Florent de Labarre
5 years ago
committed by
Pedro M. Baeza
9 changed files with 504 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ |
=============================== |
Online Bank Statements: MyPonto |
=============================== |
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This module provides online bank statements from MyPonto.com. |
MyPonto |
**Table of contents** |
.. contents:: |
:local: |
Configuration |
============= |
To configure online bank statements provider: |
#. Go to *Invoicing > Configuration > Bank Accounts* |
#. Open bank account to configure and edit it |
#. Set *Bank Feeds* to *Online* |
#. Select *MyPonto.com* as online bank statements provider in |
*Online Bank Statements (OCA)* section |
#. Save the bank account |
#. Click on provider and configure provider-specific settings. |
or, alternatively: |
#. Go to *Invoicing > Overview* |
#. Open settings of the corresponding journal account |
#. Switch to *Bank Account* tab |
#. Set *Bank Feeds* to *Online* |
#. Select *Qonto.eu* as online bank statements provider in |
*Online Bank Statements (OCA)* section |
#. Save the bank account |
#. Click on provider and configure provider-specific settings. |
To obtain *Login* and *Key*: |
#. Open `MyPonto.com <https://myponto.com/>`_. |
Usage |
===== |
To pull historical bank statements: |
#. Go to *Invoicing > Configuration > Bank Accounts* |
#. Select specific bank accounts |
#. Launch *Actions > Online Bank Statements Pull Wizard* |
#. Configure date interval and click *Pull* |
Bug Tracker |
=========== |
Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues <https://github.com/OCA/bank-statement-import/issues>`_. |
In case of trouble, please check there if your issue has already been reported. |
If you spotted it first, help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed |
`feedback <https://github.com/OCA/bank-statement-import/issues/new?body=module:%20account_bank_statement_import_online_ponto%0Aversion:%2012.0%0A%0A**Steps%20to%20reproduce**%0A-%20...%0A%0A**Current%20behavior**%0A%0A**Expected%20behavior**>`_. |
Do not contact contributors directly about support or help with technical issues. |
Credits |
======= |
Authors |
~~~~~~~ |
* Florent de Labarre |
Maintainers |
~~~~~~~~~~~ |
This module is maintained by the OCA. |
.. image:: https://odoo-community.org/logo.png |
:alt: Odoo Community Association |
:target: https://odoo-community.org |
OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose |
mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and |
promote its widespread use. |
This module is part of the `OCA/bank-statement-import <https://github.com/OCA/bank-statement-import/tree/12.0/account_bank_statement_import_online_ponto>`_ project on GitHub. |
You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute. |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
# Copyright 2020 Florent de Labarre |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
from . import models |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
# Copyright 2020 Florent de Labarre |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
{ |
"name": "Online Bank Statements: MyPonto.com", |
"version": "", |
"category": "Account", |
"website": "https://github.com/OCA/bank-statement-import", |
"author": "Florent de Labarre, Odoo Community Association (OCA)", |
"license": "AGPL-3", |
"installable": True, |
"depends": ["account_bank_statement_import_online"], |
"data": [ |
"view/online_bank_statement_provider.xml" |
], |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ |
# Copyright 2020 Florent de Labarre |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
from . import online_bank_statement_provider_ponto |
@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ |
# Copyright 2020 Florent de Labarre |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
import requests |
import json |
import base64 |
import time |
import pytz |
import re |
from datetime import datetime |
from odoo import api, fields, models, _ |
from odoo.exceptions import UserError |
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta |
from odoo.addons.base.models.res_bank import sanitize_account_number |
PONTO_ENDPOINT = 'https://api.myponto.com' |
class OnlineBankStatementProviderPonto(models.Model): |
_inherit = 'online.bank.statement.provider' |
ponto_token = fields.Char(readonly=True) |
ponto_token_expiration = fields.Datetime(readonly=True) |
ponto_last_identifier = fields.Char(readonly=True) |
def ponto_reset_last_identifier(self): |
self.write({'ponto_last_identifier': False}) |
@api.model |
def _get_available_services(self): |
return super()._get_available_services() + [ |
('ponto', 'MyPonto.com'), |
] |
def _obtain_statement_data(self, date_since, date_until): |
self.ensure_one() |
if self.service != 'ponto': |
return super()._obtain_statement_data( |
date_since, |
date_until, |
) |
return self._ponto_obtain_statement_data(date_since, date_until) |
def _get_statement_date(self, date_since, date_until): |
self.ensure_one() |
if self.service != 'ponto': |
return super()._get_statement_date( |
date_since, |
date_until, |
) |
return date_since.astimezone(pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris')).date() |
