Our bank does it. Care has been taken not to break cases where
Ntry/NtryDtls/TxDtls isn't used: if any piece of information isn't found
on these nodes, the matching information from the Ntry is used. Most
often the entry has a sum or a summary and the transaction details are
more precise and specific, so it makes sense to use their contents
rather than its.
This ensures that the demo chart of accounts is already installed when the
bank journal account is created for the bank journal that is needed to
test the import. Otherwise, the demo chart from l10n_generic_coa will fail
to install because there is already a journal account in the system.
Message was not taken from AddtlNtryInf element, if not part of details.
Not sure wether it actually can be part of details (NtryDtls element), but this change least intrusive.