@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ from odoo import api, fields, models
class ResPartner ( models . Model ) :
_inherit = ' res.partner '
move_line_ids = fields . One2many (
comodel_name = ' account.move.line ' ,
inverse_name = ' partner_id ' ,
string = ' Account Moves '
risk_invoice_draft_include = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Include Draft Invoices ' , help = ' Full risk computation ' )
risk_invoice_draft_limit = fields . Monetary (
@ -19,34 +24,77 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
string = ' Total Draft Invoices ' ,
help = ' Total amount of invoices in Draft or Pro-forma state ' )
risk_invoice_open_include = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Include Open Invoices ' , help = ' Full risk computation ' )
string = ' Include Open Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Full risk computation. \n '
' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_invoice_open_limit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Limit In Open Invoices ' , help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' )
string = ' Limit In Open Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' ,
risk_invoice_open = fields . Monetary (
compute = ' _compute_risk_invoice ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Open Invoices ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of invoices in Open state and the date due is '
' not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account '
' settings ' )
compute = ' _compute_risk_account_amount ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Open Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_invoice_unpaid_include = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Include Unpaid Invoices ' , help = ' Full risk computation ' )
string = ' Include Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Full risk computation. \n '
' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_invoice_unpaid_limit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Limit In Unpaid Invoices ' , help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' )
string = ' Limit In Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' ,
risk_invoice_unpaid = fields . Monetary (
compute = ' _compute_risk_invoice ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Unpaid Invoices ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of invoices in Open state and the date due is '
' exceeded, considering Unpaid Margin set in account settings ' )
compute = ' _compute_risk_account_amount ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Unpaid Invoices/Principal Balance ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with the same '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_account_amount_include = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Include Other Account Amount ' , help = ' Full risk computation ' )
string = ' Include Other Account Open Amount ' ,
help = ' Full risk computation. \n '
' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_account_amount_limit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Limit Other Account Amount ' , help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' )
string = ' Limit Other Account Open Amount ' ,
help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' ,
risk_account_amount = fields . Monetary (
compute = ' _compute_risk_account_amount ' ,
string = ' Other Account Amount ' ,
help = ' Difference between accounting credit and rest of totals ' )
compute = ' _compute_risk_account_amount ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Other Account Open Amount ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' not exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_account_amount_unpaid_include = fields . Boolean (
string = ' Include Other Account Unpaid Amount ' ,
help = ' Full risk computation. \n '
' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_account_amount_unpaid_limit = fields . Monetary (
string = ' Limit Other Account Unpaid Amount ' ,
help = ' Set 0 if it is not locked ' ,
risk_account_amount_unpaid = fields . Monetary (
compute = ' _compute_risk_account_amount ' , store = True ,
string = ' Total Other Account Unpaid Amount ' ,
help = ' Residual amount of move lines not reconciled with distinct '
' account that is set as partner receivable and date maturity '
' exceeded, considering Due Margin set in account settings. ' ,
risk_total = fields . Monetary (
compute = ' _compute_risk_exception ' ,
string = ' Total Risk ' , help = ' Sum of total risk included ' )
@ -65,53 +113,94 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
partner . risk_allow_edit = is_editable
@api.depends ( ' invoice_ids ' , ' invoice_ids.state ' ,
' invoice_ids.amount_total ' , ' invoice_ids.residual ' ,
' invoice_ids.company_id.invoice_unpaid_margin ' ,
@api.depends (
' invoice_ids ' , ' invoice_ids.state ' ,
' invoice_ids.amount_total ' ,
' child_ids.invoice_ids ' , ' child_ids.invoice_ids.state ' ,
' child_ids.invoice_ids.amount_total ' ,
' child_ids.invoice_ids.residual ' ,
' child_ids.invoice_ids.company_id.invoice_unpaid_margin ' )
' child_ids.invoice_ids.amount_total ' )
def _compute_risk_invoice ( self ) :
def sum_group ( group , field ) :
return sum ( [ x [ field ] for x in group if
x [ ' partner_id ' ] [ 0 ] in partner_ids ] )
customers = self . filtered ( ' customer ' )
if not customers :
all_partners_and_children = { }
all_partner_ids = [ ]
for partner in self . filtered ( ' customer ' ) :
all_partners_and_children [ partner ] = self . with_context (
active_test = False ) . search ( [ ( ' id ' , ' child_of ' , partner . id ) ] ) . ids
all_partner_ids + = all_partners_and_children [ partner ]
if not all_partner_ids :
return # pragma: no cover
max_date = self . _max_risk_date_due ( )
AccountInvoice = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ]
