These 2 new fields really only exist in this web page: Upon submission of the form, the address field is
computed and stored in the database, while the "street_name" and "house_number" fields are discarded.
* Recaptcha option
* Captcha showing only if option active
* Using website.recaptcha_key_site as active flag
* Restored breaklines
* Captcha flag set to company
* Added vim and Pycharm files to .gitignore
* PEP8 in
* Missing space
* Recaptcha option
* Captcha showing only if option active
* Using website.recaptcha_key_site as active flag
* Restored breaklines
* Added vim and Pycharm files to .gitignore
* Captcha flag set to company
* PEP8 in
* Missing space
* TODO for overloaded func added
* Recaptcha option
* Captcha showing only if option active
* Using website.recaptcha_key_site as active flag
* Restored breaklines
* Added vim and Pycharm files to .gitignore
* Captcha flag set to company
* PEP8 in
* Missing space
* TODO for overloaded func added
* Recaptcha option
* Captcha showing only if option active
* Restored breaklines
* Captcha flag set to company
* Removed blank line