######### |
# ponto # |
######### |
def _ponto_header_token(self): |
self.ensure_one() |
if self.username and self.password: |
login = '%s:%s' % (self.username, self.password) |
login = base64.b64encode(login.encode('UTF-8')).decode('UTF-8') |
return {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', |
'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Basic %s' % login, } |
raise UserError(_('Please fill login and key.')) |
def _ponto_header(self): |
self.ensure_one() |
if not self.ponto_token \ |
or not self.ponto_token_expiration \ |
or self.ponto_token_expiration <= fields.Datetime.now(): |
url = PONTO_ENDPOINT + '/oauth2/token' |
response = requests.post(url, verify=False, |
params={'grant_type': 'client_credentials'}, |
headers=self._ponto_header_token()) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
access_token = data.get('access_token', False) |
if not access_token: |
raise UserError(_('Ponto : no token')) |
else: |
self.sudo().ponto_token = access_token |
expiration_date = fields.Datetime.now() + relativedelta( |
seconds=data.get('expires_in', False)) |
self.sudo().ponto_token_expiration = expiration_date |
else: |
raise UserError(_('%s \n\n %s') % (response.status_code, response.text)) |
return {'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % self.ponto_token, } |
def _ponto_get_account_ids(self): |
url = PONTO_ENDPOINT + '/accounts' |
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, params={'limit': 100}, |
headers=self._ponto_header()) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
res = {} |
for account in data.get('data', []): |
iban = sanitize_account_number( |
account.get('attributes', {}).get('reference', '')) |
res[iban] = account.get('id') |
return res |
raise UserError(_('%s \n\n %s') % (response.status_code, response.text)) |
def _ponto_synchronisation(self, account_id): |
url = PONTO_ENDPOINT + '/synchronizations' |
data = {'data': { |
'type': 'synchronization', |
'attributes': { |
'resourceType': 'account', |
'resourceId': account_id, |
'subtype': 'accountTransactions' |
} |
}} |
response = requests.post(url, verify=False, |
headers=self._ponto_header(), |
json=data) |
if response.status_code in (200, 201, 400): |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
sync_id = data.get('attributes', {}).get('resourceId', False) |
else: |
raise UserError(_('Error during Create Synchronisation %s \n\n %s') % ( |
response.status_code, response.text)) |
# Check synchronisation |
if not sync_id: |
return |
url = PONTO_ENDPOINT + '/synchronizations/' + sync_id |
number = 0 |
while number == 100: |
number += 1 |
response = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=self._ponto_header()) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
status = data.get('status', {}) |
if status in ('success', 'error'): |
return |
time.sleep(4) |
def _ponto_get_transaction(self, account_id, date_since, date_until): |
page_url = PONTO_ENDPOINT + '/accounts/' + account_id + '/transactions' |
params = {'limit': 100} |
page_next = True |
last_identifier = self.ponto_last_identifier |
if last_identifier: |
params['before'] = last_identifier |
page_next = False |
transaction_lines = [] |
latest_identifier = False |
while page_url: |
response = requests.get(page_url, verify=False, params=params, |
headers=self._ponto_header()) |
if response.status_code == 200: |
if params.get('before'): |
params.pop('before') |
data = json.loads(response.text) |
links = data.get('links', {}) |
if page_next: |
page_url = links.get('next', False) |
else: |
page_url = links.get('prev', False) |
transactions = data.get('data', []) |
if transactions: |
current_transactions = [] |
for transaction in transactions: |
date = self._ponto_date_from_string( |
transaction.get('attributes', {}).get('executionDate')) |
if date_since <= date < date_until: |
current_transactions.append(transaction) |
if current_transactions: |
if not page_next or (page_next and not latest_identifier): |
latest_identifier = current_transactions[0].get('id') |
transaction_lines.extend(current_transactions) |
else: |
raise UserError( |
_('Error during get transaction.\n\n%s \n\n %s') % ( |
response.status_code, response.text)) |
if latest_identifier: |
self.ponto_last_identifier = latest_identifier |
return transaction_lines |
def _ponto_date_from_string(self, date_str): |
return datetime.strptime(date_str, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') |
def _ponto_obtain_statement_data(self, date_since, date_until): |
self.ensure_one() |
account_ids = self._ponto_get_account_ids() |
journal = self.journal_id |
iban = self.account_number |
account_id = account_ids.get(iban) |
if not account_id: |
raise UserError( |
_('Ponto : wrong configuration, unknow account %s') |
% journal.bank_account_id.acc_number) |
self._ponto_synchronisation(account_id) |
transaction_lines = self._ponto_get_transaction(account_id, |
date_since, |
date_until) |
new_transactions = [] |
sequence = 0 |
for transaction in transaction_lines: |
sequence += 1 |
attributes = transaction.get('attributes', {}) |
ref = '%s %s' % ( |
attributes.get('description'), |
attributes.get('counterpartName')) |
date = self._ponto_date_from_string(attributes.get('executionDate')) |
