@ -2615,4 +2615,73 @@ cmdline.spec:monujo:cmd:set-version:run() { |
} |
cmdline.spec::cmd:check:run() { |
: |
} |
cmdline.spec.gnu check |
cmdline.spec:check:cmd:backup:run() { |
: :optfla: --notify,-n "Send result through notify" |
: :optval: --service,-s "The backup service name (defaults to 'rsync-backup')" |
## Check on daily bases if backup exist in config and when is the last backup done : |
## ALERT if backup is set and last backup is older than 24h |
local STATE_FILE="/var/run/myc-manage/backup.state" |
mkdir -p "${STATE_FILE%/*}" |
service=${opt_service:-rsync-backup} |
project_name=$(compose:project_name) || exit 1 |
## check if service exists in compose.yml |
if ! compose:service:exists "$project_name" "$service"; then |
warn "no service ${DARKYELLOW}$service${NORMAL}. Ignoring." |
return 0 |
fi |
last_backup_datetime=$( |
cat /srv/datastore/data/cron/var/log/cron/*rsync-backup_script{_*,}.log | grep "total size is" | sort | tail -n 1 | cut -f -2 -d " ") |
last_backup_ts=$(date -d "$last_backup_datetime" +%s) |
max_ts=$(date -d "24 hours ago" +%s) |
state="ok" |
if [ "$last_backup_ts" -lt "$max_ts" ]; then |
state="ko" |
fi |
if [ -z "$opt_notify" ]; then |
if [ "$state" == "ok" ]; then |
info "Everything is ${GREEN}ok${NORMAL}. (last backup: ${DARKCYAN}$last_backup_datetime${NORMAL})" |
return 0 |
fi |
warn "Last backup older than 1 day. (last backup: ${DARKCYAN}$last_backup_datetime${NORMAL})" |
return 1 |
fi |
## notify |
last_state=$(cat "$STATE_FILE" 2>/dev/null) || true |
if [ "$state" == "$last_state" ]; then |
[ "$state" == "ko" ] || return 0 |
is_old=$(find "$STATE_FILE" -type f -mtime +2) || return 1 |
[ -n "$is_old" ] || return 0 |
fi |
echo "$state" > "$STATE_FILE" |
message="[$(hostname)]: WARNING no backup done in the last 24h (No backup since $days days and $hours hours)" |
timestamp=$(date +%s) |
time_difference=$((timestamp - last_backup_ts)) |
days=$((time_difference / 86400)) |
hours=$((time_difference % 86400 / 3600)) |
message="WARNING: no backup done in the last 24h (No backup since $days days and $hours hours)" |
send -t "ALERT Backup" "$message" |
} |
cmdline::parse "$@" |