@ -49,6 +49,18 @@ quick_cat_file() { quick_cat_stdin < "$1"; } |
quick_cat_stdin() { local IFS=''; while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done ; } |
quick_cat_stdin() { local IFS=''; while read -r line; do echo "$line"; done ; } |
export -f quick_cat_file quick_cat_stdin md5_compat |
export -f quick_cat_file quick_cat_stdin md5_compat |
clean_cache() { |
local i=0 |
for f in $(ls -t "$CACHEDIR/"*.cache.* 2>/dev/null | tail -n +500); do |
((i++)) |
rm -f "$f" |
done |
if (( i > 0 )); then |
debug "${WHITE}Cleaned cache:${NORMAL} Removed $((i)) elements (current cache size is $(du -sh "$CACHEDIR" | cut -f 1))" |
fi |
} |
trap_add "EXIT" clean_cache |
trap_add "EXIT" clean_cache |
usage="$exname CHARM"' |
usage="$exname CHARM"' |
@ -330,6 +342,219 @@ get_file() { |
export -f get_file |
export -f get_file |
## |
## Common database lib |
## |
_clean_docker() { |
local _DB_NAME="$1" container_id="$2" |
( |
set +e |
debug "Removing container $_DB_NAME" |
docker stop "$container_id" |
docker rm "$_DB_NAME" |
rm -vf "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.state" |
) |
} |
export -f _clean_docker |
are_files_locked_in_dir() { |
local dir="$1" device hdev ldev |
device=$(stat -c %d "$dir") || { |
err "Can't stat %d." |
return 1 |
} |
device=$(printf "%04x" $device) |
hdev=${device:0:2} |
ldev=${device:2:2} |
inodes=$(find "$dir" -printf ':%i:\n') |
found= |
while read -r inode; do |
debug "try inode:$inode" |
if [[ "$inodes" == *":$inode:"* ]]; then |
found=1 |
break |
fi |
done < <(cat /proc/locks | grep " $hdev:$ldev:" | sed -r "s/^.*$hdev:$ldev:([0-9]+).*$/\1/g") |
[ "$found" ] |
} |
export -f are_files_locked_in_dir |
export _PID="$$" |
ensure_db_docker_running () { |
_DB_NAME="db_${DB_NAME}_${_PID}" |
if [ -e "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.state" ]; then |
export DOCKER_IP="$(cat "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.state")" |
debug "Re-using previous docker/connection '$DOCKER_IP'." |
_set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" |
return 0 |
fi |
if [ -e "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.working" ]; then |
## avoid recursive calls. |
if [ -z "$DOCKER_IP" ]; then |
err "Currently figuring up DOCKER_IP, please set it yourself before this call if needed." |
return 1 |
else |
debug "Ignoring recursive call." |
fi |
return 0 |
fi |
touch "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.working" |
docker rm "$_DB_NAME" 2>/dev/null || true |
host_db_working_dir="$DATASTORE/${SERVICE_NAME}$DB_DATADIR" |
if is_db_locked; then |
info "Some process is using '$host_db_working_dir'. Trying to find a docker that would do this..." |
found= |
for docker_id in $(docker ps -q); do |
has_volume_mounted=$( |
docker inspect \ |
--format "{{range .Mounts}}{{if eq .Destination \"$DB_DATADIR\"}}{{.Source}}{{end}}{{end}}" \ |
"$docker_id") |
if [ "$has_volume_mounted" == "$host_db_working_dir" ]; then |
found="$docker_id" |
break |
fi |
done |
if [ -z "$found" ]; then |
err "Please shutdown any other docker using this directory." |
return 1 |
fi |
export container_id="$found" |
info "Found docker $docker_id is already running." |
else |
verb "Database is not locked." |
if ! docker_has_image "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE"; then |
docker pull "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" |
fi |
docker_opts= |
if [ -f "$DB_PASSFILE" ]; then |
verb "Found and using '$DB_PASSFILE'." |
docker_opts="$db_docker_opts -v $SERVER_ROOT_PREFIX$DB_PASSFILE:$DB_PASSFILE" |
fi |
debug docker run -d \ |
--name "$_DB_NAME" \ |
