Browse Source

Clear old translation strings.

Jairo Llopis 9 years ago
  1. 93
  2. 96
  3. 96


@ -22,96 +22,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: view:res.partner:partner_contact_base.personal_information
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Persönliche Auskunft"
#~ msgid "City"
#~ msgstr "Stadt"
#~ msgid "other position"
#~ msgstr "andere Position"
#~ msgid "Contacts"
#~ msgstr "Kontakte"
#~ msgid "To see personal information about this contact, please go to to the his person form:"
#~ msgstr "Um persönliche Auskunft zu diesem Kontakt zu erhalten, gehen Sie bitte auf die Seite persönlich:"
#~ msgid "Street..."
#~ msgstr "Straße..."
#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Bundesland"
#~ msgid "at"
#~ msgstr "bei"
#~ msgid "Tags..."
#~ msgstr "Schlagworte..."
#~ msgid "Other Positions"
#~ msgstr "Andere Positionen"
#~ msgid "Phone:"
#~ msgstr "Telefon:"
#~ msgid "Company"
#~ msgstr "Unternehmen"
#~ msgid "Main Contact"
#~ msgstr "Hauptkontakt"
#~ msgid "Fax:"
#~ msgstr "Fax:"
#~ msgid "Standalone Contact"
#~ msgstr "Alleinstehender Kontakt"
#~ msgid "Nationality."
#~ msgstr "Nationalität."
#~ msgid "Address"
#~ msgstr "Anschrift"
#~ msgid "Nationality"
#~ msgstr "Nationalität"
#~ msgid "Attached to existing Contact"
#~ msgstr "Mit bestehendem Kontakt verknüpft"
#~ msgid "ZIP"
#~ msgstr "PLZ"
#~ msgid "Country"
#~ msgstr "Land"
#~ msgid "Birthdate"
#~ msgstr "Geburtsdatum"
#~ msgid "Person"
#~ msgstr "Person"
#~ msgid "Contact"
#~ msgstr "Kontakt"
#~ msgid "Mobile:"
#~ msgstr "Mobil:"
#~ msgid "All partner positions"
#~ msgstr "Alle Positionen des Partners"
#~ msgid "All positions"
#~ msgstr "Alle Positionen"
#~ msgid "other positions"
#~ msgstr "andere Positionen"
#~ msgid "Contact Type"
#~ msgstr "Kontaktart"
#~ msgid "Partner"
#~ msgstr "Partner"
#~ msgid "Others Positions"
#~ msgstr "Andere Positionen"
#~ msgid "e.g. Sales Director"
#~ msgstr "z. B. Verkaufsleiter"


@ -21,99 +21,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: view:res.partner:partner_contact_base.personal_information
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Informations personnelles"
#~ msgid "City"
#~ msgstr "Ville"
#~ msgid "other position"
#~ msgstr "fonction"
#~ msgid "Contacts"
#~ msgstr "Contacts"
#~ msgid "To see personal information about this contact, please go to to the his person form:"
#~ msgstr "Pour voir des informations personnelles sur ce contact, s'il vous plaît aller au formulaire de la personne:"
#~ msgid "Street..."
#~ msgstr "Rue..."
#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "État"
#~ msgid "at"
#~ msgstr "à"
#~ msgid "Tags..."
#~ msgstr "Étiquettes..."
#~ msgid "Other Positions"
#~ msgstr "Fonctions"
#~ msgid "Phone:"
#~ msgstr "Téléphone:"
#~ msgid "Company"
#~ msgstr "Organisme"
#~ msgid "Main Contact"
#~ msgstr "Principal contact"
#~ msgid "Fax:"
#~ msgstr "Fax :"
#~ msgid "Standalone Contact"
#~ msgstr "Contact autonome"
#~ msgid "Nationality."
#~ msgstr "Nationalité."
#~ msgid "Address"
#~ msgstr "Adresse"
#~ msgid "Nationality"
#~ msgstr "Nationalité"
#~ msgid "Attached to existing Contact"
#~ msgstr "Contact rattaché à un contact existant"
#~ msgid "ZIP"
#~ msgstr "Code postal"
#~ msgid "Country"
#~ msgstr "Pays"
#~ msgid "Birthdate"
#~ msgstr "Date de naissance"
#~ msgid "Person"
#~ msgstr "Personne"
#~ msgid "Contact"
#~ msgstr "Contact"
#~ msgid "Mobile:"
#~ msgstr "Portable :"
#~ msgid "All partner positions"
#~ msgstr "Tous les contacts"
#~ msgid "All positions"
#~ msgstr "Tous les contacts"
#~ msgid "ir.actions.act_window"
#~ msgstr "ir.actions.act_window"
#~ msgid "other positions"
#~ msgstr "fonctions"
#~ msgid "Contact Type"
#~ msgstr "Type de contact"
#~ msgid "Partner"
#~ msgstr "Partenaire"
#~ msgid "Others Positions"
#~ msgstr "Fonctions"
#~ msgid "e.g. Sales Director"
#~ msgstr "ex: Directeur des ventes"


@ -22,99 +22,3 @@ msgstr ""
#: view:res.partner:partner_contact_base.personal_information
msgid "Personal Information"
msgstr "Osebni podatki"
#~ msgid "City"
#~ msgstr "Kraj"
#~ msgid "other position"
#~ msgstr "drug položaj"
#~ msgid "Contacts"
#~ msgstr "Stiki"
#~ msgid "To see personal information about this contact, please go to to the his person form:"
#~ msgstr "Za ogled osebnih podatkov o tem stiku pojdite na njegov glavni obrazec:"
#~ msgid "Street..."
#~ msgstr "Ulica..."
#~ msgid "State"
#~ msgstr "Zvezna država"
#~ msgid "at"
#~ msgstr "pri"
#~ msgid "Tags..."
#~ msgstr "Oznake..."
#~ msgid "Other Positions"
#~ msgstr "Drugi položaji"
#~ msgid "Phone:"
#~ msgstr "Telefon:"
#~ msgid "Company"
#~ msgstr "Družba"
#~ msgid "Main Contact"
#~ msgstr "Glavni stik"
#~ msgid "Fax:"
#~ msgstr "Faks:"
#~ msgid "Standalone Contact"
#~ msgstr "Samostojni stik"
#~ msgid "Nationality."
#~ msgstr "Nacionalnost"
#~ msgid "Address"
#~ msgstr "Naslov"
#~ msgid "Nationality"
#~ msgstr "Nacionalnost"
#~ msgid "Attached to existing Contact"
#~ msgstr "Pripeto obstoječemu stiku"
#~ msgid "ZIP"
#~ msgstr "Poštna številka"
#~ msgid "Country"
#~ msgstr "Država"
#~ msgid "Birthdate"
#~ msgstr "Rojstni datum"
#~ msgid "Person"
#~ msgstr "Oseba"
#~ msgid "Contact"
#~ msgstr "Stik"
#~ msgid "Mobile:"
#~ msgstr "Mobilni telefon:"
#~ msgid "All partner positions"
#~ msgstr "Vsi partnerjevi položaji"
#~ msgid "All positions"
#~ msgstr "Vsi položaji"
#~ msgid "ir.actions.act_window"
#~ msgstr "ir.actions.act_window"
#~ msgid "other positions"
#~ msgstr "drugi položaji"
#~ msgid "Contact Type"
#~ msgstr "Tip stika"
#~ msgid "Partner"
#~ msgstr "Partner"
#~ msgid "Others Positions"
#~ msgstr "Drugi položaji"
#~ msgid "e.g. Sales Director"
#~ msgstr "npr. vodja prodaje"