@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noqa: This is a backport from Odoo. OCA has no control over style here.
# flake8: noqa
import base64
import base64
from openerp import SUPERUSER_ID
from openerp.osv import fields , osv
from openerp import api , models , fields
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.tools.translate import _
from openerp.exceptions import Warning
from openerp.exceptions import Warning
@ -13,54 +9,54 @@ import logging
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
_logger = logging . getLogger ( __name__ )
class account_bank_statement_line ( osv . osv ) :
class AccountBankStatementLine ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = " account.bank.statement.line "
_inherit = " account.bank.statement.line "
_columns = {
# Ensure transactions can be imported only once (if the import format provides unique transaction ids)
' unique_import_id ' : fields . char ( ' Import ID ' , readonly = True , copy = False ) ,
# Ensure transactions can be imported only once (if the import format
# provides unique transaction ids)
unique_import_id = fields . Char ( ' Import ID ' , readonly = True , copy = False )
_sql_constraints = [
_sql_constraints = [
( ' unique_import_id ' , ' unique (unique_import_id) ' , ' A bank account transactions can be imported only once ! ' )
( ' unique_import_id ' ,
' unique (unique_import_id) ' ,
' A bank account transactions can be imported only once ! ' )
class account_bank_statement_i mport( osv . TransientModel ) :
class AccountBankStatementI mport( m odel s. TransientModel ) :
_name = ' account.bank.statement.import '
_name = ' account.bank.statement.import '
_description = ' Import Bank Statement '
_description = ' Import Bank Statement '
_columns = {
' data_file ' : fields . binary ( ' Bank Statement File ' , required = True , help = ' Get you bank statements in electronic format from your bank and select them here. ' ) ,
def import_file ( self , cr , uid , ids , context = None ) :
""" Process the file chosen in the wizard, create bank statement(s) and go to reconciliation. """
context = dict ( context or { } )
#set the active_id in the context, so that any extension module could
#reuse the fields chosen in the wizard if needed (see .QIF for example)
context . update ( { ' active_id ' : ids [ 0 ] } )
data_file = self . browse ( cr , uid , ids [ 0 ] , context = context ) . data_file
# The appropriate implementation module returns the required data
currency_code , account_number , stmts_vals = self . _parse_file ( cr , uid , base64 . b64decode ( data_file ) , context = context )
# Check raw data
self . _check_parsed_data ( cr , uid , stmts_vals , context = context )
# Try to find the bank account and currency in odoo
currency_id , bank_account_id = self . _find_additional_data ( cr , uid , currency_code , account_number , context = context )
# Find or create the bank journal
journal_id = self . _get_journal ( cr , uid , currency_id , bank_account_id , account_number , context = context )
# Create the bank account if not already existing
if not bank_account_id and account_number :
self . _create_bank_account ( cr , uid , account_number , journal_id = journal_id , partner_id = uid , context = context )
# Prepare statement data to be used for bank statements creation
stmts_vals = self . _complete_stmts_vals ( cr , uid , stmts_vals , journal_id , account_number , context = context )
# Create the bank statements
statement_ids , notifications = self . _create_bank_statements ( cr , uid , stmts_vals , context = context )
# Finally dispatch to reconciliation interface
model , action_id = self . pool . get ( ' ir.model.data ' ) . get_object_reference ( cr , uid , ' account ' , ' action_bank_reconcile_bank_statements ' )
action = self . pool [ model ] . browse ( cr , uid , action_id , context = context )
def _get_hide_journal_field ( self ) :
""" Return False if the journal_id can ' t be provided by the parsed
file and must be provided by the wizard .
