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Lokavaluto Dev Pack
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Resources (docs, tools) to help getting things done in the lokavaluto team
Common dev environment
We recommend you to try to stick to a somewhat common environment to avoid as much as possible any problem stemming from your installation.
The most important part is the usage of the same docker image of odoo and the same version of postgres. Here are suggestion of how to install it.
We are using compose
, and installation process will download
binary, and our charm-store
>= 4.3 -
>= 17.06 -
## for installation -
We have a magic script for you that will install or update your
current installation of compose
and of the charms
curl -sS https://git.myceliandre.fr/Lokavaluto/dev-pack/raw/branch/dev/src/install.sh | bash
If you are curious of what it is doing, check:
We are using compose
, and installation process will download
binary, and our charm-store
On MacOSX, you'll need to install homebrew and gnu tools:
TODO Deployment
Windows - docker for windows
There are many ways to use docker on windows.
If you intend to use docker for windows, then you wont be able to use
our tool compose
for the moment. However you can use the full blown
>= 4.3 -
>= 17.06 -
TODO Deployment
using compose
You need to create a compose.yml
that suits your need. You can
create it wherever you want as long as either you launch compose
a sub-directory or you specify the location of the compose
file with
option. Here's a good start:
cat <<EOF > compose.yml odoo: charm: odoo-tecnativa # docker-compose: # ## Important to keep as a list: otherwise it'll overwrite charm's arguments. # command: # - "--log-level=debug" # environment: # TOTO: TATA # image: mynewimage # options: # workers: 1 # modules: ## 'base' is automatically added # - l10n_fr # - mymodule # database: mybase ## defaults to database in relation EOF
You can then launch the service(s) with:
compose up
using docker-compose
If you are NOT using compose
and are using docker-compose
, (for
instance because you are on windows and want to stay in the official
way to install docker.
You'll need also to initialize the postgres database.
Creating docker-compose.yml
You can run this instructions from your bash to create both .env
cat <<EOF > .env ## Location of the charm-store (to build postgres) CHARM_STORE=~/.charm-store ## Password for postgres's 'odoo' user PG_DATABASE=odoo PG_USER=odoo PG_PASS=odoopassword ## Password for odoo admin tasks (create/delete/archive databases) ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpass ## Password for postgres admin user 'postgres' POSTGRES_ROOT_PASSWORD=postgresrootpassword EOF cat <<EOF > docker-compose.yml version: '2.0' services: odoo: command: - odoo - --config=/opt/odoo/auto/odoo.conf - --workers=1 - -i base,l10n_fr - --database=odoo environment: ADMIN_PASSWORD: \${ODOO_ADMIN_PASSWORD} INITIAL_LANG: fr_FR LIST_DB: 'true' PGDATABASE: \${PG_DATABASE} PGHOST: postgres PGPASSWORD: \${PG_PASS} PGUSER: \${PG_USER} image: docker.0k.io/mirror/odoo:rc_13.0-MYC-INIT links: - postgres restart: unless-stopped tty: true volumes: ## Volume is changed from normal 'compose' build - odoo-data:/var/lib/odoo:rw postgres: build: \${CHARM_STORE}/postgres/build restart: unless-stopped volumes: ## Volume is changed from normal 'compose' build - postgres-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data:rw ## Was added, differing from the normal 'compose' build environment: - POSTGRES_ROOT_PASSWORD - PG_DATABASE - PG_USER - PG_PASS ## new section volumes: odoo-data: postgres-data: EOF
You can then run:
docker-compose up -d
This is only needed if you use the 'docker-compose' method. You need to do it once.
Set master password and allow access from odoo container
container 'postgres' needs to be up before running the following:
You need to do this only once.
## Update postgres password docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c \ 'PGUSER=postgres psql <<<"ALTER USER postgres WITH ENCRYPTED password "'\\\''$POSTGRES_ROOT_PASSWORD'\\\' ## Set pg_hba.conf docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c ' PG_HBA=/var/lib/postgresql/data/pg_hba.conf if ! grep -E "^host all all (|all) md5\$" "$PG_HBA" >/dev/null 2>&1; then if grep -E "^host all all (|all) trust\$" "$PG_HBA" >/dev/null 2>&1; then sed -ri '\''s%^host all all (0\.0\.0\.0/0|all) trust$%host all all \1 md5%g'\'' \ "$PG_HBA" echo "Accepting connection from outside." else echo "Can'\''t ensure connection from outside." >&2 exit 1 fi fi ' if [ "$?" != 0 ]; then echo "Error: can't update pg_hba.conf" >&2 else docker-compose restart postgres fi
Create odoo table and odoo user
docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c \ 'PGUSER=postgres createdb $PG_DATABASE' docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c \ 'PGUSER=postgres psql "$PG_DATABASE"' \ <<<'CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS unaccent;' docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c \ 'PGUSER=postgres psql <<<"CREATE USER \"$PG_USER\" WITH PASSWORD '\''$PG_PASS'\'' CREATEDB NOCREATEROLE;"' docker-compose exec -T postgres bash -c \ 'PGUSER=postgres prefix_pg_local_command=" " pgm chown $PG_USER $PG_DATABASE'