@ -6,32 +6,49 @@ Usage
* register on http://mailgun.com
* On https://mailgun.com/app/domains click on sandbox...mailgun.org domain. Here you can see all information needed to configure odoo outgoing mail feature
* On https://mailgun.com/app/domains click on sandbox123 ...mailgun.org domain. Here you can see all information needed to configure odoo outgoing mail feature
* Copy API Key value into odoo
* Open menu Settings/Parameters/System Parameters
* Edit mailgun.apikey parameter
* Put API Key from mailgun into Value field and save
* Open menu `` Settings / Parameters / System Parameters ``
* Create new parameter
* From https://mailgun.com/cp/routes create new route
* key: mailgun.apikey parameter
* Value: API Key from mailgun (`` key-... `` )
* click Save
* Priority: `` 0 ``
* Filter expression: `` catch_all() ``
* Actions: `` store(notify="http://<your odoo domain>/mailgun/notify") ``
* Copy smtp credentials into odoo
* open `` Settings / Technical / Email / Outgoing Mail Servers ``
* delete localhost
* create new server
* Description: `` mailgun ``
* SMTP Server: `` smtp.mailgun.org ``
* Connection Security: `` SSL/TLS ``
* Username: e.g. `` postmaster@sandbox123....mailgun.org ``
* Password: `` ... `` (copy `` Default Password `` from mailgun)
* In odoo remove 'localhost' Outgoing Mail Server and create 'mailgun'. Now you can send emails
* From odoo menu Settings/General Settings edit Alias Domain
* From odoo menu `` Settings / General Settings `` edit Alias Domain
* Put your mailgun domain here. E.g. sandbox...mailgun.org
* Put your mailgun domain here. E.g. sandbox123 ...mailgun.org
* Click 'Apply' button
* Edit Messaging Alias for your user. Now you can receive emails that is sent to configured alias email address.
* Open menu `` Settings / Users / Users ``
* From menu Settings/Users/Users open you user and click 'Edit'
* On Preference tab put alias into Messaging Alias field and click 'Save'. E.g. `` admin@sandbox...mailgun.org ``
* choose your user and click `` [Edit] ``
* On Preference tab put alias into Messaging Alias field and click `` [Save] `` . E.g. `` admin@sandbox...mailgun.org ``
* Now you can receive emails that is sent to configured alias email address.
* From https://mailgun.com/cp/routes create new route
* Priority: `` 0 ``
* Filter expression: `` catch_all() ``
* Actions: `` store(notify="http://<your odoo domain>/mailgun/notify") ``
* Send email on `` admin@sandox...mailgun.org ``
* Open `` Discuss `` from odoo
* Via your favorite mail client (e.g. gmail.com) send email to `` admin@sandox...mailgun.org ``
* Open `` Discuss `` in odoo
* See your message there
* Stop odoo and send several emails again. On odoo starting you see all your messages in `` Discuss ``