Odoo modules related to surveys
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  1. from datetime import timedelta
  2. from pytz import timezone, utc
  3. from odoo import models, fields, api
  4. class SurveySurvey(models.Model):
  5. _inherit = "survey.survey"
  6. @api.model
  7. def cron_close_passed_deadline_survey(self):
  8. to_close = self.search(
  9. [
  10. ("deadline", "!=", False),
  11. ("deadline", "<", fields.Date.today()),
  12. ("auto_close", "=", True),
  13. ]
  14. )
  15. if to_close:
  16. to_close.action_archive()
  17. deadline = fields.Date(
  18. string="Deadline",
  19. copy=False,
  20. tracking=True,
  21. help="The day after date at 00:00 will be set as default answer deadline on survey sharing.",
  22. )
  23. auto_close = fields.Boolean(
  24. string="Auto closing",
  25. help="If checked, this survey will be automatically closed after the deadline.",
  26. )
  27. active = fields.Boolean(
  28. tracking=True,
  29. )
  30. def action_send_survey(self):
  31. self.ensure_one()
  32. action = super(SurveySurvey, self).action_send_survey()
  33. action["context"].update(
  34. {
  35. "default_deadline": timezone(self.env.user.tz)
  36. .localize(
  37. fields.Datetime.to_datetime(fields.Date.to_string(self.deadline))
  38. + timedelta(days=1)
  39. )
  40. .astimezone(utc),
  41. }
  42. )
  43. return action
  44. @api.onchange("deadline")
  45. def onchange_deadline(self):
  46. self.ensure_one()
  47. if not self.deadline and self.auto_close:
  48. self.auto_close = False
  49. def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
  50. self.ensure_one()
  51. if "active" in init_values:
  52. return self.env.ref(
  53. "survey_deadline_autoclose.mail_message_subtype_survey_closing"
  54. )
  55. return super(SurveySurvey, self)._track_subtype(init_values)