See account_bank_statement_import_qif """
return True
journal_id = fields . Many2one (
' account.journal ' , string = ' Journal ' ,
help = ' Accounting journal related to the bank statement you \' re '
' importing. It has be be manually chosen for statement formats which '
' doesn \' t allow automatic journal detection (QIF for example). ' )
hide_journal_field = fields . Boolean (
' Hide the journal field in the view ' , default = _get_hide_journal_field )
data_file = fields . Binary (
' Bank Statement File ' , required = True ,
help = ' Get you bank statements in electronic format from your bank '
' and select them here. ' )
def import_file ( self ) :
""" Process the file chosen in the wizard, create bank statement(s) and
go to reconciliation . """
self . ensure_one ( )
data_file = base64 . b64decode ( self . data_file )
statement_ids , notifications = self . with_context (
active_id = self . id ) . _import_file ( data_file )
# dispatch to reconciliation interface
action = self . env . ref (
' account.action_bank_reconcile_bank_statements ' )
return {
return {
' name ' : action . name ,
' name ' : action . name ,
' tag ' : action . tag ,
' tag ' : action . tag ,
@ -71,33 +67,73 @@ class account_bank_statement_import(osv.TransientModel):
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
' type ' : ' ir.actions.client ' ,
def _parse_file ( self , cr , uid , data_file , context = None ) :
""" Each module adding a file support must extends this method. It processes the file if it can, returns super otherwise, resulting in a chain of responsability.
This method parses the given file and returns the data required by the bank statement import process , as specified below.
def _import_file ( self , data_file ) :
""" Create bank statement(s) from file
# The appropriate implementation module returns the required data
currency_code , account_number , stmts_vals = self . _parse_file ( data_file )
# Check raw data
self . _check_parsed_data ( stmts_vals )
# Try to find the bank account and currency in odoo
currency_id , bank_account_id = self . _find_additional_data (
currency_code , account_number )
# Create the bank account if not already existing
if not bank_account_id and account_number :
journal_id = self . env . context . get ( ' journal_id ' )
company_id = self . env . user . company_id . id
if journal_id :
journal = self . env [ ' account.journal ' ] . browse ( journal_id )
company_id = journal . company_id . id
bank_account_id = self . _create_bank_account (
account_number , company_id = company_id ,
currency_id = currency_id ) . id
# Find or create the bank journal
journal_id = self . _get_journal (
currency_id , bank_account_id , account_number )
# Prepare statement data to be used for bank statements creation
stmts_vals = self . _complete_stmts_vals (
stmts_vals , journal_id , account_number )
# Create the bank statements
return self . _create_bank_statements ( stmts_vals )
def _parse_file ( self , data_file ) :
""" Each module adding a file support must extends this method. It
rocesses the file if it can , returns super otherwise , resulting in a
chain of responsability .
This method parses the given file and returns the data required by
the bank statement import process , as specified below.
rtype : triplet ( if a value can ' t be retrieved, use None)
rtype : triplet ( if a value can ' t be retrieved, use None)
- currency code : string ( e . g : ' EUR ' )
- currency code : string ( e . g : ' EUR ' )
The ISO 4217 currency code , case insensitive
The ISO 4217 currency code , case insensitive
- account number : string ( e . g : ' BE1234567890 ' )
- account number : string ( e . g : ' BE1234567890 ' )
The number of the bank account which the statement belongs to
- bank statements data : list of dict containing ( optional items marked by o ) :
The number of the bank account which the statement belongs
- bank statements data : list of dict containing ( optional
items marked by o ) :
- ' name ' : string ( e . g : ' 000000123 ' )
- ' name ' : string ( e . g : ' 000000123 ' )
- ' date ' : date ( e . g : 2013 - 06 - 26 )
- ' date ' : date ( e . g : 2013 - 06 - 26 )
- o ' balance_start ' : float ( e . g : 8368.56 )
- o ' balance_start ' : float ( e . g : 8368.56 )
- o ' balance_end_real ' : float ( e . g : 8888.88 )
- o ' balance_end_real ' : float ( e . g : 8888.88 )
- ' transactions ' : list of dict containing :
- ' transactions ' : list of dict containing :
