7 years ago
7 changed files with 339 additions and 31 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,248 @@ |
# Translation of Odoo Server. |
# This file contains the translation of the following modules: |
# * base_location_nuts |
# |
msgid "" |
msgstr "" |
"Project-Id-Version: Odoo Server 8.0\n" |
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" |
"Last-Translator: <>\n" |
"Language-Team: \n" |
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" |
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" |
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n" |
"Plural-Forms: \n" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form |
msgid "Cancel" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,child_ids:0 |
msgid "Children" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,code:0 |
msgid "Code" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_country |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,country_id:0 |
msgid "Country" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,create_uid:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,create_uid:0 |
msgid "Created by" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,create_date:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,create_date:0 |
msgid "Created on" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,display_name:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,display_name:0 |
msgid "Display Name" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/nuts_import.py:128 |
#, python-format |
msgid "Downloaded file is not a valid XML file" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/nuts_import.py:120 |
#, python-format |
msgid "Got an error %d when trying to download the file %s." |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/nuts_import.py:116 |
#, python-format |
msgid "Got an error when trying to download the file: %s." |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter |
msgid "Group By" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,id:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,id:0 |
msgid "ID" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form |
msgid "Import" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_menu |
msgid "Import NUTS 2013" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_action |
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form |
msgid "Import NUTS 2013 from RAMON" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_nuts_import |
msgid "Import NUTS items from European RAMON service" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,__last_update:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,__last_update:0 |
msgid "Last Modified on" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,write_uid:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,write_uid:0 |
msgid "Last Updated by" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:nuts.import,write_date:0 |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,write_date:0 |
msgid "Last Updated on" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,level:0 |
msgid "Level" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: help:res.country,state_level:0 |
msgid "Level for the state NUTS category." |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.country:base_location_nuts.view_country_form |
msgid "NUTS" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_partner_nuts |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_form |
msgid "NUTS Item" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_action |
#: model:ir.ui.menu,name:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_menu |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_tree |
msgid "NUTS Items" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts |
#: field:res.partner,nuts1_id:0 |
msgid "NUTS L1" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts |
#: field:res.partner,nuts2_id:0 |
msgid "NUTS L2" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts |
#: field:res.partner,nuts3_id:0 |
msgid "NUTS L3" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts |
#: field:res.partner,nuts4_id:0 |
msgid "NUTS L4" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,name:0 |
msgid "Name" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_left:0 |
msgid "Parent Left" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_right:0 |
msgid "Parent Right" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,parent_id:0 |
msgid "Parent id" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.model,name:base_location_nuts.model_res_partner |
msgid "Partner" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_filter_nuts |
msgid "Salesperson" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:res.partner.nuts:base_location_nuts.view_res_partner_nuts_filter |
msgid "Search NUTS" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.partner.nuts,state_id:0 |
msgid "State" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: field:res.country,state_level:0 |
msgid "State level" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: view:nuts.import:base_location_nuts.nuts_import_form |
msgid "This wizard will download the lastest version of\n" |
" NUTS 2013 from Europe RAMON metadata service.\n" |
" Updating or creating new NUTS entries if not\n" |
" found already in the system, and DELETING MISSING\n" |
" ENTRIES from new downloaded file." |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: code:addons/base_location_nuts/wizard/nuts_import.py:95 |
#, python-format |
msgid "Value not found for mandatory field %s" |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.actions.todo,note:base_location_nuts.config_wizard_nuts |
msgid "You can import NUTS from RAMON european service." |
msgstr "" |
#. module: base_location_nuts |
#: model:ir.actions.act_window,help:base_location_nuts.res_partner_nuts_action |
msgid "You must click at import wizard to populate NUTS items\n" |
" in Odoo database in:\n" |
" Sales > Configuration > Address Book > Localization > Import NUTS 2013" |
msgstr "" |
Reference in new issue