vals_line = { |
'sequence': sequence, |
'date': date, |
'name': re.sub(' +', ' ', ref) or '/', |
'ref': attributes.get('remittanceInformation', ''), |
'unique_import_id': transaction['id'], |
'amount': attributes['amount'], |
} |
new_transactions.append(vals_line) |
if new_transactions: |
return new_transactions, {} |
return |
After Width: 128 | Height: 128 | Size: 9.2 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@ |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
from . import test_account_bank_statement_import_online_ponto |
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@ |
# Copyright 2020 Florent de Labarre |
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). |
from datetime import datetime |
from unittest import mock |
from odoo import fields |
from odoo.tests import common |
_module_ns = 'odoo.addons.account_bank_statement_import_online_ponto' |
_provider_class = ( |
_module_ns |
+ '.models.online_bank_statement_provider_ponto' |
+ '.OnlineBankStatementProviderPonto' |
) |
class TestAccountBankAccountStatementImportOnlineQonto( |
common.TransactionCase |
): |
def setUp(self): |
super().setUp() |
self.now = fields.Datetime.now() |
self.currency_eur = self.env.ref('base.EUR') |
self.currency_usd = self.env.ref('base.USD') |
self.AccountJournal = self.env['account.journal'] |
self.ResPartnerBank = self.env['res.partner.bank'] |
self.OnlineBankStatementProvider = self.env[ |
'online.bank.statement.provider' |
] |
self.AccountBankStatement = self.env['account.bank.statement'] |
self.AccountBankStatementLine = self.env['account.bank.statement.line'] |
self.bank_account = self.ResPartnerBank.create( |
{'acc_number': 'FR0214508000302245362775K46', |
'partner_id': self.env.user.company_id.partner_id.id}) |
self.journal = self.AccountJournal.create({ |
'name': 'Bank', |
'type': 'bank', |
'code': 'BANK', |
'currency_id': self.currency_eur.id, |
'bank_statements_source': 'online', |
'online_bank_statement_provider': 'ponto', |
'bank_account_id': self.bank_account.id, |
}) |
self.provider = self.journal.online_bank_statement_provider_id |
self.mock_header = lambda: mock.patch( |
_provider_class + '._ponto_header', |
return_value={'Accept': 'application/json', |
'Authorization': 'Bearer --TOKEN--'}, |
) |
self.mock_account_ids = lambda: mock.patch( |
_provider_class + '._ponto_get_account_ids', |
return_value={'FR0214508000302245362775K46': 'id'}, |
) |
self.mock_synchronisation = lambda: mock.patch( |
_provider_class + '._ponto_synchronisation', |
return_value=None, |
) |
self.mock_transaction = lambda: mock.patch( |
_provider_class + '._ponto_get_transaction', |
return_value=[{ |
'type': 'transaction', |
'relationships': {'account': { |
'links': { |
'related': 'https://api.myponto.com/accounts/'}, |
'data': {'type': 'account', |
'id': 'fd3d5b1d-fca9-4310-a5c8-76f2a9dc7c75'}}}, |
'id': '701ab965-21c4-46ca-b157-306c0646e0e2', |
'attributes': {'valueDate': '2019-11-18T00:00:00.000Z', |
'remittanceInformationType': 'unstructured', |
'remittanceInformation': 'Minima vitae totam!', |
'executionDate': '2019-11-20T00:00:00.000Z', |
'description': 'Wire transfer', |
'currency': 'EUR', |
'counterpartReference': 'BE26089479973169', |
'counterpartName': 'Osinski Group', |
'amount': 6.08}}, |
{'type': 'transaction', |
'relationships': { |
'account': {'links': { |
'related': 'https://api.myponto.com/accounts/'}, |
'data': { |
'type': 'account', |
'id': 'fd3d5b1d-fca9-4310-a5c8-76f2a9dc7c75'}}}, |
'id': '9ac50483-16dc-4a82-aa60-df56077405cd', |
'attributes': { |
'valueDate': '2019-11-04T00:00:00.000Z', |
'remittanceInformationType': 'unstructured', |
'remittanceInformation': 'Quia voluptatem blanditiis.', |
'executionDate': '2019-11-06T00:00:00.000Z', |
'description': 'Wire transfer', |
'currency': 'EUR', |
'counterpartReference': 'BE97201830401438', |
'counterpartName': 'Stokes-Miller', |
'amount': 5.48}}, |
{'type': 'transaction', 'relationships': {'account': {'links': { |
'related': 'https://api.myponto.com/accounts/'}, |
'data': { |
'type': 'account', |
'id': 'fd3d5b1d-fca9-4310-a5c8-76f2a9dc7c75'}}}, |
'id': 'b21a6c65-1c52-4ba6-8cbc-127d2b2d85ff', |
'attributes': { |
'valueDate': '2019-11-04T00:00:00.000Z', |
'remittanceInformationType': 'unstructured', |
'remittanceInformation': 'Laboriosam repelo?', |
'executionDate': '2019-11-04T00:00:00.000Z', |
'description': 'Wire transfer', 'currency': 'EUR', |
'counterpartReference': 'BE10325927501996', |
'counterpartName': 'Strosin-Veum', 'amount': 5.83}}], |
) |
def test_ponto(self): |
with self.mock_transaction(), \ |
self.mock_header(),\ |
self.mock_synchronisation(), \ |
self.mock_account_ids(): |
lines, statement_values = self.provider._obtain_statement_data( |
datetime(2019, 11, 3), |
datetime(2019, 11, 17), |
) |
self.assertEqual(len(lines), 3) |
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
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<field name="password" string="Secret Key"/> |
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<button name="ponto_reset_last_identifier" string="Reset Last identifier." type="object" |
attrs="{'invisible':[('ponto_last_identifier','=',False)]}"/> |
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</odoo> |
Reference in new issue