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578 lines
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  1. # Translation of OpenERP Server.
  2. # This file contains the translation of the following modules:
  3. # * asterisk_click2dial
  4. #
  5. msgid ""
  6. msgstr ""
  7. "Project-Id-Version: OpenERP Server 6.1\n"
  8. "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
  9. "POT-Creation-Date: 2012-05-28 19:58+0000\n"
  10. "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-05-28 19:58+0000\n"
  11. "Last-Translator: <>\n"
  12. "Language-Team: \n"
  13. "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
  14. "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
  15. "Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
  16. "Plural-Forms: \n"
  17. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  18. #: view:res.partner:0
  19. #: view:res.partner.address:0
  20. msgid "Dial"
  21. msgstr "Appeler"
  22. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  23. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  24. msgid "SIP"
  25. msgstr "SIP"
  26. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  27. #: help:asterisk.server,ip_address:0
  28. msgid "IP address or DNS name of the Asterisk server."
  29. msgstr "Adresse IP ou DNS du serveur Asterisk."
  30. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  31. #:,current_phone:0
  32. msgid "Current phone"
  33. msgstr "Current phone"
  34. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  35. #: field:res.users,callerid:0
  36. msgid "Caller ID"
  37. msgstr "Identification de l'appelant"
  38. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  39. #: field:res.users,cdraccount:0
  40. msgid "CDR Account"
  41. msgstr ""
  42. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  43. #: field:asterisk.server,wait_time:0
  44. msgid "Wait time (sec)"
  45. msgstr "Temps d'attente (sec)"
  46. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  47. #: field:asterisk.server,context:0
  48. msgid "Dialplan context"
  49. msgstr "Contexte du dialplan"
  50. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  51. #: field:asterisk.server,company_id:0
  52. msgid "Company"
  53. msgstr "Société"
  54. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  55. #: help:asterisk.server,out_prefix:0
  56. msgid "Prefix to dial to place outgoing calls. If you don't use a prefix to place outgoing calls, leave empty."
  57. msgstr "Préfixe à composer pour appeler vers l'extérieur. Si vous n'avez pas à composer un préfixe pour appeler vers l'extérieur, laissez vide."
  58. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  59. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  60. #, python-format
  61. msgid "The phone number is not written in valid international format. Example of valid international format : +33 1 41 98 12 42"
  62. msgstr "Le numéro de téléphone n'est pas dans un format international valide. Exemple de numéro de téléphone dans un format international valide : +33 1 41 98 12 42"
  63. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  64. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  65. #, python-format
  66. msgid "The phone number is not written in valid format."
  67. msgstr "Le numéro de téléphone n'est pas dans un format valide."
  68. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  69. #: field:asterisk.server,national_prefix:0
  70. msgid "National prefix"
  71. msgstr "Préfixe national"
  72. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  73. #: help:asterisk.server,national_format_allowed:0
  74. msgid "Do we allow to use click2dial on phone numbers written in national format, e.g. 01 41 98 12 42, or only in the international format, e.g. +33 1 41 98 12 42 ?"
  75. msgstr "Do we allow to use click2dial on phone numbers written in national format, e.g. 01 41 98 12 42, or only in the international format, e.g. +33 1 41 98 12 42 ?"
  76. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  77. #: field:asterisk.server,out_prefix:0
  78. msgid "Out prefix"
  79. msgstr "Préfixe pour l'extérieur"
  80. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  81. #: help:asterisk.server,port:0
  82. msgid "TCP port on which the Asterisk Manager Interface listens. Defined in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on Asterisk."
  83. msgstr "Port TCP sur lequel écoute l'interface du Manager Asterisk. Cf /etc/asterisk/manager.conf sur le serveur Asterisk."
