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[FIX] spell check and reformat the description of the addon

Alexandre Fayolle @ camptocamp 12 years ago
  1. 127


@ -37,76 +37,93 @@ Main improvements per report:
The General ledger: details of all entries posted in your books sorted by account. The General ledger: details of all entries posted in your books sorted by account.
* Filter by account in the wizard (no need to go to the Chart of account to do this anymore)
or by view account (the report will display all regular children account) ie: you can select all P&L
* The report will now print only account with movements OR with a balance not null. No more endless
report with accounts with no data. (field: display account is hidden)
* Filter by account is available in the wizard (no need to go to the
Chart of Accounts to do this anymore) or by View account (the report
will display all regular children accounts) i.e. you can select all
P&L accounts.
* The report only prints accounts with moves OR with a non
null balance. No more endless report with empty accounts (field:
display account is hidden)
* initial balance calculation on the fly if no open entry posted * initial balance calculation on the fly if no open entry posted
* Thanks to a new checkbox in account form, you will have possibility to centralize any accounts you like.
Ie: you do not want to see all entries posted under the account VAT on sales; you will only see
aggregated amounts by periods.
* Counterpart account displayed for each transaction (3 accounts max.) to ease searching.
* Better ergonomy on the wizard: important information at the top, filters in the middle, options
at the bottom or separate tab, more specific filtering on a other tabs. No more unique wizard layout
for all financial reports (ie: we have removed the journal tab for the GL report)
* Thanks to a new checkbox in the account form, you will have the
possibility to centralize any account you like. This means you do
not want to see all entries posted under the account VAT on sales;
you will only see aggregated amounts by periods.
* Counterpart account is displayed for each transaction (3 accounts max.)
to ease searching.
* Better ergonomy on the wizard: important information is displayed in
the top part, filters are in the middle, and options are in the
bottom or on a separate tab. There is more specific filtering on
separate tabs. No more unique wizard layout for all financial
reports (we have removed the journal tab for the GL report)
* improved report style * improved report style
The partner ledger: details of entries relative to payable & receivable accounts posted in your books
sorted by account and partner.
* Filter by partner now possible
* Now you can see accounts then Partner with subtotals for each account allowing you to check you data
with trial balance and partner balance for instance & accounts are ordered the same way than in the
Chart of account
* period have been added (date only is uncompleted since date can be outside period)
The partner ledger: details of entries relative to payable &
receivable accounts posted in your books sorted by account and
* Filter by partner now available
* Now you can see Accounts then Partner with subtotals for each
account allowing you to check you data with trial balance and
partner balance for instance. Accounts are ordered in the same way as
in the Chart of account
* Period have been added (date only is not filled in since date can be
outside period)
* Reconciliation code added * Reconciliation code added
* subtotal by account
* alpha sorting (same in partner balance)
Open invoice report : other version of the partner ledger showing unreconciled / partially reconcies entries
* Possibility to print unreconciled transactions only at any date in the past (thanks to the brand-new field:
`last_rec_date` which calculated the last move line reconciled date). No more pain to get open invoices at
the last closing date.
* no initial balance calculated because the report shows open invoices from previous years.
The Trial balance: list of account with balances
* you can either see the column : Initial balance , debit, credit , end balance or compare balances
over 4 periods of your choice
* You can select the filter opening to get the opening trial balance only
* If you create a extra virtual charts (using consolidated account) of account for your P&L
and your balance sheet, you can print your statutory accounts (with comparision over years for ex.)
* If you compare 2 periods, you will get differences in value and % also
* Subtotal by account
* Alphabetical sorting (same as in partner balance)
Open invoice report : other version of the partner ledger showing
unreconciled / partially reconciled entries.
* Possibility to print unreconciled transactions only at any date in
the past (thanks to the new field: `last_rec_date` which computes
the last move line reconciliation date). No more pain to get open
invoices at the last closing date.
* no initial balance computed because the report shows open invoices
from previous years.
The Trial balance: list of accounts with balances
* You can either see the columns: initial balance, debit, credit,
end balance or compare balances over 4 periods of your choice
* You can select the "opening" filter to get the opening trial balance
* If you create an extra virtual chart (using consolidated account) of
accounts for your P&L and your balance sheet, you can print your
statutory accounts (with comparison over years for instance)
* If you compare 2 periods, you will get the differences in values and
in percent
The Partner balance: list of account with balances The Partner balance: list of account with balances
* subtotal by account & partner
* alpha sorting (same in partner balance)
* Subtotal by account and partner
* Alphabetical sorting (same as in partner balance)
Limitations: Limitations:
------------ ------------
In order to run properly this module make sure you have installed the library `wkhtmltopdf`
for the pdf rendering (the library path must be set in a System Parameter `webkit_path`).
In order to run properly this module makes sure you have installed the
library `wkhtmltopdf` for the pdf rendering (the library path must be
set in a System Parameter `webkit_path`).
Initial balances in these reports are based either on opening entry Initial balances in these reports are based either on opening entry
posted in the opening period or calculated on the fly. So make sure,
your past accounting opening entries are in a opening period.
Initials balances are not calculated when using date filter (since a
date can be outside its logical period and IB could be different by
date Vs IB by period) The opening period is assumed to be the 01.01 of
the year with an opening flag and the first period of the year must
starts also the 01.01
Totals for amount in currencies are effective if the partner belongs to
posted in the opening period or calculated on the fly. So make sure
that your past accounting opening entries are in an opening period.
Initials balances are not computed when using the Date filter (since a
date can be outside its logical period and the initial balance could
be different when computed by data or by initial balance for the
period). The opening period is assumed to be the Jan. 1st of the year
with an opening flag and the first period of the year must start also
on Jan 1st.
Totals for amounts in currencies are effective if the partner belongs to
an account with a secondary currency. an account with a secondary currency.
html headers and footers are deactivated for these reports because of
an issue in wkhtmltopdf:
Instead, the header and footer are created as text with arguments passed to
HTML headers and footers are deactivated for these reports because of
an issue in wkhtmltopdf
( Instead,
the header and footer are created as text with arguments passed to
wkhtmltopdf. The texts are defined inside the report classes. wkhtmltopdf. The texts are defined inside the report classes.
""", """,
'version': '1.0', 'version': '1.0',
