When on a Trial Balance report and filtering by hierarchical accounts or for a foreing currency, an error was produced when generating the report.
The report fields were dependant on data that is no longer present, such as line data.
This uses the correct data provided when generating the report to avoid this errors
Pass res_id correctly to lines to allow navigation on the fields
In the open items ledger, the res_id attribute of the invoice
in the report was getting: (id, move_name)
The result was that, when clicking the line, it would redirect
to a new record, instead of the existing.
This passes only the id to the line, solving that issue.
Fix menu item name
Since v14, Odoo defines the `__slots__` attribute in the `BaseModel` class (ea3e39506a)
This makes it impossible to add attributes to an instance like it was done here in v13.
The use of the `report_data` dictionary passed between method is the closes and simples solution to this "issue".
Co-authored-by: Alex Cuellar <acuellar@grupoyacck.com>
Before this commit, amounts such as "10'000.00 CHF" were exceeding their
columns width. Label column could be reduced as it's printed correctly
over two different lines.
* centralization is only calculated on accounts where 'centralized' is True
* Cumul. Balance of each move_line fixed
* Ordering move_lines by date
* Fix trial_balance xlsx when not show_partner_details
`report_journal_ledger` is auto-vacuumed as any transient model, but has some
ondelete="cascade" constraints that auto-remove subtables when a record is removed,
doing this operation very slow when selecting these sub-records.
Letting default ondelete="set null" would result in same performance bottleneck,
as the select on sub-table is performed the same for setting "null" value on them.
As a solution, and for avoiding a costly index operation, we delete by SQL sub-tables
rows in advance.
A bit of extra logic has been added for avoiding to remove that records if it's not
the turn of vacuum the parent table.
* Move back to CSS and FIX
NameError: variable @odoo-view-background-color is undefined in - on line 99, column 23:
98 .o_account_financial_reports_page {
99 background-color: @odoo-view-background-color;
100 color: @odoo-main-text-color;
* Porting: parent_left does not exist anymore. Using parent_path + account code to sort report lines
* FIX js error with date object not converted to string while clicking on initial balance amount
See https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1033131/58337566-5d525c80-7e46-11e9-913a-3c3e0115fb3e.gif
* IMP style and metadata
* FIX tests about new date format and partner_id computed field of account.move
* FIX errors like
2019-06-03 16:11:51,406 17857 ERROR dev_12_account_financial_report odoo.sql_db: bad query: b"\nDELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'\nWHERE COALESCE(\n write_date, create_date, (now() at time zone 'UTC'))::timestamp\n < ((now() at time zone 'UTC') - interval '3600.0 seconds')\n"
ERROR: syntax error at or near "'report_vat_report_tax'"
LINE 2: DELETE FROM 'report_vat_report_tax'
* IMP translation template and IMP Italian translation
* Remove useless comments
* Use AsIs to avoid SQL injection
* Use fields.Date methods
* Remove useless data from tests
* Improve comments
* Fix wizard.multi.charts.accounts
* Move _get_partner_ids_domain to abstract wizard
* Refactor default partners in wizard to use recordsets
* Improve js style
- _description in account_financial_report_abstract
- _description in vat.report.wizard
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in account.group
- Two fields using same label 'Account' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Partner' in report_journal_ledger_move_line
- Two fields using same label 'Accounts' in report_trial_balance_account
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_taxtag
- Two fields using same label 'Tax' in report_vat_report_tax
- Two fields using same label 'Filter accounts' in general.ledger.report.wizard
* Move to less files to compile variables
* hide contacts on partner
* Add reports to res partner actions
* initialize wizard from context
* initialize wizard by current fiscal year
* Fix account group level computation
Depends was not correct for recomputing when needed + better algorithm
* Make hide details on 0 work properly
* Passing values to general ledger was stripping some correct records
* Computed field for hiding lines doesn't have proper dependencies nor is not
taking into account float currency accuracy
All reports:
- Rename field to hide accounts at 0 to 'hide_account_at_0'
Trial Balance:
- Add possibility to filter by hierarchy levels
- XLSX format will show the hierarchy levels in bold
General Ledger:
- Add the possibility to filter by analytic tags
- Fixes an error on the default date
Journal Ledger:
- The filter on Journals is now optional. If the user does not choose
a journal, by default it will display all journals.
Aged Partner Balance:
- Fixes an error on the default date
- Adds 'Period balance' column
- Renames the option 'Hide accounts at 0'. Means no initial, no debit, credit
or ending balance for the period.
- Fixes logic to remove lines with 0 activity for the period.
- improve the calculation in the Trial Balance
of undistributed profits/losses account, and provide a footer note
to the user explaining why will the ending balances will not be zero, but the
period's total profit and loss.
- add an extra line for P&L application so that the trial balance zeroes in the
balance, and total debits = total credits
- refactoring of the unaffected earnings reporting in the general ledger
and trial balance.
When there are a lot of account.move.line (several millions) and print any of
the Qweb reports, that will generate also a lot of transient objects.
As these objects are created with an "insert" query, the cleaning normally
triggered by the count of the records in transient tables is not done, so only
the cleaning based on the age of the records is processed (by default, records
older than 1 hours are deleted), but the cron task is only ran one time per
day. For large setups this can lead to memory errors at that point. This change
prevents the memory error by executing the transient record cleanup for the
report models in this module in SQL.