# Copyright 2013-2018 Open Architects Consulting SPRL. # Copyright 2018 Coop IT Easy SCRLfs (<http://www.coopiteasy.be>) # - Houssine Bakkali <houssine@coopiteasy.be> # - Elouan Le Bars <elouan@coopiteasy.be> # - Rémy Taymans <remy@coopiteasy.be> # - Manuel Claeys Bouuaert <manuel@coopiteasy.be> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). { # todo check ir model access "name": "Easy My Coop tax shelter report", "version": "", "depends": ["easy_my_coop"], "author": "Coop IT Easy SCRLfs", "category": "Cooperative management", "website": "https://coopiteasy.be", "license": "AGPL-3", "summary": """ This module allows you to create a fiscal declaration year and to print tax shelter declaration for each cooperator. """, "data": [ "security/ir.model.access.csv", "reports/tax_shelter_report.xml", "reports/tax_shelter_resold_report.xml", # todo remove? "reports/tax_shelter_subscription_report.xml", "reports/tax_shelter_shares_report.xml", "views/tax_shelter_declaration_view.xml", "data/mail_template_data.xml", "data/scheduler_data.xml", ], "demo": ["demo/tax_shelter_demo.xml"], "installable": True, }