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[ADD] description in manifest pour aged partner balance

Nicolas Bessi 11 years ago
  1. 41


@ -100,6 +100,47 @@ The Partner balance: list of account with balances
* Subtotal by account and partner * Subtotal by account and partner
* Alphabetical sorting (same as in partner balance) * Alphabetical sorting (same as in partner balance)
Aged Partner Balance: Summary of aged open amount per partner
This report is an accounting tool helping in various tasks.
You can credit control or partner balance provisions computation for instance.
The aged balance report allows you to print balances per partner
like the trial balance but add an extra information :
* It will split balances into due amounts
(due date not reached à the end date of the report) and overdue amounts
Overdue data are also split by period.
* For each partner following columns will be displayed:
* Total balance (all figures must match with same date partner balance report).
This column equals the sum of all following columns)
* Due
* Overdue <= 30 days
* Overdue <= 60 days
* Overdue <= 90 days
* Overdue <= 120 days
* Older
Hypothesis / Contraints of aged partner balance
* Overdues columns will be by default be based on 30 days range fix number of days.
This can be changed by changes the RANGES constraint
* All data will be displayed in company currency
* When partial payments, the payment must appear in the same colums than the invoice
(Except if multiple payment terms)
* Data granularity: partner (will not display figures at invoices level)
* The report aggregate data per account with sub-totals
* Initial balance must be calculated the same way that
the partner balance / Ignoring the opening entry
in special period (idem open invoice report)
* Only accounts with internal type payable or receivable are considered
(idem open invoice report)
* If maturity date is null then use move line date
Limitations: Limitations:
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