  84. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  85. #:
  86. msgid "Update an existing contact"
  87. msgstr "Update an existing contact"
  88. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  89. #: field:res.users,internal_number:0
  90. msgid "Internal number"
  91. msgstr "Numéro interne"
  92. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  93. #: field:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  94. msgid "Asterisk channel type"
  95. msgstr "Type de canal Asterisk"
  96. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  97. #: constraint:asterisk.server:0
  98. #: constraint:res.users:0
  99. msgid "Error message in raise"
  100. msgstr "Error message in raise"
  101. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  102. #: help:asterisk.server,national_prefix:0
  103. msgid "Prefix for national phone calls (don't include the 'out prefix'). For e.g., in France, the phone numbers look like '01 41 98 12 42' : the National prefix is '0'."
  104. msgstr "Préfixe pour les appels nationaux (ne pas inclure le préfixe pour l'extérieur). Par exemple, en France, les numéros de téléphone sont du type '01 41 98 12 42' ; le préfixe national est '0'."
  105. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  106. #:
  107. msgid "Create a new contact"
  108. msgstr "Create a new contact"
  109. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  110. #: help:asterisk.server,password:0
  111. msgid "Password that Asterisk will use to communicate with the Asterisk Manager Interface. Refer to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on your Asterisk server."
  112. msgstr "Password that Asterisk will use to communicate with the Asterisk Manager Interface. Refer to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on your Asterisk server."
  113. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  114. #:,calling_number:0
  115. msgid "Calling number"
  116. msgstr "Numéro appelant"
  117. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  118. #: field:res.users,alert_info:0
  119. msgid "User-specific Alert-Info SIP header"
  120. msgstr "En-tête SIP Alert-Info spécifique à l'utilisateur"
  121. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  122. #: help:asterisk.server,active:0
  123. msgid "The active field allows you to hide the Asterisk server without deleting it."
  124. msgstr "The active field allows you to hide the Asterisk server without deleting it."
  125. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  126. #: view:res.users:0
  127. msgid "Telephony"
  128. msgstr "Téléphonie"
  129. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  130. #: view:asterisk.server:0
  131. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:asterisk_click2dial.action_asterisk_server
  132. #:,name:asterisk_click2dial.act_menu_ast_server
  133. #:,asterisk_server_ids:0
  134. msgid "Asterisk servers"
  135. msgstr "Serveurs Asterisk"
  136. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  137. #:,partner_id:0
  138. msgid "Partner related to the calling number"
  139. msgstr "Partenaire associé au numéro appelant"
  140. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  141. #:,partner_id:0
  142. msgid "Partner"
  143. msgstr "Partenaire"
  144. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  145. #: field:asterisk.server,alert_info:0
  146. msgid "Alert-Info SIP header"
  147. msgstr "En-tête SIP Alert-Info SIP"
  148. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  149. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  150. msgid "mISDN"
  151. msgstr "mISDN"
  152. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  153. #: model:ir.model,name:asterisk_click2dial.model_res_company
  154. msgid "Companies"
  155. msgstr "Sociétés"
  156. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  157. #:,partner_address_id:0
  158. msgid "Partner contact related to the calling number"
  159. msgstr "Partner contact related to the calling number"
  160. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  161. #:
  162. msgid "Error! You can not create recursive companies."
  163. msgstr "Erreur ! Vous ne pouvez pas créer de sociétés récursives"
  164. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  165. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  166. #, python-format
  167. msgid "No callerID configured for the current user"
  168. msgstr "No callerID configured for the current user"
  169. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  170. #: field:asterisk.server,national_format_allowed:0
  171. msgid "National format allowed ?"
  172. msgstr "Format national autorisé ?"
  173. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  174. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  175. #, python-format
  176. msgid "Could not get the calling number from Asterisk. Check your setup and look at the OpenERP debug logs."
  177. msgstr "Could not get the calling number from Asterisk. Check your setup and look at the OpenERP debug logs."
  178. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  179. #: help:asterisk.server,name:0
  180. msgid "Asterisk server name."
  181. msgstr "Nom du serveur Asterisk."
  182. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  183. #: field:asterisk.server,country_prefix:0
  184. msgid "My country prefix"
  185. msgstr "Préfixe du pays"
  186. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  187. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  188. msgid "IAX2"
  189. msgstr "IAX2"
  190. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  191. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  192. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  193. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  194. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  195. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  196. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  197. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  198. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  199. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  200. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  201. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  202. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  203. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  204. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  205. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  206. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  207. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  208. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  209. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  210. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  211. #, python-format
  212. msgid "Error :"
  213. msgstr "Erreur :"
  214. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  215. #: help:res.users,internal_number:0
  216. msgid "User's internal phone number."