- ' name ' : string ( e . g : ' KBC-INVESTERINGSKREDIET 787-5562831-01 ' )
- ' name ' : string
( e . g : ' KBC-INVESTERINGSKREDIET 787-5562831-01 ' )
- ' date ' : date
- ' date ' : date
- ' amount ' : float
- ' amount ' : float
- ' unique_import_id ' : string
- ' unique_import_id ' : string
- o ' account_number ' : string
- o ' account_number ' : string
Will be used to find / create the res . partner . bank in odoo
Will be used to find / create the res . partner . bank
in odoo
- o ' note ' : string
- o ' note ' : string
- o ' partner_name ' : string
- o ' partner_name ' : string
- o ' ref ' : string
- o ' ref ' : string
raise Warning ( _ ( ' Could not make sense of the given file. \n Did you install the module to support this type of file ? ' ) )
raise Warning ( _ ( ' Could not make sense of the given file. \n Did you '
' install the module to support this type of file ? ' ) )
def _check_parsed_data ( self , cr , uid , stmts_vals , context = None ) :
def _check_parsed_data ( self , stmts_vals ) :
""" Basic and structural verifications """
""" Basic and structural verifications """
if len ( stmts_vals ) == 0 :
if len ( stmts_vals ) == 0 :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' This file doesn \' t contain any statement. ' ) )
raise Warning ( _ ( ' This file doesn \' t contain any statement. ' ) )
@ -110,132 +146,138 @@ class account_bank_statement_import(osv.TransientModel):
if no_st_line :
if no_st_line :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' This file doesn \' t contain any transaction. ' ) )
raise Warning ( _ ( ' This file doesn \' t contain any transaction. ' ) )
def _find_additional_data ( self , cr , uid , currency_code , account_number , context = None ) :
def _find_additional_data ( self , currency_code , account_number ) :
""" Get the res.currency ID and the res.partner.bank ID """
""" Get the res.currency ID and the res.partner.bank ID """
currency_id = False # So if no currency_code is provided, we'll use the company currency
# if no currency_code is provided, we'll use the company currency
currency_id = False
if currency_code :
if currency_code :
currency_ids = self . pool . get ( ' res.currency ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' name ' , ' =ilike ' , currency_code ) ] , context = context )
company_currency_id = self . pool . get ( ' res.users ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , uid , context = context ) . company_id . currency_id . id
currency_ids = self . env [ ' res.currency ' ] . search (
[ ( ' name ' , ' =ilike ' , currency_code ) ] )
company_currency_id = self . env . user . company_id . currency_id
if currency_ids :
if currency_ids :
if currency_ids [ 0 ] != company_currency_id :
if currency_ids [ 0 ] != company_currency_id :
currency_id = currency_ids [ 0 ]
currency_id = currency_ids [ 0 ] . id
bank_account_id = None
bank_account_id = None
if account_number and len ( account_number ) > 4 :
if account_number and len ( account_number ) > 4 :
account_number = account_number . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' ' )
cr . execute ( " select id from res_partner_bank where replace(replace(acc_number, ' ' , ' ' ), ' - ' , ' ' ) like %s and journal_id is not null " , ( ' % ' + account_number + ' % ' , ) )
bank_account_ids = [ id [ 0 ] for id in cr . fetchall ( ) ]
bank_account_ids = self . env [ ' res.partner.bank ' ] . search (
[ ( ' acc_number ' , ' = ' , account_number ) ] , limit = 1 )
if bank_account_ids :
if bank_account_ids :
bank_account_id = bank_account_ids [ 0 ]
bank_account_id = bank_account_ids [ 0 ] . id
return currency_id , bank_account_id
return currency_id , bank_account_id
def _get_journal ( self , cr , uid , currency_id , bank_account_id , account_number , context = None ) :
def _get_journal ( self , currency_id , bank_account_id , account_number ) :
""" Find or create the journal """
""" Find or create the journal """
if context is None :
context = { }
bank_pool = self . pool . get ( ' res.partner.bank ' )
bank_model = self . env [ ' res.partner.bank ' ]
# Find the journal from context or bank account
# Find the journal from context or bank account
journal_id = context . get ( ' journal_id ' )
journal_id = self . env . context . get ( ' journal_id ' )
if bank_account_id :
if bank_account_id :
bank_account = bank_poo l . browse ( cr , uid , bank_account_id , context = context )
bank_account = bank_mode l . browse ( bank_account_id )
if journal_id :
