |
class LoanIssueLine(models.Model): |
_name = 'loan.issue.line' |
_description = 'Loan Issue Line' |
_order = 'date desc, id' |
@api.multi |
@api.depends('quantity', 'face_value') |
def _compute_amount(self): |
for line in self: |
line.amount = line.face_value * line.quantity |
name = fields.Char(string="Reference") |
loan_issue_id = fields.Many2one('loan.issue', |
string="Loan issue", |
required=True) |
interest_lines = fields.One2many('loan.interest.line', |
'issue_line', |
string="Interest lines") |
quantity = fields.Integer(string='quantity', |
required=True) |
face_value = fields.Monetary(related='loan_issue_id.face_value', |
currency_field='company_currency_id', |
store=True, |
readonly=True) |
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', |
string="Subscriber", |
required=True) |
date = fields.Date(string="Subscription date", |
default=lambda self: datetime.strftime(, |
'%Y-%m-%d'), |
required=True) |
amount = fields.Monetary(string="Subscribed amount", |
currency_field='company_currency_id', |
compute='_compute_amount', |
store=True) |
state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'Draft'), |
('subscribed', 'Subscribed'), |
('waiting', 'Waiting payment'), |
('paid', 'paid'), |
('cancelled', 'Cancelled'), |
('ended', 'Ended')], |
string="State", |
required=True, |
default="draft") |
company_currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', |
related='company_id.currency_id', |
string="Company Currency", |
readonly=True) |
company_id = fields.Many2one('', |
related='loan_issue_id.company_id', |
string="Company", |
readonly=True) |
def get_loan_sub_mail_template(self): |
return self.env.ref('easy_my_coop_loan.loan_subscription_confirmation', |
False) |
def get_loan_pay_req_mail_template(self): |
return self.env.ref('easy_my_coop_loan.loan_issue_payment_request', |
False) |
@api.model |
def create(self, vals): |
line = super(LoanIssueLine, self).create(vals) |
confirmation_mail_template = line.get_loan_sub_mail_template() |
confirmation_mail_template.send_mail( |
return line |
@api.multi |
def action_draft(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'draft'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_validate(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'subscribed'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_request_payment(self): |
pay_req_mail_template = self.get_loan_pay_req_mail_template() |
for line in self: |
pay_req_mail_template.send_mail( |
line.write({'state': 'waiting'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_cancel(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'cancelled'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_paid(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'paid'}) |
from datetime import datetime |
from odoo import api, fields, models |
class LoanIssueLine(models.Model): |
_name = 'loan.issue.line' |
_description = 'Loan Issue Line' |
_order = 'date desc, id' |
@api.multi |
@api.depends('quantity', 'face_value') |
def _compute_amount(self): |
for line in self: |
line.amount = line.face_value * line.quantity |
name = fields.Char(string="Reference") |
loan_issue_id = fields.Many2one('loan.issue', |
string="Loan issue", |
required=True) |
interest_lines = fields.One2many('loan.interest.line', |
'issue_line', |
string="Interest lines") |
quantity = fields.Integer(string='quantity', |
required=True) |
face_value = fields.Monetary(related='loan_issue_id.face_value', |
currency_field='company_currency_id', |
store=True, |
readonly=True) |
partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', |
string="Subscriber", |
required=True) |
date = fields.Date(string="Subscription date", |
default=lambda self: datetime.strftime(, |
'%Y-%m-%d'), |
required=True) |
amount = fields.Monetary(string="Subscribed amount", |
currency_field='company_currency_id', |
compute='_compute_amount', |
store=True) |
state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'Draft'), |
('subscribed', 'Subscribed'), |
('waiting', 'Waiting payment'), |
('paid', 'paid'), |
('cancelled', 'Cancelled'), |
('ended', 'Ended')], |
string="State", |
required=True, |
default="draft") |
company_currency_id = fields.Many2one('res.currency', |
related='company_id.currency_id', |
string="Company Currency", |
readonly=True) |
company_id = fields.Many2one('', |
related='loan_issue_id.company_id', |
string="Company", |
readonly=True) |
def get_loan_sub_mail_template(self): |
return self.env.ref('easy_my_coop_loan.loan_subscription_confirmation', |
False) |
def get_loan_pay_req_mail_template(self): |
return self.env.ref('easy_my_coop_loan.loan_issue_payment_request', |
False) |
@api.model |
def create(self, vals): |
confirmation_mail_template = self.get_loan_sub_mail_template() |
line = super(LoanIssueLine, self).create(vals) |
confirmation_mail_template.send_mail( |
return line |
@api.multi |
def action_draft(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'draft'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_validate(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'subscribed'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_request_payment(self): |
pay_req_mail_template = self.get_loan_pay_req_mail_template() |
for line in self: |
pay_req_mail_template.send_mail( |
line.write({'state': 'waiting'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_cancel(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'cancelled'}) |
@api.multi |
def action_paid(self): |
for line in self: |
line.write({'state': 'paid'}) |
Reference in new issue