# Copyright 2017-2018 Coop IT Easy SCRLfs <remy@gcoopiteasy.be> # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from openerp import http from openerp.addons.website_portal_v10.controllers.main import WebsiteAccount from openerp.exceptions import AccessError, MissingError from openerp.http import request from werkzeug.exceptions import Forbidden, NotFound class TaxShelterWebsiteAccount(WebsiteAccount): @http.route() def account(self): """ Add Tax Shelter Certificate to main account page """ response = super(TaxShelterWebsiteAccount, self).account() partner = request.env.user.partner_id tax_shelter_mgr = request.env["tax.shelter.certificate"] tax_shelter_count = tax_shelter_mgr.sudo().search_count( [("partner_id", "in", [partner.commercial_partner_id.id])] ) response.qcontext.update({"tax_shelter_count": tax_shelter_count}) return response @http.route( [ "/my/tax_shelter_certificate", "/my/tax_shelter_certificate/page/<int:page>", ], type="http", auth="user", website=True, ) def portal_my_tax_shelter_certificate( self, page=1, date_begin=None, date_end=None, **kw ): """Render a page that lits the tax shelter report: * Tax Shelter Certificates * Shares Certifcates """ values = self._prepare_portal_layout_values() partner = request.env.user.partner_id tax_shelter_mgr = request.env["tax.shelter.certificate"] domain = [("partner_id", "in", [partner.commercial_partner_id.id])] if date_begin and date_end: domain += [ ("create_date", ">=", date_begin), ("create_date", "<", date_end), ] # count for pager tax_shelter_count = tax_shelter_mgr.sudo().search_count(domain) # pager pager = request.website.pager( url="/my/tax_shelter_certificate", url_args={"date_begin": date_begin, "date_end": date_end}, total=tax_shelter_count, page=page, step=self._items_per_page, ) # content according to pager and archive selected tax_shelters = tax_shelter_mgr.sudo().search( domain, limit=self._items_per_page, offset=pager["offset"] ) tax_shelters = tax_shelters.sorted( key=lambda r: r.declaration_id.fiscal_year, reverse=True ) values.update( { "date": date_begin, "tax_shelters": tax_shelters, "page_name": "invoice", "pager": pager, "default_url": "/my/tax_shelter_certificate", } ) return request.website.render( "easy_my_coop_website_taxshelter.portal_my_tax_shelter", values ) @http.route( ["/my/taxshelter_certificate/pdf/<int:oid>"], type="http", auth="user", website=True, ) def get_taxshelter_certificate_pdf(self, oid=-1): """Render the Tax Shelter Certificate pdf of the given Tax Shelter Report """ # Get the subscription certificate and raise an error if the user # is not allowed to access to it or if the object is not found. partner = request.env.user.partner_id tax_shelter_mgr = request.env["tax.shelter.certificate"] tax_shelter = tax_shelter_mgr.sudo().browse(oid) try: if tax_shelter.partner_id != partner: raise Forbidden() except AccessError: raise Forbidden() except MissingError: raise NotFound() # Get the pdf report_mgr = request.env["report"] pdf = report_mgr.sudo().get_pdf( tax_shelter, "easy_my_coop_taxshelter_report.tax_shelter_subscription_report", ) filename = "Tax Shelter Certificate - {} - {}".format( partner.name, tax_shelter.declaration_id.fiscal_year ) return self._render_pdf(pdf, filename) @http.route( ["/my/share_certificate/pdf/<int:oid>"], type="http", auth="user", website=True, ) def get_share_certificate_pdf(self, oid=-1): """Render the Share Certificate pdf of the given Tax Shelter Report """ # Get the share certificate and raise an error if the user # is not allowed to access to it or if the object is not found. partner = request.env.user.partner_id tax_shelter_mgr = request.env["tax.shelter.certificate"] tax_shelter = tax_shelter_mgr.sudo().browse(oid) try: if tax_shelter.partner_id != partner: raise Forbidden() except AccessError: raise Forbidden() except MissingError: raise NotFound() # Get the pdf report_mgr = request.env["report"] pdf = report_mgr.sudo().get_pdf( tax_shelter, "easy_my_coop_taxshelter_report.tax_shelter_shares_report", ) filename = "Share Certificate - {} - {}".format( partner.name, tax_shelter.declaration_id.fiscal_year ) return self._render_pdf(pdf, filename) def _render_pdf(self, pdf, filename): """Render a http response for a pdf""" pdfhttpheaders = [ ("Content-Disposition", 'inline; filename="%s.pdf"' % filename), ("Content-Type", "application/pdf"), ("Content-Length", len(pdf)), ] return request.make_response(pdf, headers=pdfhttpheaders)