@ -13,63 +13,12 @@ |
<h3 class="oe_slogan">Overview</h3> |
<div class="oe_mt32" |
style="padding-bottom: 10px; text-align: justify;"> |
<p>Provides a field to store bytes as PostgreSQL large objects. |
PostgreSQL offers support for large objects, which provide |
stream-style access to user data that is stored in a special |
large-object structure. They are useful with data values too large |
to be manipulated conveniently as a whole.</p> |
<h5 style="padding-top: 10px;">Psycopg2 for Python</h5> |
<p> |
Psycopg allows access to the large object using the |
<code>lobject</code> |
class. Objects are generated using the |
<code>connection.lobject()</code> |
factory method. Data can be retrieved either as bytes or as Unicode |
strings. |
</p> |
<p> |
Psycopg large object support efficient import/export with file |
system files using the |
<code>lo_import()</code> |
and |
<code>lo_export()</code> |
libpq functions. |
</p> |
<p>Changed in version 2.6: added support for large objects |
greated than 2GB. Note that the support is enabled only if all the |
following conditions are verified:</p> |
<ul> |
<li>the Python build is 64 bits;</li> |
<li>the extension was built against at least libpq 9.3;</li> |
<li>the server version is at least PostgreSQL 9.3 |
(server_version must be >= 90300).</li> |
</ul> |
<p> |
If Psycopg was built with 64 bits large objects support (i.e. the |
first two contidions above are verified), the |
<code>psycopg2.__version__</code> |
constant will contain the lo64 flag. If any of the contition is not |
met several lobject methods will fail if the arguments exceed 2GB. |
</p> |
<p>This module allows the LargeObject Field to be previewed by |
the Preview Dialog. It is installed automatically with the MuK |
Preview Dialog module. It has no direct visible effect on the |
system. It allows LargeObejct fields to be previewed by the Preview |
Dialog.</p> |
</div> |
<pre> |
<code> |
from odoo.addons.muk_fields_lobject import fields as lobject_fields |
class LargeObjectModel(models.Model): |
data_content = lobject_fields.LargeObject(string="Data") |
@api.multi |
def data(self): |
for record in self: |
bytes = record.data_content |
oid = record.with_context({'oid': True}).data_content |
size = record.with_context({'bin_size': True}).data_content |
stream = record.with_context({'stream': True}).data_content |
</code> |
</pre> |
</div> |
</div> |
</section> |