if journal_id :
if bank_account . journal_id . id and bank_account . journal_id . id != journal_id :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' The account of this statement is linked to another journal. ' ) )
if ( bank_account . journal_id . id and
bank_account . journal_id . id != journal_id ) :
raise Warning (
_ ( ' The account of this statement is linked to '
' another journal. ' ) )
if not bank_account . journal_id . id :
if not bank_account . journal_id . id :
bank_pool . write ( cr , uid , [ bank_account_id ] , { ' journal_id ' : journal_id } , context = context )
bank_mode l . write ( { ' journal_id ' : journal_id } )
else :
else :
if bank_account . journal_id . id :
if bank_account . journal_id . id :
journal_id = bank_account . journal_id . id
journal_id = bank_account . journal_id . id
# If importing into an existing journal, its currency must be the same as the bank statement
# If importing into an existing journal, its currency must be the same
# as the bank statement
if journal_id :
if journal_id :
journal_currency_id = self . pool . get ( ' account.journal ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , journal_id , context = context ) . currency . id
journal_currency_id = self . env [ ' account.journal ' ] . browse (
journal_id ) . currency . id
if currency_id and currency_id != journal_currency_id :
if currency_id and currency_id != journal_currency_id :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' The currency of the bank statement is not the same as the currency of the journal ! ' ) )
# If there is no journal, create one (and its account)
# I think it's too dangerous, so I disable that code by default -- Alexis de Lattre
# -- Totally disabled, Ronald Portier
# if context.get('allow_auto_create_journal') and not journal_id and account_number:
# journal_id = self._create_journal(cr, uid, currency_id, account_number, context=context)
# if bank_account_id:
# bank_pool.write(cr, uid, [bank_account_id], {'journal_id': journal_id}, context=context)
raise Warning ( _ ( ' The currency of the bank statement is not '
' the same as the currency of the journal ! ' ) )
# If we couldn't find/create a journal, everything is lost
# If we couldn't find/create a journal, everything is lost
if not journal_id :
if not journal_id :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' Cannot find in which journal import this statement. Please manually select a journal. ' ) )
raise Warning ( _ ( ' Cannot find in which journal import this '
' statement. Please manually select a journal. ' ) )
return journal_id
return journal_id
def _create_journal ( self , cr , uid , currency_id , account_number , context = None ) :
""" Create a journal and its account """
wmca_pool = self . pool . get ( ' wizard.multi.charts.accounts ' )
company = self . pool . get ( ' res.users ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , uid , context = context ) . company_id
vals_account = { ' currency_id ' : currency_id , ' acc_name ' : account_number , ' account_type ' : ' bank ' }
vals_account = wmca_pool . _prepare_bank_account ( cr , uid , company , vals_account , context = context )
account_id = self . pool . get ( ' account.account ' ) . create ( cr , uid , vals_account , context = context )
vals_journal = { ' currency_id ' : currency_id , ' acc_name ' : _ ( ' Bank ' ) + ' ' + account_number , ' account_type ' : ' bank ' }
vals_journal = wmca_pool . _prepare_bank_journal ( cr , uid , company , vals_journal , account_id , context = context )
return self . pool . get ( ' account.journal ' ) . create ( cr , uid , vals_journal , context = context )
def _create_bank_account ( self , cr , uid , account_number , journal_id = False , partner_id = False , context = None ) :
@api.returns ( ' res.partner.bank ' )
def _create_bank_account ( self , account_number , company_id = False ,
currency_id = False ) :
try :
try :
type_model , type_id = self . pool . get ( ' ir.model.data ' ) . get_object_reference ( cr , uid , ' base ' , ' bank_normal ' )
type_id = self . pool . get ( ' res.partner.bank.type ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , type_id , context = context )
bank_code = type_id . code
bank_type = self . env . ref ( ' base.bank_normal ' )
bank_code = bank_type . code
except ValueError :
except ValueError :
bank_code = ' bank '
bank_code = ' bank '
account_number = account_number . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' ' )
