@ -74,164 +74,46 @@ |
<t t-name="XmlReceiptBls"> |
<receipt align='center' width='40' value-thousands-separator='' > |
<t t-if='receipt.company.logo'> |
<img t-att-src='receipt.company.logo' alt="Logo"/> |
<br/> |
</t> |
<t t-if='!receipt.company.logo'> |
<h1><t t-esc='receipt.company.name' /></h1> |
<div class="pos-sale-ticket"> |
<div class="pos-center-align title-mag">Rayon vrac</div> |
<br/> |
</t> |
<div font='b'> |
<t t-if='receipt.company.contact_address'> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.company.contact_address' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.company.phone'> |
<div>Tel:<t t-esc='receipt.company.phone' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.company.vat'> |
<div>VAT:<t t-esc='receipt.company.vat' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.company.email'> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.company.email' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.company.website'> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.company.website' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.header_xml'> |
<t t-raw='receipt.header_xml' /> |
</t> |
<t t-if='!receipt.header_xml and receipt.header'> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.header' /></div> |
</t> |
<t t-if='receipt.cashier'> |
<div class='cashier'> |
<div>--------------------------------</div> |
<div>Served by <t t-esc='receipt.cashier' /></div> |
</div> |
</t> |
</div> |
<br /><br /> |
<!-- Orderlines --> |
<div class='orderlines' line-ratio='0.6'> |
<t t-foreach='receipt.orderlines' t-as='line'> |
<t t-set='simple' t-value='line.discount === 0 and line.unit_name === "Unit(s)" and line.quantity === 1' /> |
<t t-if='simple'> |
<line> |
<left><t t-esc='line.product_name_wrapped[0]' /></left> |
<right><value t-att-value-decimals='pos.currency.decimals'><t t-esc='line.price_display' /></value></right> |
</line> |
<t t-call="XmlReceiptWrappedProductNameLines"/> |
</t> |
<t t-if='!simple'> |
<line><left><t t-esc='line.product_name_wrapped[0]' /></left></line> |
<t t-call="XmlReceiptWrappedProductNameLines"/> |
<t t-if='line.discount !== 0'> |
<line indent='1'><left>Discount: <t t-esc='line.discount' />%</left></line> |
</t> |
<line indent='1'> |
<left> |
<value t-att-value-decimals='pos.dp["Product Unit of Measure"]' value-autoint='on'> |
<t t-esc='line.quantity' /> |
</value> |
<t t-if='line.unit_name !== "Unit(s)"'> |
<t t-esc='line.unit_name' /> |
</t> |
x |
<value t-att-value-decimals='pos.dp["Product Price"]'> |
<t t-esc='line.price' /> |
</value> |
</left> |
<right> |
<value t-att-value-decimals='pos.currency.decimals'><t t-esc='line.price_display' /></value> |
</right> |
</line> |
</t> |
</t> |
<div class="pos-center-align title-product"><t t-esc="transaction.name"/></div> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<table class='ticket-info pos-center-align'> |
<tr class="title-info"> |
<td>Prix Unitaire</td> |
<td>Poids Net</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><span><t t-esc="transaction.price_product"/></span> €/kg</td> |
<td><span><t t-esc="transaction.weight_net"/></span> kg</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<table class='ticket-total pos-center-align'> |
<tr class="title-info"> |
<td>Prix Total |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr> |
<td><span><t t-esc="transaction.price_net"/></span> € |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
<br /> |
<br /> |
<table class='pos-center-align'> |
<tr class="title-info bloc-barcode"> |
<td> |
<img t-att-src="'/report/barcode/EAN13/' + widget.get_barcode_data()" /> |
<span class="caption"><t t-esc="num_ean13"/></span> |
</td> |
</tr> |
</table> |
</div> |
<!-- Subtotal --> |
<t t-set='taxincluded' t-value='Math.abs(receipt.subtotal - receipt.total_with_tax) <= 0.000001' /> |
<t t-if='!taxincluded'> |
<line><right>--------</right></line> |
<line><left>Subtotal</left><right><t t-esc="widget.format_currency(receipt.subtotal)" /></right></line> |
<t t-foreach='receipt.tax_details' t-as='tax'> |
<line> |
<left><t t-esc='tax.name' /></left> |
<right><t t-esc='tax.amount' /></right> |
</line> |
</t> |
</t> |
<!-- Total --> |
<line><right>--------</right></line> |
<line class='total' size='double-height'> |
<left><pre> TOTAL</pre></left> |
<right><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(receipt.total_with_tax)' /></right> |
</line> |
<br/><br/> |
<!-- Payment Lines --> |
<t t-foreach='paymentlines' t-as='line'> |
<line> |
<left><t t-esc='line.name' /></left> |
<right><value t-att-value-decimals='pos.currency.decimals'><t t-esc='line.get_amount()'/></value></right> |
</line> |
</t> |
<br/> |
<line size='double-height'> |
<left><pre> CHANGE</pre></left> |
<right><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(receipt.change)' /></right> |
</line> |
<br/> |
<!-- Extra Payment Info --> |
<t t-if='receipt.total_discount'> |
<line> |
<left>Discounts</left> |
<right><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(receipt.total_discount)'/></right> |
</line> |
</t> |
<t t-if='taxincluded'> |
<t t-foreach='receipt.tax_details' t-as='tax'> |
<line> |
<left><t t-esc='tax.name' /></left> |
<right><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(tax.amount)' /></right> |
</line> |
</t> |
<line> |
<left>Total Taxes</left> |
<right><t t-esc='widget.format_currency(receipt.total_tax)'/></right> |
</line> |
</t> |
<div class='before-footer' /> |
<!-- Footer --> |
<t t-if='receipt.footer_xml'> |
<t t-raw='receipt.footer_xml' /> |
</t> |
<t t-if='!receipt.footer_xml and receipt.footer'> |
<br/> |
<t t-esc='receipt.footer' /> |
<br/> |
<br/> |
</t> |
<div class='after-footer' /> |
<br/> |
<div font='b'> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.name' /></div> |
<div><t t-esc='receipt.date.localestring' /></div> |
</div> |
</receipt> |