# Copyright 2019 Coop IT Easy SCRL fs # Houssine BAKKALI # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import logging from odoo import _, api, fields, models _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class LoanIssue(models.Model): _name = "loan.issue" _description = "Loan Issue" @api.multi def _compute_subscribed_amount(self): for issue in self: susbscribed_amount = 0.0 for line in issue.loan_issue_lines.filtered( lambda record: record.state != "cancelled" ): susbscribed_amount += line.amount issue.subscribed_amount = susbscribed_amount name = fields.Char(string="Name", translate=True) default_issue = fields.Boolean(string="Default issue") subscription_start_date = fields.Date( string="Start date subscription period" ) subscription_end_date = fields.Date(string="End date subscription period") user_id = fields.Many2one("res.users", string="Responsible") loan_start_date = fields.Date(string="Loan start date") term_date = fields.Date(string="Term date") loan_term = fields.Float(string="Duration of the loan in month") rate = fields.Float(string="Interest rate") face_value = fields.Monetary( string="Facial value", currency_field="company_currency_id", required=True, ) minimum_amount = fields.Monetary( string="Minimum amount of issue", currency_field="company_currency_id" ) maximum_amount = fields.Monetary( string="Maximum amount of issue", currency_field="company_currency_id" ) min_amount_company = fields.Monetary( string="Minimum amount for a company", currency_field="company_currency_id", ) max_amount_company = fields.Monetary( string="Maximum amount for a company", currency_field="company_currency_id", ) min_amount_person = fields.Monetary( string="Minimum amount for a person", currency_field="company_currency_id", ) max_amount_person = fields.Monetary( string="Maximum amount for a person", currency_field="company_currency_id", ) subscribed_amount = fields.Monetary( string="Subscribed amount", compute="_compute_subscribed_amount", currency_field="company_currency_id", ) capital_payment = fields.Selection( [ ("end", "End"), ("yearly", "Yearly") ], string="Capital reimbursement" ) interest_payment = fields.Selection( [ ("end", "End"), ("yearly", "Yearly") ], string="Interest payment" ) interest_payment_info = fields.Char(string="Yearly payment on") loan_issue_lines = fields.One2many( "loan.issue.line", "loan_issue_id", string="Loan issue lines" ) state = fields.Selection( [ ("draft", "Draft"), ("confirmed", "Confirmed"), ("cancelled", "Cancelled"), ("ongoing", "Ongoing"), ("closed", "Closed"), ], string="State", default="draft", ) company_currency_id = fields.Many2one( "res.currency", related="company_id.currency_id", string="Company Currency", readonly=True, ) company_id = fields.Many2one( "res.company", string="Company", required=True, readonly=True, default=lambda self: self.env["res.company"]._company_default_get(), ) # noqa by_company = fields.Boolean(string="By company") by_individual = fields.Boolean(string="By individuals") display_on_website = fields.Boolean(sting="Display on website") taxes_rate = fields.Float(string="Taxes on interest", required=True) @api.multi def get_max_amount(self, partner): """ Return the maximum amount that partner can buy. A negative value means that there is no maximum. """ self.ensure_one() lines = self.loan_issue_lines.filtered( lambda r: r.partner_id == partner and r.state != "cancelled" ) already_subscribed = sum(line.amount for line in lines) max_amount = -1 # No max amount if partner.is_company and self.max_amount_company > 0: max_amount = max(0, self.max_amount_company - already_subscribed) if not partner.is_company and self.max_amount_person > 0: max_amount = max(0, self.max_amount_person - already_subscribed) return max_amount @api.multi def get_min_amount(self, partner): """ Return the minimum amount that a partner must buy. A zero value means that there is no minimum amount. """ self.ensure_one() lines = self.loan_issue_lines.filtered( lambda r: r.partner_id == partner and r.state != "cancelled" ) amount_subscribed = sum(line.amount for line in lines) if partner.is_company: min_amount = self.min_amount_company - amount_subscribed else: min_amount = self.min_amount_person - amount_subscribed return max(0, min_amount) @api.multi def get_web_issues(self, is_company): bond_issues = self.search( [("display_on_website", "=", True), ("state", "=", "ongoing")] ) if is_company is True: return bond_issues.filtered("by_company") else: return bond_issues.filtered("by_company") @api.multi def action_confirm(self): self.ensure_one() self.write({"state": "confirmed"}) @api.multi def action_open(self): self.ensure_one() self.write({"state": "ongoing"}) @api.multi def action_draft(self): self.ensure_one() self.write({"state": "draft"}) @api.multi def action_cancel(self): self.ensure_one() self.write({"state": "cancelled"}) @api.multi def action_close(self): self.ensure_one() self.write({"state": "closed"}) def get_interest_vals(self, line, vals): list_vals = [] accrued_amount = line.amount accrued_interest = 0 accrued_net_interest = 0 accrued_taxes = 0 loan_term = self.loan_term / 12 for year in range(1, int(loan_term) + 1): interest = accrued_amount * (line.loan_issue_id.rate / 100) accrued_amount += interest taxes_amount = interest * (self.taxes_rate / 100) net_interest = interest - taxes_amount accrued_interest += interest accrued_net_interest += net_interest accrued_taxes += taxes_amount vals["interest"] = interest vals["net_interest"] = net_interest vals["taxes_amount"] = taxes_amount vals["accrued_amount"] = accrued_amount vals["accrued_interest"] = accrued_interest vals["accrued_net_interest"] = accrued_net_interest vals["accrued_taxes"] = accrued_taxes vals["name"] = year list_vals.append(vals.copy()) self.env["loan.interest.line"].create(list_vals) @api.multi def compute_loan_interest(self): self.ensure_one() if not (self.loan_term / 12).is_integer(): # TODO Handle this case raise NotImplementedError( _( "Calculation on non entire year " "hasn't been implemented yet" ) ) if self.interest_payment == "end": due_date = self.term_date else: raise NotImplementedError( _("Interest payment by year hasn't been " "implemented yet") ) for line in self.loan_issue_lines: # TODO remove this line line.interest_lines.unlink() # Please Do not Forget vals = { "issue_line": line.id, "due_date": due_date, "taxes_rate": self.taxes_rate, } self.get_interest_vals(line, vals)