$docker_opts \ |
-v "$host_db_working_dir:$DB_DATADIR" \ |
if ! container_id=$( |
docker run -d \ |
--name "$_DB_NAME" \ |
$docker_opts \ |
-v "$host_db_working_dir:$DB_DATADIR" \ |
); then |
err "'docker run' failed !" |
_clean_docker "$_DB_NAME" "$container_id" |
rm "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.working" |
return 1 |
fi |
trap_add EXIT,ERR "_clean_docker '$_DB_NAME' '$container_id'" |
fi |
if DOCKER_IP=$(wait_for_docker_ip "$container_id"); then |
echo "$DOCKER_IP" > "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.state" |
debug "written /tmp/${_DB_NAME}.state" |
rm "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.working" |
_set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" |
return 0 |
else |
err "Db not found. Docker logs follows:" |
docker logs --tail=5 "$container_id" 2>&1 | prefix " | " >&2 |
rm "/tmp/${_DB_NAME}.working" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
export -f ensure_db_docker_running |
## Require to set $db_docker_opts if needed, and $DB_PASSFILE |
## |
_dcmd() { |
local docker_opts command="$1" |
shift |
debug "Db> $command $@" |
if [ -f "$DB_PASSFILE" ]; then |
verb "Found and using '$DB_PASSFILE'." |
db_docker_opts="$db_docker_opts -v $SERVER_ROOT_PREFIX$DB_PASSFILE:$DB_PASSFILE" |
fi |
debug docker run -i --rm \ |
$db_docker_opts \ |
--entrypoint "$command" "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" $db_cmd_opts "$@" |
docker run -i --rm \ |
$db_docker_opts \ |
--entrypoint "$command" "$DOCKER_BASE_IMAGE" $db_cmd_opts "$@" |
} |
export -f _dcmd |
## Executes code through db |
dcmd () { |
[ "$DB_NAME" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_NAME." |
[ "$DB_DATADIR" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_DATADIR." |
[ "$DB_PASSFILE" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$DB_PASSFILE." |
[ "$_PID" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide \$_PID." |
[ "$(type -t is_db_locked)" == "function" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide function 'is_db_locked'." |
[ "$(type -t _set_db_params)" == "function" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide function '_set_db_params'." |
[ "$(type -t ddb)" == "function" ] || print_syntax_error "$FUNCNAME: You must provide function 'ddb'." |
ensure_db_docker_running </dev/null || return 1 |
_dcmd "$@" |
} |
export -f dcmd |
## Warning: requires a ``ddb`` matching current database to be checked |
wait_for_docker_ip() { |
local name=$1 timeout=5 timeout_count=0 DOCKER_IP= DB_OK= |
while [ -z "$DOCKER_IP" ]; do |
sleep 1 |
DOCKER_IP=$(docker inspect --format='{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' "$name" 2>/dev/null) |
verb "[1/2] Waiting for docker $name... ($[timeout_count + 1]/$timeout)" |
((timeout_count++)) || true |
if [ "$timeout_count" == "$timeout" ]; then |
err "${RED}timeout error${NORMAL}(${timeout}s):"\ |
"Could not find '$name' docker" \ |
"container's IP." |
return 1 |
fi |
done |
verb "[1/2] Found docker $name IP: $DOCKER_IP" |
timeout_count=0 |
DB_OK= |
_set_db_params "$DOCKER_IP" |
while [ -z "$DB_OK" ]; do |
sleep 1 |
echo "SELECT 1;" | ddb >/dev/null && DB_OK=1 |
verb "[2/2] Waiting for db service from docker $name... ($[timeout_count + 1]/$timeout)" |
((timeout_count++)) || true |
if [ "$timeout_count" == "$timeout" ]; then |
err "${RED}timeout error${NORMAL}(${timeout}s):"\ |
"Could not connect to db on $DOCKER_IP." \ |
"container's IP." |
return 1 |
fi |
done |
verb "[2/2] Db is ready !" |
echo "$DOCKER_IP" |
return 0 |
} |
export -f wait_for_docker_ip |
## |
## |
## Arrays |
## Arrays |
## |
## |