  217. msgstr "Numéro de téléphone interne de l'utilisateur."
  218. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  219. #: help:res.users,cdraccount:0
  220. msgid "CDR Account used for billing this user."
  221. msgstr ""
  222. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  223. #: model:ir.actions.act_window,name:asterisk_click2dial.action_open_calling_partner
  224. #:,name:asterisk_click2dial.menu_open_calling_partner_sales
  225. #:
  226. msgid "Open calling partner"
  227. msgstr "Ouvrir le partenaire appelant"
  228. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  229. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  230. #, python-format
  231. msgid "There is no phone number !"
  232. msgstr "Il n'y a pas de numéro de téléphone !"
  233. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  234. #: model:ir.model,name:asterisk_click2dial.model_wizard_open_calling_partner
  235. msgid ""
  236. msgstr ""
  237. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  238. #: help:asterisk.server,international_prefix:0
  239. msgid "Prefix to add to make international phone calls (don't include the 'out prefix'). For e.g., in France, the International prefix is '00'."
  240. msgstr "Préfixe à ajouter pour passer des appels vers l'étranger (ne pas inclure le préfixe pour l'extérieur). Par exemple, en France, le préfixe pour l'international est '00'."
  241. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  242. #: help:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  243. msgid "Asterisk channel type, as used in the Asterisk dialplan. If the user has a regular IP phone, the channel type is 'SIP'."
  244. msgstr "Type de canal Asterisk, tel qu'utilisé dans le dialplan d'Asterisk. Si l'utilisateur a un téléphone IP classique, le type de canal est 'SIP'."
  245. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  246. #: help:asterisk.server,company_id:0
  247. msgid "Company who uses the Asterisk server."
  248. msgstr "Société qui utilise le serveur Asterisk."
  249. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  250. #:,calling_number:0
  251. msgid "Phone number of calling party that has been obtained from Asterisk."
  252. msgstr "Phone number of calling party that has been obtained from Asterisk."
  253. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  254. #:
  255. msgid "Contact form"
  256. msgstr "Contact form"
  257. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  258. #:,current_mobile:0
  259. msgid "Current mobile"
  260. msgstr "Current mobile"
  261. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  262. #: help:asterisk.server,wait_time:0
  263. msgid "Amount of time (in seconds) Asterisk will try to reach the user's phone before hanging up."
  264. msgstr "Temps (en secondes) pendant lequel Asterisk essayera de joindre le téléphone de l'utilisateur avant d'abandonner."
  265. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  266. #: model:ir.model,name:asterisk_click2dial.model_res_partner_address
  267. msgid "Partner Addresses"
  268. msgstr "Carnet d'adresses"
  269. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  270. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  271. msgid "Zap"
  272. msgstr "Zap"
  273. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  274. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  275. #, python-format
  276. msgid "No channel type configured for the current user."
  277. msgstr "Aucun type de canal n'est configuré pour le présent utilisateur."
  278. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  279. #: field:asterisk.server,international_prefix:0
  280. msgid "International prefix"
  281. msgstr "Préfixe international"
  282. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  283. #: constraint:res.users:0
  284. msgid "The chosen company is not in the allowed companies for this user"
  285. msgstr "La société choisie n'est pas autorisée pour cet utilisateur."
  286. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  287. #:
  288. msgid "Update mobile"
  289. msgstr "Update mobile"
  290. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  291. #: field:asterisk.server,extension_priority:0
  292. msgid "Extension priority"
  293. msgstr "Priorité de l'extension"
  294. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  295. #: model:res.groups,name:asterisk_click2dial.group_asterisk_cid
  296. msgid "Asterisk CallerID"
  297. msgstr "Asterisk CallerID"
  298. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  299. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  300. #, python-format
  301. msgid "The connection from OpenERP to the Asterisk server failed. Please check the configuration on OpenERP and on Asterisk."