vals_acc = {
vals_acc = {
' acc_number ' : account_number ,
' acc_number ' : account_number ,
' state ' : bank_code ,
' state ' : bank_code ,
# Odoo users bank accounts (which we import statement from) have company_id and journal_id set
# while 'counterpart' bank accounts (from which statement transactions originate) don't.
# Warning : if company_id is set, the method post_write of class bank will create a journal
if journal_id :
vals_acc [ ' partner_id ' ] = uid
vals_acc [ ' journal_id ' ] = journal_id
vals_acc [ ' company_id ' ] = self . pool . get ( ' res.users ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , uid , context = context ) . company_id . id
return self . pool . get ( ' res.partner.bank ' ) . create ( cr , uid , vals_acc , context = context )
def _complete_stmts_vals ( self , cr , uid , stmts_vals , journal_id , account_number , context = None ) :
# Odoo users bank accounts (which we import statement from) have
# company_id and journal_id set while 'counterpart' bank accounts
# (from which statement transactions originate) don't.
# Warning : if company_id is set, the method post_write of class
# bank will create a journal
if company_id :
vals = self . env [ ' res.partner.bank ' ] . onchange_company_id ( company_id )
vals_acc . update ( vals . get ( ' value ' , { } ) )
vals_acc [ ' company_id ' ] = company_id
# When the journal is created at same time of the bank account, we need
# to specify the currency to use for the account.account and
# account.journal
return self . env [ ' res.partner.bank ' ] . with_context (
default_currency_id = currency_id ,
default_currency = currency_id ) . create ( vals_acc )
def _complete_stmts_vals ( self , stmts_vals , journal_id , account_number ) :
for st_vals in stmts_vals :
for st_vals in stmts_vals :
st_vals [ ' journal_id ' ] = journal_id
st_vals [ ' journal_id ' ] = journal_id
for line_vals in st_vals [ ' transactions ' ] :
for line_vals in st_vals [ ' transactions ' ] :
unique_import_id = line_vals . get ( ' unique_import_id ' , False )
unique_import_id = line_vals . get ( ' unique_import_id ' , False )
if unique_import_id :
if unique_import_id :
line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] = ( account_number and account_number + ' - ' or ' ' ) + unique_import_id
if not line_vals . get ( ' partner_id ' ) and not line_vals . get ( ' bank_account_id ' ) :
# Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank account. The partner selected during the
# reconciliation process will be linked to the bank when the statement is closed.
line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] = (
account_number and account_number + ' - ' or ' ' ) + \
if not line_vals . get ( ' bank_account_id ' ) :
# Find the partner and his bank account or create the bank
# account. The partner selected during the reconciliation
# process will be linked to the bank when the statement is
# closed.
partner_id = False
partner_id = False
bank_account_id = False
bank_account_id = False
identifying_string = line_vals . get ( ' account_number ' , False )
identifying_string = line_vals . get ( ' account_number ' )
if identifying_string :
if identifying_string :
identifying_string = identifying_string . replace ( ' ' , ' ' ) . replace ( ' - ' , ' ' )
ids = self . pool . get ( ' res.partner.bank ' ) . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' acc_number ' , ' = ' , identifying_string ) ] , context = context )
if ids :
bank_account_id = ids [ 0 ]
partner_id = self . pool . get ( ' res.partner.bank ' ) . browse ( cr , uid , bank_account_id , context = context ) . partner_id . id
bank_model = self . env [ ' res.partner.bank ' ]
banks = bank_model . search (
[ ( ' acc_number ' , ' = ' , identifying_string ) ] , limit = 1 )
if banks :
bank_account_id = banks [ 0 ] . id
partner_id = banks [ 0 ] . partner_id . id
else :
else :
bank_account_id = self . _create_bank_account ( cr , uid , identifying_string , context = context )
bank_account_id = self . _create_bank_account (
identifying_string ) . id
line_vals [ ' partner_id ' ] = partner_id
line_vals [ ' partner_id ' ] = partner_id
line_vals [ ' bank_account_id ' ] = bank_account_id