partners = customers | customers . mapped ( ' child_ids ' )
domain = [ ( ' type ' , ' in ' , [ ' out_invoice ' , ' out_refund ' ] ) ,
( ' partner_id ' , ' in ' , partners . ids ) ]
draft_group = AccountInvoice . read_group (
domain + [ ( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' draft ' , ' proforma ' , ' proforma2 ' ] ) ] ,
total_group = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ] . sudo ( ) . read_group (
[ ( ' type ' , ' in ' , [ ' out_invoice ' , ' out_refund ' ] ) ,
( ' state ' , ' in ' , [ ' draft ' , ' proforma ' , ' proforma2 ' ] ) ,
( ' partner_id ' , ' in ' , self . ids ) ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' , ' amount_total ' ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' ] )
open_group = AccountInvoice . read_group (
domain + [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' open ' ) , ( ' date_due ' , ' >= ' , max_date ) ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' , ' residual ' ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' ] )
unpaid_group = AccountInvoice . read_group (
domain + [ ( ' state ' , ' = ' , ' open ' ) , ' | ' ,
( ' date_due ' , ' = ' , False ) , ( ' date_due ' , ' < ' , max_date ) ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' , ' residual ' ] ,
[ ' partner_id ' ] )
for partner in customers :
partner_ids = ( partner | partner . child_ids ) . ids
partner . risk_invoice_draft = sum_group ( draft_group , ' amount_total ' )
partner . risk_invoice_open = sum_group ( open_group , ' residual ' )
partner . risk_invoice_unpaid = sum_group ( unpaid_group , ' residual ' )
for partner , child_ids in all_partners_and_children . items ( ) :
partner . risk_invoice_draft = sum (
x [ ' amount_total ' ]
for x in total_group if x [ ' partner_id ' ] [ 0 ] in child_ids )
def _risk_account_groups ( self ) :
max_date = self . _max_risk_date_due ( )
return {
' open ' : {
' domain ' : [ ( ' reconciled ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' account_id.internal_type ' , ' = ' , ' receivable ' ) ,
( ' date_maturity ' , ' >= ' , max_date ) ] ,
' fields ' : [ ' partner_id ' , ' account_id ' , ' amount_residual ' ] ,
' group_by ' : [ ' partner_id ' , ' account_id ' ]
} ,
' unpaid ' : {
' domain ' : [ ( ' reconciled ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' account_id.internal_type ' , ' = ' , ' receivable ' ) ,
( ' date_maturity ' , ' < ' , max_date ) ] ,
' fields ' : [ ' partner_id ' , ' account_id ' , ' amount_residual ' ] ,
' group_by ' : [ ' partner_id ' , ' account_id ' ]
@api.depends ( ' credit ' , ' risk_invoice_open ' , ' risk_invoice_unpaid ' ,
' child_ids.credit ' , ' child_ids.risk_invoice_open ' ,
' child_ids.risk_invoice_unpaid ' )
@api.depends ( ' move_line_ids.amount_residual ' ,
' move_line_ids.date_maturity ' ,
' company_id.invoice_unpaid_margin ' )
def _compute_risk_account_amount ( self ) :
for partner in self . filtered ( ' customer ' ) :
partner . risk_account_amount = (
partner . credit - partner . risk_invoice_open -
partner . risk_invoice_unpaid )
AccountMoveLine = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . sudo ( )
customers = self . filtered ( lambda x : x . customer and not x . parent_id )
if not customers :
groups = self . _risk_account_groups ( )
for key , group in groups . iteritems ( ) :
group [ ' read_group ' ] = AccountMoveLine . read_group (
group [ ' domain ' ] + [ ( ' partner_id ' , ' in ' , customers . ids ) ] ,
group [ ' fields ' ] ,
group [ ' group_by ' ] ,
lazy = False ,
for partner in customers :
partner . update ( partner . _prepare_risk_account_vals ( groups ) )
def _prepare_risk_account_vals ( self , groups ) :
vals = {
' risk_invoice_open ' : 0.0 ,
' risk_invoice_unpaid ' : 0.0 ,
' risk_account_amount ' : 0.0 ,
' risk_account_amount_unpaid ' : 0.0 ,
for reg in groups [ ' open ' ] [ ' read_group ' ] :
if reg [ ' partner_id ' ] [ 0 ] != self . id :
if self . property_account_receivable_id . id == reg [ ' account_id ' ] [ 0 ] :
vals [ ' risk_invoice_open ' ] + = reg [ ' amount_residual ' ]
else :
vals [ ' risk_account_amount ' ] + = reg [ ' amount_residual ' ]
for reg in groups [ ' unpaid ' ] [ ' read_group ' ] :
if reg [ ' partner_id ' ] [ 0 ] != self . id :
continue # pragma: no cover
if self . property_account_receivable_id . id == reg [ ' account_id ' ] [ 0 ] :
vals [ ' risk_invoice_unpaid ' ] + = reg [ ' amount_residual ' ]
else :
vals [ ' risk_account_amount_unpaid ' ] + = reg [ ' amount_residual ' ]
return vals
@api.depends ( lambda x : x . _get_depends_compute_risk_exception ( ) )
@ -146,6 +235,8 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
' risk_invoice_unpaid_include ' ) ,
( ' risk_account_amount ' , ' risk_account_amount_limit ' ,
' risk_account_amount_include ' ) ,
( ' risk_account_amount_unpaid ' , ' risk_account_amount_unpaid_limit ' ,
' risk_account_amount_unpaid_include ' ) ,
@ -159,12 +250,16 @@ class ResPartner(models.Model):
def process_unpaid_invoices ( self ) :
today = fields . Date . today ( )
max_date = self . _max_risk_date_due ( )
ConfigParameter = self . env [ ' ir.config_parameter ' ]
last_check = ConfigParameter . get_param (
' partner_financial_risk.last_check ' , default = ' 2016-01-01 ' )
invoices = self . env [ ' account.invoice ' ] . search ( [
( ' date_due ' , ' >= ' , last_check ) , ( ' date_due ' , ' < ' , today ) ] )
invoices . mapped ( ' partner_id ' ) . _compute_risk_invoice ( )
ConfigParameter . set_param ( ' partner_financial_risk.last_check ' , today )
move_lines = self . env [ ' account.move.line ' ] . search ( [
( ' reconciled ' , ' = ' , False ) ,
( ' account_id.internal_type ' , ' = ' , ' receivable ' ) ,
( ' date_maturity ' , ' >= ' , last_check ) ,
( ' date_maturity ' , ' < ' , max_date ) ] )
move_lines . mapped ( ' partner_id ' ) . _compute_risk_account_amount ( )
ConfigParameter . set_param (
' partner_financial_risk.last_check ' , max_date )
return True