  302. msgstr "La connexion depuis OpenERP vers le serveur Asterisk a échoué. Vérifiez la configuration côté OpenERP et côté Asterisk."
  303. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  304. #: help:asterisk.server,context:0
  305. msgid "Asterisk dialplan context from which the calls will be made. Refer to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf on your Asterisk server."
  306. msgstr "Contexte du dialplan d'Asterisk depuis lequel les appels seront initiés. Cf /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf sur le serveur Asterisk."
  307. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  308. #: help:asterisk.server,extension_priority:0
  309. msgid "Priority of the extension in the Asterisk dialplan. Refer to /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf on your Asterisk server."
  310. msgstr "Priorité de l'extension dans le dialplan d'Asterisk. Cf /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf sur le serveur Asterisk."
  311. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  312. #: view:res.users:0
  313. msgid "User"
  314. msgstr "Utilisateur"
  315. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  316. #: field:asterisk.server,active:0
  317. msgid "Active"
  318. msgstr "Actif"
  319. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  320. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  321. msgid "MGCP"
  322. msgstr "MGCP"
  323. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  324. #:,to_update_partner_address_id:0
  325. msgid "Contact to update"
  326. msgstr "Contact to update"
  327. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  328. #:
  329. msgid "Related sale orders"
  330. msgstr "Bons de commande associés"
  331. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  332. #: help:res.users,variable:0
  333. msgid "Set a user-specific 'Variable' field in the Asterisk Manager Interface 'originate' request for the click2dial feature. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  334. msgstr "Set a user-specific 'Variable' field in the Asterisk Manager Interface 'originate' request for the click2dial feature. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  335. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  336. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  337. msgid "Skinny"
  338. msgstr "Skinny"
  339. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  340. #: help:res.users,alert_info:0
  341. msgid "Set a user-specific Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer for example. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  342. msgstr "Set a user-specific Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer for example. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  343. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  344. #:
  345. msgid "with calling number as mobile"
  346. msgstr "with calling number as mobile"
  347. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  348. #:,partner_address_id:0
  349. msgid "Contact name"
  350. msgstr "Contact name"
  351. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  352. #: sql_constraint:res.users:0
  353. msgid "You can not have two users with the same login !"
  354. msgstr "VOus ne pouvez pas avoir deux utilsiateurs avec le même login !"
  355. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  356. #: field:asterisk.server,ip_address:0
  357. msgid "Asterisk IP addr. or DNS"
  358. msgstr "Adr. IP ou DNS d'Asterisk"
  359. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  360. #:,asterisk_server_ids:0
  361. msgid "List of Asterisk servers."
  362. msgstr "Liste des serveurs Asterisk."
  363. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  364. #: help:asterisk.server,login:0
  365. msgid "Login that OpenERP will use to communicate with the Asterisk Manager Interface. Refer to /etc/asterisk/manager.conf on your Asterisk server."
  366. msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur qu'OpenERP utilisera pour communiquer avec l'interface du Manager d'Asterisk. Cf /etc/asterisk/manager.conf sur le serveur Asterisk."
  367. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  368. #: field:asterisk.server,name:0
  369. msgid "Asterisk server name"
  370. msgstr "Nom du serveur Asterisk"
  371. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  372. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  373. #, python-format
  374. msgid "No internal phone number configured for the current user"
  375. msgstr "Aucun numéro de téléphone interne n'est configuré pour le présent utilisateur."
  376. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  377. #:
  378. msgid "Cancel"
  379. msgstr "Annuler"
  380. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  381. #: model:ir.model,name:asterisk_click2dial.model_res_users
  382. msgid "res.users"
  383. msgstr "res.users"
  384. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  385. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  386. #, python-format
  387. msgid "The phone number is not written in valid national format."
  388. msgstr "Le numéro de téléphone n'est pas dans un format national valide."
