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# © 2018 Coop IT Easy (
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import random
import re
from odoo import api, fields, models, _
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class LoanIssueLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'loan.issue.line'
def generate_bbacomm(self):
algorithm = self.company_id.l10n_be_structured_comm
if algorithm == 'date':
date = fields.Date.from_string(
doy = date.strftime('%j')
year = date.strftime('%Y')
seq = '001'
invoices =[('type', '=', 'out_invoice'),
('reference', 'like', '+++%s/%s/%%' %
(doy, year))], order='reference')
if invoices:
prev_seq = int(invoices[-1].reference[12:15])
if prev_seq < 999:
seq = '%03d' % (prev_seq + 1)
raise UserError(_('The daily maximum of outgoing invoices '
'with an automatically generated BBA '
'Structured Communications has been '
'exceeded!' '\nPlease create manually a '
'unique BBA Structured Communication.'))
bbacomm = doy + year + seq
base = int(bbacomm)
mod = base % 97 or 97
reference = '+++%s/%s/%s%02d+++' % (doy, year, seq, mod)
elif algorithm == 'partner_ref':
partner_ref = self.partner_id.ref
partner_ref_nr = re.sub('\D', '', partner_ref or '')
if (len(partner_ref_nr) < 3) or (len(partner_ref_nr) > 7):
raise UserError(_('The Customer should have an Internal '
'Reference with min 3 and max 7 digits '
'for the generation of BBA Structured '
partner_ref_nr = partner_ref_nr.ljust(7, '0')
seq = '001'
invoices =[('type', '=', 'out_invoice'),
('reference', 'like', '+++%s/%s/%%' %
], order='reference')
if invoices:
prev_seq = int(invoices[-1].reference[12:15])
if prev_seq < 999:
seq = '%03d' % (prev_seq + 1)
raise UserError(_(
'The daily maximum of outgoing invoices with an '
'automatically generated BBA Structured '
'Communications has been exceeded!'
'\nPlease create manually a unique BBA Structured '
bbacomm = partner_ref_nr + seq
base = int(bbacomm)
mod = base % 97 or 97
reference = '+++%s/%s/%s%02d+++' % (partner_ref_nr[:3],
partner_ref_nr[3:], seq, mod)
elif algorithm == 'random':
base = random.randint(1, 9999999999)
bbacomm = str(base).rjust(10, '0')
base = int(bbacomm)
mod = base % 97 or 97
mod = str(mod).rjust(2, '0')
reference = '+++%s/%s/%s%s+++' % (bbacomm[:3],
bbacomm[7:], mod)
raise UserError(_("Unsupported Structured Communication Type "
"Algorithm '%s' !"
"\nPlease contact your Odoo support channel."
) % algorithm)
return reference
def action_validate(self):
super(LoanIssueLine, self).action_validate()
for line in self:
bba = line.generate_bbacomm()
line.write({'reference': bba})