line_vals [ ' bank_account_id ' ] = bank_account_id
return stmts_vals
return stmts_vals
def _create_bank_statements ( self , cr , uid , stmts_vals , context = None ) :
""" Create new bank statements from imported values, filtering out already imported transactions, and returns data used by the reconciliation widget """
bs_obj = self . pool . get ( ' account.bank.statement ' )
bsl_obj = self . pool . get ( ' account.bank.statement.line ' )
def _create_bank_statements ( self , stmts_vals ) :
""" Create new bank statements from imported values, filtering out
already imported transactions , and returns data used by the
reconciliation widget
bs_model = self . env [ ' account.bank.statement ' ]
bsl_model = self . env [ ' account.bank.statement.line ' ]
# Filter out already imported transactions and create statements
# Filter out already imported transactions and create statements
statement_ids = [ ]
statement_ids = [ ]
@ -243,20 +285,25 @@ class account_bank_statement_import(osv.TransientModel):
for st_vals in stmts_vals :
for st_vals in stmts_vals :
filtered_st_lines = [ ]
filtered_st_lines = [ ]
for line_vals in st_vals [ ' transactions ' ] :
for line_vals in st_vals [ ' transactions ' ] :
if not ' unique_import_id ' in line_vals \
if ' unique_import_id ' not in line_vals \
or not line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] \
or not line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] \
or not bool ( bsl_obj . search ( cr , SUPERUSER_ID , [ ( ' unique_import_id ' , ' = ' , line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] ) ] , limit = 1 , context = context ) ) :
or not bool ( bsl_model . sudo ( ) . search (
[ ( ' unique_import_id ' , ' = ' ,
line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] ) ] ,
limit = 1 ) ) :
filtered_st_lines . append ( line_vals )
filtered_st_lines . append ( line_vals )
else :
else :
ignored_statement_lines_import_ids . append ( line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] )
ignored_statement_lines_import_ids . append (
line_vals [ ' unique_import_id ' ] )
if len ( filtered_st_lines ) > 0 :
if len ( filtered_st_lines ) > 0 :
# Remove values that won't be used to create records
# Remove values that won't be used to create records
st_vals . pop ( ' transactions ' , None )
st_vals . pop ( ' transactions ' , None )
for line_vals in filtered_st_lines :
for line_vals in filtered_st_lines :
line_vals . pop ( ' account_number ' , None )
line_vals . pop ( ' account_number ' , None )
# Create the satement
# Create the satement
st_vals [ ' line_ids ' ] = [ [ 0 , False , line ] for line in filtered_st_lines ]
statement_ids . append ( bs_obj . create ( cr , uid , st_vals , context = context ) )
st_vals [ ' line_ids ' ] = [ [ 0 , False , line ] for line in
filtered_st_lines ]
statement_ids . append ( bs_model . create ( st_vals ) . id )
if len ( statement_ids ) == 0 :
if len ( statement_ids ) == 0 :
raise Warning ( _ ( ' You have already imported that file. ' ) )
raise Warning ( _ ( ' You have already imported that file. ' ) )
@ -266,13 +313,18 @@ class account_bank_statement_import(osv.TransientModel):
if num_ignored > 0 :
if num_ignored > 0 :
notifications + = [ {
notifications + = [ {
' type ' : ' warning ' ,
' type ' : ' warning ' ,
' message ' : _ ( " %d transactions had already been imported and were ignored. " ) % num_ignored if num_ignored > 1 else _ ( " 1 transaction had already been imported and was ignored. " ) ,
' message ' : _ ( " %d transactions had already been imported and "
" were ignored. " ) % num_ignored
if num_ignored > 1
else _ ( " 1 transaction had already been imported and "
" was ignored. " ) ,
' details ' : {
' details ' : {
' name ' : _ ( ' Already imported items ' ) ,
' name ' : _ ( ' Already imported items ' ) ,
' model ' : ' account.bank.statement.line ' ,
' model ' : ' account.bank.statement.line ' ,
' ids ' : bsl_obj . search ( cr , uid , [ ( ' unique_import_id ' , ' in ' , ignored_statement_lines_import_ids ) ] , context = context )
' ids ' : bsl_model . search (
[ ( ' unique_import_id ' , ' in ' ,
ignored_statement_lines_import_ids ) ] ) . ids
} ]
} ]
return statement_ids , notifications
return statement_ids , notifications