  389. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  390. #: field:asterisk.server,password:0
  391. msgid "AMI password"
  392. msgstr "Mot de passe AMI"
  393. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  394. #:
  395. msgid "Partner form"
  396. msgstr "Fiche partenaire"
  397. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  398. #: help:res.users,asterisk_server_id:0
  399. msgid "Asterisk server on which the user's phone is connected. If you leave this field empty, it will use the first Asterisk server of the user's company."
  400. msgstr "Asterisk server on which the user's phone is connected. If you leave this field empty, it will use the first Asterisk server of the user's company."
  401. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  402. #: field:res.users,asterisk_server_id:0
  403. msgid "Asterisk server"
  404. msgstr "Serveur Asterisk"
  405. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  406. #: model:ir.model,name:asterisk_click2dial.model_asterisk_server
  407. msgid "Asterisk Servers"
  408. msgstr "Serveurs Asterisk"
  409. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  410. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  411. msgid "DAHDI"
  412. msgstr "DAHDI"
  413. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  414. #: field:asterisk.server,login:0
  415. msgid "AMI login"
  416. msgstr "Nom d'utilisateur AMI"
  417. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  418. #: code:addons/asterisk_click2dial/
  419. #, python-format
  420. msgid "No Asterisk server configured for the company '%s'."
  421. msgstr "Aucun serveur Asterisk n'est associé à la société '%s'."
  422. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  423. #:,to_update_partner_address_id:0
  424. msgid "Partner contact on which the phone or mobile number will be written"
  425. msgstr "Partner contact on which the phone or mobile number will be written"
  426. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  427. #: help:asterisk.server,country_prefix:0
  428. msgid "Phone prefix of the country where the Asterisk server is located. For e.g. the phone prefix for France is '33'. If the phone number to dial starts with the 'My country prefix', OpenERP will remove the country prefix from the phone number and add the 'out prefix' followed by the 'national prefix'. If the phone number to dial doesn't start with the 'My country prefix', OpenERP will add the 'out prefix' followed by the 'international prefix'."
  429. msgstr "Préfixe téléphonique du pays dans lequel est situé le serveur Asterisk. Par exemple, le préfixe téléphonique de la France est '33'. Si le numéro de téléphone à appeler commence par le préfixe du pays, OpenERP supprimera ce préfixe du numéro de téléphone à composer et ajoutera le préfixe pour l'extérieur suivi par le préfixe national. Si le numéro de téléphone à appeler ne commence pas par le préfixe du pays, OpenERP ajoutera le préfixe pour l'extérieur suivi par le préfixe international."
  430. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  431. #: help:res.users,callerid:0
  432. msgid "Caller ID used for the calls initiated by this user."
  433. msgstr "'Caller ID' des appels passés par l'utilisateur."
  434. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  435. #:
  436. msgid "IPBX"
  437. msgstr "IPBX"
  438. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  439. #:
  440. msgid "with calling number as phone"
  441. msgstr "with calling number as phone"
  442. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  443. #:
  444. msgid "The company name must be unique !"
  445. msgstr "Le nom de la société doit être unique !"
  446. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  447. #:
  448. msgid "Update phone"
  449. msgstr "Update phone"
  450. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  451. #: help:asterisk.server,alert_info:0
  452. msgid "Set Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer for example. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  453. msgstr "Set Alert-Info header in SIP request to user's IP Phone for the click2dial feature. If empty, the Alert-Info header will not be added. You can use it to have a special ring tone for click2dial (a silent one !) or to activate auto-answer for example. If you want to have several variable headers, separate them with '|'."
  454. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  455. #:
  456. msgid "Related invoices"
  457. msgstr "Factures associées"
  458. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  459. #: selection:res.users,asterisk_chan_type:0
  460. msgid "H323"
  461. msgstr "H323"
  462. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  463. #: field:res.users,variable:0
  464. msgid "User-specific Variable"
  465. msgstr "Variable spécifique à l'utilisateur"
  466. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  467. #: field:asterisk.server,port:0
  468. msgid "Port"
  469. msgstr "Port"
  470. #. module: asterisk_click2dial
  471. #:
  472. msgid "No partner contact found in OpenERP with this number"
  473. msgstr ""