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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# © 2019 Coop IT Easy (
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (
import logging
from openerp import tools
from import _
from openerp import http
from openerp.http import request
from openerp.addons.auth_signup.res_users import SignupError
from openerp.addons.auth_signup.controllers.main import AuthSignupHome
from openerp.addons.base_iban import base_iban
from openerp.exceptions import ValidationError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
FORM_FIELDS = ['login', 'firstname', 'password', 'phone', 'street',
'city', 'zip_code', 'country_id']
class AuthSignupHome(AuthSignupHome):
def _signup_with_values(self, token, values):
user_obj = request.env['res.users']
db, login, password = user_obj.sudo().signup(values, token)
# as authenticate will use its own cursor we need to commit
# the current transaction
uid = request.session.authenticate(db, login, password)
if not uid:
raise SignupError(_('Authentication Failed.'))
return uid
def do_signup(self, qcontext):
""" Shared helper that creates a res.partner out of a token """
bank_obj = request.env['']
lang_obj = request.env['res.lang']
values = dict((key, qcontext.get(key)) for key in FORM_FIELDS)
assert any([k for k in values.values()]),"The form was not properly filled in."
assert values.get('password') == qcontext.get('confirm_password'), "Passwords do not match; please retype them."
supported_langs = [lang['code'] for lang
in lang_obj.sudo().search_read([], ['code'])]
if request.lang in supported_langs:
values['lang'] = request.lang
values['lastname'] = qcontext.get('name')
values['name'] = values.get('firstname') + ' ' + values.get('lastsname')
values['zip'] = values['zip_code']
uid = self._signup_with_values(qcontext.get('token'), values)
iban = qcontext.get('iban')
user = request.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('id', '=', uid)])
'acc_number': iban})
@http.route('/web/signup', type='http', auth='public', website=True)
def web_auth_signup(self, *args, **kw):
qcontext = self.get_auth_signup_qcontext()
users_obj = request.env["res.users"]
country_obj = request.env['']
if qcontext.get("login", False) and not tools.single_email_re.match(qcontext.get("login", "")):
qcontext["error"] = _("That does not seem to be an email address.")
if qcontext.get("iban", False):
except ValidationError:
qcontext["error"] = _("Please give a correct IBAN number.")
if not qcontext.get('token') and not qcontext.get('signup_enabled'):
raise werkzeug.exceptions.NotFound()
if 'error' not in qcontext and request.httprequest.method == 'POST':
return super(AuthSignupHome, self).web_login(*args, **kw)
except (SignupError, AssertionError), e:
domain = [("login", "=", qcontext.get("login"))]
if users_obj.sudo().search(domain):
qcontext["error"] = _("Another user is already registered "
"using this email address.")
qcontext['error'] = _("Could not create a new account.")
if not qcontext.get('raliment_point_id', False):
qcontext['raliment_point_id'] = 0
if not qcontext.get('delivery_point_id', False):
qcontext['delivery_point_id'] = 0
qcontext['countries'] = country_obj.sudo().search([])
qcontext['country_id'] = '21'
return request.render('auth_signup.signup', qcontext)